This Week @ PS 88Q
January 9th, 2023
Attention: Important DOE Technology Information Below
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to this new year. This past week we returned after our winter break, and there were many smiles. There is something that happens mid-year, where the students seem to become more acclimated, more mature, more independent and more confident. As I walked around this week, spent time in classrooms and the cafeteria, it was wonderful to see and hear them in action. This was the first longer break of the school year, and they were eager to return. Well, maybe not that first Tuesday morning , but as soon as they got in! That first early wake up could be challenging, for everyone!
This past week, we had a series of open houses and information sessions for our 2023-2024 kindergarten admissions. Spending time with our families, answering their questions, as well as showing future families our school is one of the best parts of my job. Next, we will be welcoming our future 3K and Pre-K families, as that application period will open shortly as well. Focusing on this school year, and planning for the next keeps us on our toes, but also keeps us informed of what our families like and want. Over the past few weeks, our enrollment has been thriving, with new families joining every week. It is wonderful to see this return after the past few years, with cohorts and shutdowns part of our past.
As we enter this second half of the school year, I wanted to share as many of the dates that are important.
Saturday, January 14th: NO SATURDAY SCHOOL
Monday, January 16th: NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 20: Kindergarten Application Closes https://www.schools.nyc.gov/enrollment/enroll-grade-by-grade/kindergarten
January 22: Lunar New Year
January 23-27: Cosmiq IQ Outer Space/ In House Trip (See below)
February 6-10: National School Counselor Week: We celebrate our amazing Mr. Canales
February 6-7: The Ned Show
February 13-17: Respect for All Week: Celebrations and Activities All Week
February 15th: 100th Day of School
February 15th: The Harlem Magic Masters: In-House Trip
February 16th: Nick the Balloonatic
February 20-24: Mid Winter Recess. NO SCHOOL
March 6-10: School Social Worker Week: We celebrate Ms. Nawiesniak
March 7: Grade 5 Trip to the Barclay Center
March 9: 11:20am dismissal/ Parent Teacher Conferences
March 10: SEL Day
April 3-7: National Assistant Principals Week: We celebrate Ms. Lowe
April 5: National Paraprofessionals Day
Thursday, April 6-Friday, April 14: Spring Break. NO SCHOOL
Wednesday April 19-Friday April 21: NYS ELA TESTING WINDOW
Friday, April 21: Eid al-Fitr, schools closed
Thursday, April 26: National Administrative Assistants Day: We celebrate Ms. Guardi and Ms. Pepe
May 1-5: Teacher Appreciation Week
Tuesday May 2-Thursday May 4: NYS MATH TESTING WINDOW
Every school must have a full technology inventory. During the pandemic (beginning the week of March 16th 2020) until now, DOE devices were distributed or shipped to families. In order to account for all devices, schools have a central team coming to complete inventory. Below are the family letters. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING HIGHLIGHTS:
- If you have a DOE device that is not working, or you no longer need, PLEASE RETURN TO PS 88Q IMMEDIATELY.
Dear Parent or Guardian,
The New York City Department of Education is performing a comprehensive inventory of all devices loaned to students. To achieve this, we’re asking for all devices to be brought to school from 2/1/2023, to perform a device inventory. Devices include desktops, laptops, and tablets.
How this impacts you
Throughout the pandemic, the DOE has loaned devices to the students; these devices must be brought back into the school on the days of the inventory. The devices will be verified they are in good functioning condition and returned to the student to be brought back home for continued learning.
What you need to do
Make sure that your child brings their DOE device with them to school from 2/1/2023. They do not need to bring accessories (for example, the power cord or keyboard). Please have your child bring the device to school even if it is broken or not in good condition. The DOE will look into replacing it under warranty.
What will happen to the device
A DOE vendor will scan the barcode on the device and return it to your child. This should only take a few seconds and the device will be returned to your child the same day. The device will have a sticker on it, indicating it has been scanned. Please do not remove this sticker. If you have any questions or concerns, please work with our school’s SPOC (Anthony Andrew,Brian Dumont; AAndrew4@schools.nyc.gov,BDumont2@schools.nyc.gov
Coffee With The Principal
One of my favorite things as a leader, was spending time with our families. When I was a teacher, my principal would monthly meet with the families. As a mother myself, I know how important it is to have access to the school leader, to hear first hand any information, to ask any questions, and to be in a room with other families. This was something I always prioritize. My first Coffee with Mrs. O'Shaughnessy was in September 2015, when I was the leader of the the Mosaic PreK site @ PS 315. We had 500 pre-k students! This first meeting had over 600 people! (see pictures below, and yes that is me in the middle.). It was amazing! I have continued this practice since, and during the pandemic, even throughout the summer, we continued this virtually, weekly. As we enter 2023, I am asking our community for their thoughts. Do you prefer virtual? In person? Morning? Afternoon? Evening? What would you like to see from an informal Coffee with Me? Please let me know your thoughts! Click the link below.
What Goes On In The Cafeteria?
One of the most asked questions from families is "What does lunchtime, recess and the cafeteria look like?" For those magical 50 minutes, our students get to not only eat, but interact with all their school mates. Over the past few years, lunch routines have changed, and this is the first full year where things have returned to normal. During the 2020-2021 school year, students ate in their classrooms on their cohort day (remember students didn't come to school 5 days a week!) for health and safety reasons. During the 2021-2022 school year, students ate 3 feet apart, facing one direction and remain seated. Only until late 2022 did this change. This year grades K and 2 eat fourth period, Grades 1 and 3 eat fifth period and grades 4 and 5 eat sixth period. But, the lunch time crew make every day AMAZING! From sixth period Soccer Club, outdoor recess, dance parties, jewelry making, chess clubs, arts and crafts, play doh, painting, murals, cards and all around fun, it is the time of the day the students get to let loose! Here is a video of what goes on on an average day. Ms. Laurie, Ms. Cindy, Ms. Toni, Ms. Nikki, Ms. Ivette, Ms. Alize and Mr. Nick keep the party going, safely, every day! In the video, you can see even the staff have fun down there!
PS 88Q Basketball Team
Twice a week, our student athletes arrive to school early for practice. These basketball players have been learning new skills, plays and the game of basketball under the coaching of Mr. Tripotseris and Mr. Nolan. They are about to begin their season, with competitive games with other District 24 schools. We are looking forward to cheering them on from our own gym and their away games!
Student Artists
Thank you to GRYC for securing a local artist who is working with our students to create a student created mural on the staircase. We have all been enjoying watching the progress on our entryway. Each week, it is coming together. So proud of our community and students!
Cosmic IQ: Interactive Space Week @ PS 88Q
Integrating science, exploration, awareness of the world and curiosity are always a focus at PS 88Q. The week of January 23rd, all of our classes will take a trip to outer space! Last year, the students engaged in Under the Sea exploration. See below for more details!
Chancellor Banks Weekly Family Message
Parent University
Classes for NYC Families
Parent University seeks to educate and empower families as partners, advocates, and lifelong educators in their student's education through free courses, resources, events, and activities.
Parent University serves all families, from early childhood through adulthood. Even if you are not a parent, we encourage you to become involved with Parent University. With an expanding course list Parent University is ready to support you. Register and enroll for a course today!