Woodland School News
Back to School 2024-25 School Year
Updates from the Woodland Office
Dear Woodland families,
Welcome to a new and exciting school year! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer break filled with fun and memorable moments with family and friends. I am so excited to begin my 2nd year as principal of Woodland Elementary School. I was overwhelmed by the support of the staff, students, and families last year. I am excited to continue the positive initiatives we began last year and work to create more enriching and engaging opportunities for all of our students this year.
The start of a new school year always brings a sense of anticipation and enthusiasm, and this year is no exception. Our dedicated team of teachers and staff has been working diligently to prepare engaging and enriching learning experiences for your children. We are committed to creating a safe, supportive, and stimulating environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Communication and collaboration between home and school are key to our students' success. We encourage you to stay involved and connected with your child's education. Please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher, our school counselor, or myself with any questions, concerns, or ideas you may have. Please remember that Parent Square is the platform used by the SMF district for communication, as well as email. Together, we can make this school year a truly outstanding one.
We look forward to seeing everyone at our Open House for Grades 1-4 on August 19, 2024, from 5:30-6:30pm and on August 29, 2024, for Kindergarten students from 5:30 - 6:30pm. Parents and students will have the opportunity to meet their child's teacher, visit the classroom, and learn more about the exciting plans we have for the year ahead.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Let's make this school year the best one yet!
With Bulldog Pride,
Christopher Keating
Proud Principal of Woodland Elementary
Final Forms
Parents and Guardians,
Please make sure to update all of your student's information in Final Forms within the first 2 weeks of the school year. This information is important for the school to have on file for any emergency that may come up during the day. Use this link to access Stow Final Forms.
Woodland Arrival & Dismissal procedures
Student Arrival:
- To ensure the safety of all students, parents and guardians are reminded that students cannot be dropped off before 8:50am due to no supervision.
- If your child is a car rider, please follow the line and pull along the curb allowing your child to get out of the car near the gym doors only.
- Students may enter the building to start the school day at 8:50am for breakfast or 8:55am to proceed to their classroom.
- The tardy bell rings at 9:05 am. If your child is late arriving to school, please walk them into the main office to sign them in.
- Please remember no students are permitted to walk through the parking lot without an adult accompanying them.
Student Dismissal:
Each family will be provided with two car mirror hang tags that display their family’s pick up number. Multiple students from one family will all have the same number. Families can reuse their car tags from the 23-24 school year.
The tag must be hung from the rearview mirror so that school staff can see it easily.
Each student will be provided with a matching backpack tag with the same number. Please attach the tag to your child’s backpack.
As you pull into the parking lot, please drive all the way to the back of the lot and make the turn at the fence by the playground. PLEASE DO NOT PARK YOUR CAR AND GET OUT. Dismissal of students begins at 3:35 p.m.
School staff in the parking lot will radio pick up numbers to staff inside, who will bring the matching student(s) out and deliver them safely to the correct car.
Please do not motion or call your student over to your car without a staff member to accompany them; with the amount of bus and car traffic at dismissal this would be extremely dangerous.
Please do not jump ahead in line unless directed to do so by a staff member.
Once your student(s) is/are safely inside your vehicle, please pull out immediately. Car rider pick up must move quickly; it is not the time for conversations or conferences with school staff.
IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DISPLAY THE PICK UP HANG TAG CORRECTLY. If you do not have the tag you will be asked to park your car in a parking space (not in the car line) and come into the office for identity verification. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
A staff member may ask for identity verification at any time in order to ensure student safety.
Bus Riders:
If your student will be riding the bus this school year, please download My Ride K-12 app. This gives you up to the minute bus location for pick up and drop off times. Please see the directions and more information about this app on the district website under the transportation tab linked here. Any individual transportation questions or concerns, please contact the transportation department directly at 330-689-5219.
Student Dress Code
Please take a few minutes to read through the Woodland Parent/Student Handbook. On page 10 the handbook reads - "A student shall not dress in an obscene manner or in any fashion that, in the judgement of the administration, disrupts the educational process. See-through or mesh garments, exposure of any type, clothing that exposes undergarments, hats are prohibited. Shoes must be worn at all times. Coats and hats must be placed in lockers and not worn/carried during the school day. Shorts should be finger-tip length. Students should not wear flip-flops and other toeless footwear." If a staff member observes your child wearing any of these types of garments or shoes, the staff member will direct the child to change or send the child to the office to call home for a change of clothes/shoes. Please review these expectations with your child before the new school year begins.
PTA updates
The Woodland PTA is working hard to create and schedule fun and exciting activities for our Woodland Bulldogs this year. But they can't do it without the support of our parents. The attached photo shows ways to get involved with our Woodland PTA this school year. Minid Papania is the PTA President and her contact email is - minid.papania@gmail.com. Reach out to her with questions. PTA hopes to see you at an upcoming Woodland event or PTA meeting!
School nutrition information
Upcoming Dates to Remember
August 5 - Staff return to the Main Office for the 24-25 school year
August 16 - Class placements emailed to families for grades 1-4
August 17 - SMF Back to School Bash - 10a-3p - Stow Munroe Falls High School
August 19 - Open House - Grades 1-4 - 5:30p-6:30p
August 26 - First day of School for grades 1-4 (Doors open at 8:50a for breakfast; tardy bell rings at 9:05a)
August 26-28 - KDG screening by appointment only (families will sign up when they register at the SMF Central Office)
August 29 - Class placements emailed to Kindergarten families
August 29 - Open House - Kindergarten families - 5:30p-6:30p
August 30 - First day of school for Kindergarten students (Doors open at 8:50am for breakfast; tardy bell rings at 9:05am)
Sept. 2 - No School for staff and students - Labor Day holiday
Sept. 3-13 - Gr. 1-4 Acadience (Dyslexia) screening window
Sept. 5 - Woodland PTA ice cream social and fingerprinting - 5p-7p
Mr. Keating's contact information
Email: st_ckeating02@smfcsd.org
Website: https://woodland.smfschools.org/
Location: 2908 Graham Road, Stow, OH, USA
Phone: 330-689-5470