Greenbriar Gazette 3/22/2024

Volume 33 Issue 28 | March 22, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Greenbriar Families,
We had such fun at our March Greyhound Pack meetings this week. We made a school-wide paper chain including a link for each student and staff member. Check it out inside our front entrance next time you're at Greenbriar (and check out the photo below of all of us with the paper chain in the gym)! We also loved seeing our kindergarten families visiting for our annual Kindergarten Fine Arts Sharing on Wednesday. Our students were so excited to show off their work and learning in music and art!
Today, parents will receive access to their children's trimester two progress reports. Please take time to review the scores on each standard and the teachers' comments. Reach out to teachers with questions and they will be sure to respond following spring break. We look forward to a busy and fun third trimester!
As a reminder, April 8-12 is state testing (IL Assessment of Readiness-IAR) for 3rd-5th graders. We will test each morning from 8:30 until about 10:00. Please make every effort for students to be on time for these days as they will not be able to test that day if they arrive late and miss the instructions. Please also avoid student absences for appointments if at all possible.
The next Gazette will arrive in your inboxes on April 5th. I hope you all have relaxing and fun spring breaks filled with sunshine and basketball!
News & Notes
Summer Enrichment & ESY Registration Opens 7 p.m. April 1
The registration window for Summer Enrichment Programming and Extended School Year (ESY) opens at 7 p.m. Monday, April 1 and closes Friday April 12th at 11:59 p.m.
Review Enrichment Course Descriptions, class period times and Frequently Asked Questions on the Summer Programming page, where you will also access the registration links.
The Summer Enrichment and Extended School Year programs runThursday, June 6 - Friday June 28 and will be held at Westmoor School for incoming grades 1-4 and at Northbrook Junior High for incoming grades 5-8.
Optional Parent Placement Input Accepted in April
Placing students in balanced peer groups is one of the most important, and challenging, things we do in education. We consider a wide range of information when making decisions regarding placement including the following: children’s academic strengths and areas for growth, IEP and 504 plan needs, English learner needs, social-emotional needs, peer relationships, and teaching styles. Current classroom teachers, and other staff who work regularly with students, have a great deal of input into a child’s placement for the following year.
We do not accept specific friendship requests or teacher requests for class placement. We do accept parent input on two specific areas regarding placement: 1) information about peers you would like your child to be separated from, only if they were in class together this school year (this type of request will be accommodated as a first priority and may impact other placement decisions for your child); and 2) any input regarding the type of classroom environment that may benefit your child and/or if you have had specific, personal experiences with a teacher based on an older sibling.
If you feel like your child’s teacher/team has enough information regarding placement already, you DO NOT need to submit a letter to us, but, of course, we welcome thoughts if you have specific concerns or feedback. Should you want to provide specific information, please send a letter or email directly to Dr. Hiltz or Ms. Montagano, School Psychologist, by April 26th.
No Dogs on School Property, Please
As we like to say, our Greyhounds (and Krieger!) love dogs. However, we cannot allow dogs onto school property during the school day, even during drop off or pick up. Please help keep everyone safe by leaving your pup at home when you're coming and going from Greenbriar.
A Sneak Peak Into Speech Language Services with Kelly Melzer
Student speech and language needs have changed quite a bit since COVID. Kelly Melzer, one of Greenbriar's four Speech Language Pathologists, has written a behind the scenes look at what speech and language services look like for students at Greenbriar. Please click here to learn more.
Parent Book Discussion on "Yardsticks" *repeat*
Please join us for a book discussion, at either of the times listed below, to explore together the insightful world of Yardsticks: Children in the Classroom Ages 4-14 by Chip Wood! This book offers a chance to deepen our understanding of our children's developmental stages and connect with other parents. We hope parents will order this book and take a few moments to read through the relevant portions before joining us to discuss questions and insights. The District 28 Principals will be leading the discussions. Let's support each other on this journey of raising resilient and thriving children!
May 14 @ 1:00 - 2:00 PM in the Westmoor Cafeteria
May 14 @ 6:00 - 7:00 PM in the NBJH Cafeteria
Please use this link to RSVP by April 5th.
Eliminating Food Waste at Lunch *repeat*
Unfortunately, we have been seeing a lot of food waste during lunch at Greenbriar, specifically the additional sides that come with Marla's lunch meals (e.g., bags of carrots, chips, cookies, etc.). To combat this waste, starting after spring break, we will be putting out collection boxes near the trash cans for any unopened packaged items. These will be donated to area food pantries. If you would like your children to bring home any of their unopened food, please confirm with their teachers and we will make sure it comes home in lunchboxes or backpacks.
KidCare Registration Opens April 16 *repeat*
KidCare is District 28's before- and after-school care program for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. The goal of the program is to provide a fun, safe environment with opportunities including crafts, games, physical activities, and study time.
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year opens April 16 at 7 p.m. Visit the KidCare Webpage for details
Family Service/Greenbriar Gives Off-Site Volunteer Opportunities *repeat*
Join us on Saturdays during the month of April at Feed My Starving Children (Libertyville). This is a great opportunity for the whole family to be of service and support the Family Service/Greenbriar Gives off-site service initiative. Please use this SignUpGenius link to grab your spot. In your sign up submission, please include the names of all individuals who will be volunteering with you. The minimum age to participate is 5 years old. There are many spots still open for 4/6 and 4/20! Thank you!
BPAC Meeting focuses on Multilingualism and Multicuturalism
All parents are invited to attend the Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) meeting. Guest Speaker Sabrina Levitas, M.A., LPC from the Center for Psychology Wellness in Northbrook will lead us in learning about the benefits and challenges of multilingualism and multiculturalism and strategies to support school-aged children. Through conversation and shared experiences, we’ll learn about how to navigate relevant topics that impact Multilingual Families.
- Thursday, April 11 at 7:00-8:00 pm in the HOH Room (between NBJH and District office at 1475 Maple Ave.)
- Please RSVP to attend and/or sign up for child care
We will learn about:
- the benefits and challenges of multilingualism and multiculturalism
- strategies to support school-aged children.
- how to navigate relevant topics that impact Multilingual Families.
- For more information, please contact Jasmine Myalil,
Attention 4th- and 5th-Graders: Come to the French Fair
All 4th- and 5th-grade students and their families are invited to the French Fair from 4 to 5:30 p.m. April 17 at the NBJH small gym.
Come learn how fun, easy and useful the French language can be!
Play games, win prizes, do crafts, participate in activities and taste French food and drinks.
It's all free for you and your families!
Contact Mme Perkins with any additional questions.
Last Chance! Participate in the 5Essentials Survey
We want to hear your perspective on your child’s education and learning environment. Please take a few minutes to take the Illinois 5Essentials Survey for parents. As of this week, Greenbriar School has a 21% response rate from parents (Yay!). We needed 20% response rate in order for school administration to receive a report of the findings. This information is also showcased on the Illinois School Report Card under ‘School Environment.' The survey closes on March 29th. The Illinois State Board of Education has more information about the Illinois 5Essentials Survey or view District information on our website. Take the Survey Today!
PTO News
The PTO will be sending a weekly update on can also always find the latest news and updates on the PTO website.
HOH5K Practice Run Volunteers Needed!
Hello, Greenbriar families! On Saturday, May 4, D28 will be hosting our annual scholarship fundraiser, The HOH 5K Run. Proceeds from the 5K will provide scholarship money to GBN seniors who attended D28 schools. In order to get our Greenbriar kids ready, we've traditionally held "training runs" at recess. In order to "run" this program, we need some extra hands (and creative dry-erase marker art skills ). Please sign up for one session if you are able! If space remains, we'll send another email asking for additional help. Thank you so much!
Upcoming Events
- March 22: Progress reports shared with families
- March 25-29: No School, Spring Break
- April 2: PTO Pizza & Spirit Wear Day
- April 4: District 28 Faculty Recital Night @ 7pm
- April 8-12: IAR testing for grades 3-5
- April 9: PTO Pizza & Spirit Wear Day
- April 12: Erin's Law presentations
- April 15, 16 & 18: 5th grade IL Science assessment
- April 16: PTO Pizza & Spirit Wear Day
- April 23: PTO Pizza & Spirit Wear Day
- April 23: Board of Education meeting @ 7pm
- April 25: Greyhound Pack meetings!
- April 25: GREEN cast 5th grade musical performance @ 7pm
- April 26: GRAY cast 5th grade musical performance @ 7pm
- April 26: Parent letters re: 2024-25 placement due
Mark Your Calendars for Important Events!
You can also visit to add these events to your personal device. Stay organized by downloading the District 28 Mobile App to access dates and news in an instant.
Virtual Backpack
District 28 invites local non-profit organizations and community government agencies to promote events for families and children. Each week, some event are highlighted in the newsletter. View the complete list of events on the Virtual Backpack web page. To submit an event, please email the web-friendly flier to Terry Ryan, Communications Director. All fliers are subject to approval.
5K for CATCH is April 13
5K for CATCH is a run/walk event for the whole family to raise awareness and support for the organization. This event aims to bring the community together to shed light on the importance of mental well-being and support those who are affected by mental health challenges.
Here are some key details about the event:
Date: April 13, 2024
Time: 8:00AM
Location: Techny Prairie Activity Center (TPAC), 180 Anets Drive, Northbrook
Who should register: This event is for everyone - We encourage individuals, families, school groups, and community organizations to participate and help make this event a success.
Adult Mental Fitness Workshop
We're thrilled to announce the launch of Northbrook's first-ever FREE Mental Fitness Workshop! Join us as we delve deep into the vital topic of mental wellness, focusing on breaking free from self-sabotage, embracing our authentic selves, and silencing the negative inner chatter that holds us back at 2:30 p.m. on March 23 at Northbrook Public Library.
In today's fast-paced world, prioritizing our mental fitness is more crucial than ever. With the constant demands and pressures we face, it's easy to fall into patterns of self-doubt, negative self-talk, and overwhelming stress. That's why this workshop is designed to equip you with the tools and insights needed to cultivate resilience, reclaim your power, and live a more fulfilling life.
Healthy Kids Running Series - Registration Now Open!
Registration is now open for the five-week Spring series that runs from April 21st through May 19th at Willow Park in Glenview.
Kids ages 2 - 14 participate in five weeks of cross country style races that aim to provide a positive and fun introduction to running. Everyone receives a T-shirt, 5 race bibs and a finisher medal after the final race. Top 3 finishers in each Division receive a trophy too!