NWMS Weekly Parent Update
January 13-17
It's a Great Day to be a Viking!
Reminders and Updates
Good afternoon NWMS Vikings,
I hope this weekly update finds everyone doing well! I am out of the office for a few days. In my absence please reach out to our Assistant Principals, Ben Davis and CeCe Matson, if you have any questions or needs. The dates and information included below are accurate at the time I am writing this (on Wed. Jan. 8th) but if weather causes school to be delayed or canceled then the events below might also change or be cancelled.
The deadline for purchasing a Yearbook is getting close. Don't forget to order your Staff Copy and also remind students and parents to order their copies by Jan. 28th! To order a Yearbook go to the website ybpay.com and enter the NWMS Code 14429725. The cost is $38.00 for students (I think there might be a discount for Staff but I am not certain of that cost). It is a hard cover book.
Let's make it a great week,
Mrs. Francisco
Weekly Information
Monday, 1/13
- Jazz Band before school
- Student Council after school
- Basketball @ Home vs. Southeast
- Wrestling @ Southeast
Tuesday, 1/14
- FBLA before school
- PTO Board Meeting 9:30 am in Mobile 17
- Wrestling Pictures made after school
Wednesday, 1/15
- Jazz Band before school
- Purple Star Club before school
- Girls who Game Club before school
- Spanish Club before school
- Zoology before school
- Speech and Debate Club after school
- Math Club after school
- Wrestling @ Northern (new/changed date)
Thursday, 1/16
- Impact Club before school
- Interim Assessment #2 for 6th ELA, Math 7, Acc Math 7, Math 8 and Math 1
- Battle of the Books after school
- Zoology Club after school
- Basketball @ Home
Friday, 1/17
- Spotlight Breakfast
- 1/20 - Holiday - School Closed for Staff and Students
- 1/21 - Basketball @ Kiser
- 1/21 - Wrestling @ Home
- 1/23 - Basketball @ Southwest
- 1/23 - Wrestling @ Home
- 1/24-1/25 - 7th and 8th Grade Band (select students) at Durham School for the Arts
- 1/24 - Astronomy Club @ Oak Ridge Town Park Shelter #2 7:00-9:00
- 1/24 - End of Quarter 2!
- 1/27 - Staff Workday
- 1/28 - Basketball @ Home
- 1/28 - Wrestling @ Eastern
- 1/28-1/31 - SpongeBob Auditions
- 1/28 - NWEA ELA Assessment
- 1/29 - NWEA Math Assessment
- 1/30 - Basketball @ Home
- 1/30 - Wrestling @ Jamestown
- 1/31 - Basketball Pictures after school (this is a new date)