Crocker Viking News
November 11, 2021
Upcoming Dates
Nov. 12: Last Day of 1st trimester
Nov. 15: 8th gr Networking Parent Walk @ 8:45 am
Nov. 17: Make-up Picture Day
Nov. 17: 6th Gr Networking Bocce @ 6 pm
Nov. 18: School Site Council meeting @ 9:35 am (Virtual)
Nov. 19: Turkey Trot
Nov. 22-26: Thanksgiving Break
Message from our Crocker Parent Group President
Dear Crocker Families,
Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful, and I hope you and your family have time to savor the good in your life over the upcoming break. When I am on campus, I see many smiling faces (sometimes just eyes:) and am so grateful that our children are together again - growing, maturing, and learning.
Looking to connect with other Crocker parents? Each grade has a Networking social event planned in November, so please join us to meet new parents or reconnect with old friends from your child's grade!
We are updating our Crocker Parent Group webpage. Just google “Crocker Parent Group" to find newly added links to archived Viking Newsletters, Principal Updates, and other pertinent Crocker information. Consider it one-stop shopping for a Viking parent.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Be well,
Jen Salma
CPG President
Deadline December 1
What is Allocations? Allocations is money that accumulates from excess funds generated from the prior year(s)’ operating budget (parent dues less expenses for that year). Allocations money is directed to one-time expenditures used to improve the environment for students and staff. Past examples include: greenhouse, outdoor seating, water bottle filler and doormats for the classrooms.
What to do: All ideas, big or small, are welcome and encouraged. Please send suggestions to Katrina Reynolds at crockertreasurer@gmail.com no later than December 1. Crocker Staff and Student Council will also be asked for input.
Allocations Process (warning, bit boring!): Traditionally each fall, the Allocations committee - headed by the CPG Treasurer, select Board Members and the principal - meet to review ideas generated by the Crocker Community, then propose their recommendations to the parents for vote and approval.
Thank you to all who have paid your dues for the 2021-2022 school year! If you have yet to pay your dues please click pay through this link:
HTV Needs You!
We're always looking for parent volunteers to pick up a camera to film.
Here are examples of what we can continue to produce with your help.
HTV will provide the camera and tripod. You hit record.
Crocker 6th Grade Rec Football 2021
Crocker 6th Girls Volleyball 2021
If you would like to add your name to our list of HTV volunteers, please contact one of your HTV Chairs.
Sheri Bernstein sheri.bernstein88@gmail.com
Tiffany Tsurudome drtiffanylt@gmail.com
Student Proof of Vaccination
In the event we are confronted with a COVID case this school year, we are asking parents and guardians to provide their child's proof of vaccination.
To that end, please fill out this Google form.
NEW Fall menu selections...
Order Choice Lunch A La Carte
Family friendly late order or cancel by 9 AM day before service
Click the link for details Choicelunch.com
THANK YOU to our dedicated parent volunteers
Parent volunteers are welcome. If interested, please email
Tiffany Tsurudome at drtiffanylt@gmail.com
6th Grade Networking Social (parents)
6th Grade Parents
come enjoy Bocce and Beer (or a glass of wine!)
at Pinstripes in San Mateo
Wednesday, November 17th
6 PM - 8PMish
An evite will be coming your way!
RSVP by Friday, November 12, 2021
If questions please contact:
Karen Folgner: karen.folgner@gmail.com
Kristen Owen: kowenlaw@gmail.com
SAVE THE DATE - 6th Grade Social (students)
Ice Skating Event
Friday, January 7, 2022
5:00 -6:30p
Ice Oasis
2202 Bridgepointe Parkway, San Mateo
More details to come
8th Grade Networking Social (parents)
8th Grade Parents
put on your sneakers and join the
“8th Grade Walk and Talk”
Monday, November 15th
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
RSVP by Friday, November 12, 2021
Sign up with the (updated) link below
If questions please contact:
Toni Bones toni.bones@gmail.com
Tiffany Tsurudome drtiffanylt@gmail.com
High School Information
Here are some useful links in case you missed these:
8th Grade Networking Recording
Public High School Registration and Shadowing Opportunities
Bay Area Private High School Contacts
Bonnie Slater
Crocker Middle School Counselor
San Mateo High School Info
For 8th grade parents who want more information about San Mateo High School, please visit our 2021 Virtual 8th Grade Information Night (above link). If you have any other questions, take a look at our Parent Booster groups page at https://www.smuhsd.org/Page/897 or email us at SMHS Foundation at info@smhsf.org
Thank you!
SMHS Foundation
APG is currently seeking nominations from the entire Hillsborough community for the following two awards:
Hillsborough Schools' Citizen of the Year (COY)
Honors a volunteer who has made a sustained and significant contribution to Hillsborough, especially to the education and well- being of our children.
Nominees should be widely recognized as respected leaders who have created a lasting legacy for our community.
Typically the nominee will have served in a variety of volunteer roles with their contributions spanning a decade or more.
Please submit your nomination for the COY here.
Hillsborough Schools' Community Care Award (CCA)
Honors an individual who works for the School District or Town of Hillsborough or other vital community organization.
Nominees will have made a sustained and significant contribution that has broadly touched the lives of our children.
These contributions are widely recognized as having a lasting impact on our community.
Please submit your nomination for the CCA here.
Nominations Deadline: January 1, 2022.
Final recipients will be selected by APG Board Members and will be honored at a reception in Town Hall. Thank you for helping us continue this time-honored tradition of recognizing those whose exceptional efforts have dramatically improved the lives of Hillsborough's children!
Thank you parents Toni B, Bonnie F, Amy J, Kim O, Tracy S, Kim T, Brenda T, Shelby V, and Jen S for sharing your experiences and encouragement at our "Middle School Insights" parent coffee. Have a 5th grader with IEP/504 services transitioning to middle school but couldn't make it? Contact rise.parentgroup@gmail.com to for the slides and summary.
Mark your calendars for the next RISE parent networking and speaker event on Thursday, December 9 -- topic and speaker will be announced soon!
If you haven't already, don't forget to add your 2021-22 entry into our RISE Parent Directory! Joining helps you connect with those with similar experiences for support, advice, networking, playdates and more.
We’ve come so far, but we need everyone’s contribution to achieve our goal of giving $3.5 million to the district. Donate today.
These funds help provide students with the Hallmarks of a Hillsborough Education: exceptional teachers and staff, excellence in math and reading, smaller class sizes, dedicated counselors and specialists and 1:1 devices.
Be a part of our success story and make your donation today.
Crocker Middle School
Email: crockervikingnews@gmail.com
Website: http://crocker.hcsd.info/
Location: 2600 Ralston Avenue
Phone: 650-342-6331