Rocky's Weekly Roundup!
December 3, 2023

A Message from the Leadership Team
Dear RES Families,
We hope you have found opportunities to enjoy this beautiful weekend. We are in the homestretch of the school year, with just 12 more days to go! There are many end of year activities and happenings including starting tomorrow the RES 12 Days Until Summer Countdown (see below).
The weather was absolutely perfect for our preschool to grade 4 field days this past week. A big shoutout to our fantastic PE teachers, Mrs. Emerito and Ms. Starkey, for orchestrating such an enjoyable day for everyone. We're incredibly grateful to all our volunteers for generously giving their time to manage the stations, and a special thanks to the Redding Fire Department for their assistance in filling up the water stations! We even had a very special visit from Rocky the Raccoon.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
Mrs. Melissa Labrosciano, Principal
Mrs. Kim Roy, Assistant Principal
RES 12 Days Until Summer Countdown
Not Attending RES for the 2024-2025 School Year?
If you are not returning to RES next year due to moving out of the area, changing schools, etc. Please reach out to Mrs. Mary Burritt, mburritt@er9.org in our main office for the appropriate withdrawal paperwork at your earliest convenience. It is helpful to know as we begin the class placement process.
RES Summer Academy 2024 Registration!
RES Summer Academy 2024 registration is now open. Please use the following links to see the brochure and registration forms. Please note due to high interest, Ready, Set Kindergarten has a separate registration for the lottery.
*There is a WEEK 3 Class for Kindergarten in this Brochure
JRMS Summer Enrichment Program
We are happy to share that the John Read Middle School 2024 Summer Enrichment Program is on and begins the week of June 26th. Click on the list of programs to see all the different camps being offered and to register.
Please contact Judy Collentine at jcollentine@er9.org with questions.
A Message from Nurse Connolly...
From The Health Office:
The following communication was sent to families on April 23rd...
This communication is to inform you that as of Monday, April 22nd Mrs. Jennifer Connolly, RES School Nurse will be on a temporary leave of absence. Nurse Connolly will be returning on Monday, June 3rd.
While she's away, Deanna Carley and Danielle Frenzel, our part-time nurses, will be stepping into more full-time roles. Additionally, we're fortunate to have Carolyn Kearney, retired Samuel Staples School Nurse, joining our team. Please take a look at the schedule for these nurses below.
Do not hesitate to reach out to any of our nurses with any questions or concerns. Our school nurses can also always be reached by telephone, 203.938.2519 ext. 309.
Important Dates and Reminders
June 18th: Fourth Grade Stepping Up Ceremony @ 9:30 a.m. (RCC)
June 18th: Last Day of School!
Visiting RES...
At RES we regularly discuss our safety protocols and procedures. The following protocols are implemented for visitors at RES:
In order to enter the vestibule at the main entrance, anyone wishing to do so MUST present a photo identification. Identification will be held up to the outside camera and checked by our office staff before you are allowed to enter the vestibule. This procedure includes dropping off your child, picking up your child, etc. Please do not take offense if you feel the office staff should know you. There will not be an exception made to this rule. Office staff will also be asking visitors the purpose of their visit.
Visitors will be allowed in the building by appointment only. Appointments could range from a specific meeting with a teacher, special education team, and/or administration. Appointments would also include any volunteer opportunities or visits in your child’s classroom. An appointment may also be a call from the nurse to pick up your child. All planned visits and appointments will be arranged for you by an RES staff member. In accordance with our volunteer guidelines, parents may not bring younger siblings to classroom celebrations, volunteer opportunities or on field trips.
If you feel you need to enter the building and have not made previous arrangements. You must call RES to make arrangements prior to arriving. For example, access to our lost and found area.
A drop-off table will be placed outside of the vestibule. The table will be clearly marked. Please make sure items are properly labeled before you arrive (child’s name and teacher). You do not need to ring the bell to tell the office an item is being dropped off. The table will be checked twice daily at 10:30 a.m. and at the end of each school day.
Students are expected to be dropped off each morning by 8:05 a.m. If you are arriving at drop off after 8:05 a.m., please drop your child off by parking in the main parking lot, and have your child walk down the walkway to enter through the RES main entrance.
Morning Arrival Procedures...
A reminder that our doors open to students at 7:55 a.m. each morning and the official start of our school day begins at 8:05 a.m. Our goal is to have all students in the building and in their classrooms by this time, so that each classroom can begin their day together and can maximize their time with each other.
A challenge that we need your support with, if you are dropping your child off in the morning, is to ensure the following guidelines are being followed to help our car lines move quickly.
parents and caregivers remain in vehicles
backpacks on and ready
students exit from the passenger side of the vehicle
practice unbuckling seat belts and opening car doors
do not stop in the middle of the car line, always pull forward closest to the dumpster
If your child needs support with unbuckling their seatbelts in the morning, we ask that you exit the car line as you approach the drop off and pull your vehicle into an available parking spot to assist with this process. This will help our car line move quickly. Once the student is out of the car, you may walk your child over to the sidewalk to be greeted by one of our staff members. From this point, students, only, will walk toward and enter the building. Of course, we want to foster independence in our youngest students and hope that most of our vehicles will remain in the line for dropping off.
Please be courteous, kind. Plan accordingly and expect to be running late if you need to be somewhere in the morning or afternoon at a certain time. If time is of the essence our recommendation is to have your child take the bus to school and home.
Peanut and Tree Nut Free Classrooms...
Due to the amount of students with life threatening peanut and tree nut allergies all classrooms at RES are designated as peanut and tree nut free areas. We are following the same practices as JRMS. Please do not pack classroom snacks that contain peanuts and/or tree nuts. Your child may still enjoy peanuts and/or tree nuts during his/her lunch period in the cafeteria. We only ask that snacks eaten in the classroom do not contain such products, as the cafeteria has additional procedures and special precautions to follow for children with food allergies. Students are encouraged to engage in safe practices in the cafeteria, which includes refraining from sharing or swapping meals and snacks. If food is being allowed at a classroom celebration, food products must be accompanied by the original packaging so that ingredients can be checked.
RES Job Opportunities
What's New in Our Redding Community?
Contact Us
Additional School Contacts
Office hours for Special Services is 7:30am - 3:00pm during the regular school year.
Ms. Katherine Matz, Director, Special Services
Mrs. Jennifer Hankla, Supervisor, Special Services
Mrs. Marilyn Caruso, Secretary, Special Services
mcaruso@er9.org Ext. 312
Office hours for the main office is 7:30 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. during the normal 10-month / 180 day school year.
Miss Bobbie Granskog, School Secretary
bgranskog@er9.org Ext. 304
Budgets, Payroll, & Liaison for Rocky's Weekly Roundup!
Mrs. Mary Burritt, School Secretary
mburritt@er9.org Ext. 302
Registrar & Enrollment
Mrs. Rachel Saluzzi, School Secretary
rsaluzzi@er9.org Ext. 301
Assistant to School Principals
School Dismissal Manager & Substitutes
Nurse Connolly — Ext. 309
Library— Ext. 343
Kitchen — Ext. 346
You will find a complete list of telephone extensions and email addresses for all central office and RES staff on the district's website, www.er9.org.