The JagWire
Jackson Middle School Newsletter - February 7, 2025

Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Fundraising Fun
There are a lot of fun things happening this week at JMS. First, our annual Bernstein Bash is tomorrow night at the Multnomah Arts Center. This event is always a lot of fun with good food, good company, good music-- all in the name of raising very important funds for the school. The money is directly used for activities and supplies for our students. I know that our community will raise the funds and have a good time while doing it.
Drama Performance
Second, our drama department is right in the middle of its run of the winter play. The show, “A Quirk of Fate” is a murder mystery with a lot of comedy sprinkled in. There are two casts who have worked very hard and are doing an excellent job. I was able to watch one cast last night and I am looking forward to seeing the other cast tonight. If you would like to spend a fun evening at the theater, come and join us February 7, 12, 13 or 14th. You may purchase the tickets online prior to arrival or cash at the door.
That is it for this week. Have a great weekend!
John Ferraro
More News...
It is important that our families Know their Rights. Here is a website that reviews your rights at home, workplace and in public.
Flyers are available in Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Haitian and Punjab.
Black History Month
February is another opportunity to honor and celebrate the many contributions Black american have made to our community. We will share our local Portland history from the Oregon Encyclopedia throughout this month.
“The first well-documented Black person in Oregon is Markus Lopius, a crewmember of the American ship Lady Washington, captained by Robert Gray in 1788. He was added to the crew when the ship stopped at the Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic, off the Africa coast. Lopius, described as a young Black man, was hired as Gray's "servant," but he also performed the same jobs and duties as other crew members.”
By Darrell Millner, Oregon Encyclopedia
Gabriel Park
We have received unverified reports that students residing in the Gabriel Park neighborhood may be sneaking out of their homes and gathering at the park. We are sharing this information to raise awareness and encourage vigilance.
Donations please... ACHOO!!!
It's that time of the year...
We are out of tissues and running very low on sanitizing wipes.
Drop off donations at the office. Every box helps! 😤 Thank you!
✨✨✨ Bernstein Bash ✨✨✨
SATURDAY NIGHT - the Annual Bernstein Bash - Celebrating 27 years of Artful Learning at Jackson!
Thanks to everyone who purchased their tickets! (Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.)
What: Bernstein Bash
When: 2/8/25 from 5:30pm-10pm
Where: Multnomah Arts Center - 7688 SW Capitol Hwy
Attire: No theme - simply dress for a fun Portland night out
Transportation: We recommend planning for a ride share (Lyft/Uber/Taxi) or carpooling with a designated driver. We want everyone to have a good time, and get home safely after the event.
What to expect: Mediterranean dinner (with GF/DF/vegetarian options), complimentary beer/wine/flavored bubble water, live music for the first hour, tons of raffle prizes, getaways, art sales, games, and a DJ to end our night (dancing!)
What to bring: a generous spirit, along with your checkbook or credit card (cash payments will be accepted although we won't be able to make change)
Goal of the evening: to build community with Jackson parents, teachers, and staff, while raising $25,000 for the Bernstein Artful Learning Program at JMS.
Unable to Attend?: Consider making a donation to the Bernstein Artful Learning Program: https://linktr.ee/jmsbernsteinbash
THANK YOU to our 2025 event sponsors and community donors who can be found here: https://jacksonpta.org/bash
Please support the businesses from our local and extended communities that help make our event a success!
— Candida Bell
Event Chair – 2023, 2024, 2025
PTA News
Monday, February 10th 6:30-8pm JMS Library. Snacks provided!
Let’s get REAL: Middle school can be the time when parenting stress really hits the proverbial fan. Kids, work, afterschool activities, household chores, medical appointments, aging parents, carpool, dinner...and more. What middle school parent has time attend to their own needs??
BUT the TRUTH IS: Neglecting self-care is not an option. Burnout, depression, anxiety and lower productivity can all result from neglecting ourselves to take care of others. And eventually we can become too cranky or stretched thin to meet the needs of our kids.
Self-care is SERIOUS BUSINESS: Self-care isn’t just bubble baths and Netflix. We need practical strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and depression; and tips for maximizing what we can all do to take care of ourselves in ways that really make a difference. Lastly, we need a better understanding of why self-care is so important and permission to take action!
In this workshop, mental health speaker, author & advocate Tara Rolstad will share her proprietary self-care framework including: A customized, personal self-care plan that is doable Practical strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and depression.
Come & bring a buddy!
Kate Cockrill
Board President 2024/2025
Jackson Middle School PTA
Ensemble Fundraiser -- we're going to New York!!
Track & Field Registration is OPEN
Please click the link below for information:
SUN School News
Registration Link
Muslim Family Night -- Re-scheduled Feb. 11th
Join us in supporting the unique urban Tryon Creek watershed by volunteering to remove invasive plant species and plant native plants for Tryon Creek Watershed Council’s 16th Annual Watershed Wide Event on Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 9:00am – 12pm!
This is TCWC’s largest annual volunteer event! Join us afterwards for a group celebration with pizza – this is a fun chance to see and hear what all happened across the watershed and who with. The pizza party location will be a 2-9 minute drive from sites.
Sign up here – we will follow up with you with more information closer to the date!
Volunteer event locations (more information will be sent closer to the date):
– Tryon Creek State Natural Area– Blackberry removal
– Jackson Middle School – Ivy and Blackberry removal
– Tryon Life Community Farm – Blackberry
Note: Flexible volunteers are *super* helpful! Being able to send volunteers to the sites that need more people allows us to make similar impacts across all sites throughout the watershed. Thank you!
If you’d like to help out somehow other than hands-on weeding & planting (photography? coffee runs?) please reach out (alexis@tryoncreek.org).
Volunteer notes:
– Dress in layers for the weather (hats, close-toed shoes you can get muddy, etc.) and bring your own, full water bottle and snacks.
– We will email you a waiver that can be returned electronically in advance; some sites may require additional in-person waivers to be signed.
– Gloves and tools will be provided as needed; please consider bringing your own if you are able (tools will depend per site – we’ll email you details).
– Masks are welcomed, and please stay home if you have been exposed, are experiencing symptoms, and/or test positive for COVID-19 (& other illnesses).
Thank you!! We are always excited for this event and can’t wait to make a positive on-the-ground impact together!
From our Counseling Team . . .
Counseling Team Schedule
6th Grade--Chandler Deming (Mon-Fri)
7th Grade--Nikki Georgilas (Mon-Wed, Fri); Meredith Gilchrist (Thur.)
8th Grade--Meredith Gilchrist (Mon, Tu, every other Wed)
Pam CampBell (Thur, Fri, every other Wed)
Counseling team Welcome Letter
Our amazing counseling team has their own website!
Please click here: JMS Counseling Team for all the information!
ATTN: 8th Grade Families
IBW Forecasting
If your 8th grader missed forecasting with the Well counselors, Pam CampBell or Meredith Gilchrist will reach out to your student next week to complete the process.
Immunization Exemption Date - Important
February 19th
Immunizations are due by February 19th. If your student:
- still requires immunizations
- does not have any records by Feb. 19th
- doesn't have approved exemptions from immunizations,
they cannot continue to attend school. You will be called and asked to retrieve your student from school on Feb. 19th. You should have received a letter from MESD in November 2024 detailing which immunizations are needed for your student, as well as a contact from the school nurse via email, phone call, and/or text message.
If we have no records of immunizations, please provide them as soon as possible, as they still may be incomplete and we want to give you time to get the required immunizations. If you know which immunization(s) are needed for your student, please get them soon, and provide paperwork to the Jackson front office, or email them to the school nurse.
Please remember that PPS Student Health Centers at High Schools offer free immunizations. The closest is at Cleveland HS, 503-988-3350. There is also a free clinic in downtown Portland, 503-988-4724. Please make appointments as soon as possible, as they will book up fast. If you have any questions, or want exemption from vaccination, please contact me, the school nurse, Chris Khodadadian, via email at ckhodadad@mesd.k12.or.us
Thank you,
Nurse Chris
OBOB Practice
Oregon Battle of the Books
OBOB teams will be practicing every Friday in the library at
4:00 - 5:00 pm starting Jan. 25th.
Teams should come ready to compete!
Little League Spring Season - 2025
⚾⚾New year, new season!
Registration for the 2025 Little League Spring season is now open on the NEW Southwest Portland Little League (SWPLL) website: https://www.swpll.org. Registration closes in February for upper divisions, and March 1 for Tee Ball, A, and AA.
Grants and scholarships are available.** Registration questions or concerns? Please contact registrar@swpll.org.
Spring registration fees for 2025 are as follows:
- Tee Ball: $132
- A/AA: $184
- AAA and Majors: $255
- Juniors (softball only): $255
Tee Ball (ages 5-7), Baseball (ages 6-12), and Softball (ages 6-14). Registration fee covers Little League fees, community equipment, field permitting, portable restrooms, and insurance. Uniforms are not included in cost. Division VPs and coaches will have available loaner gear. In addition, Play it Again Sports offers resale sporting goods at a discounted cost. Dick's Sporting Goods will also offer league participants promotional 20% off discount codes leading up to the season start.
SWPLL is run 100% by volunteers. We ask that all families volunteer or pay a $60 per family opt out fee. If volunteering, please complete the volunteer registration prior to registering a player for the season. Certificates earned during volunteer registration will be required to be uploaded in season registration in order to forgo the $60 fee. All league volunteers are currently required to complete the same process as Coaches and Managers:
**The cost of playing baseball or softball this year should not be a barrier to any families in SW Portland and beyond. The T-Mobile Call Up Grant, Every Kid Sports, and SWPLL scholarships are all available for players who require financial assistance. These programs cover up to 100% of registration and uniform fees. Visit the Financial Assistance page of the Registration section for more information: https://www.swpll.org/Default.aspx?tabid=1950724.
Who: Girls age 6-14-years old (birth years 2010-2018)
What: Winter softball clinics hosted by SWPLL are a great time to for girls to get ready for the upcoming spring softball season. Never played before? No problem. This is also a chance to try a new sport!
Where: Middleman Jewish Community Center (MJCC) Sportsplex Bubble – 6651 SW Capitol Hwy
When: Sundays – 1/12, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9
Cost: $10/player per session.
The goal of these clinics is to provide girls an opportunity to try a new sport and meet new people in their community.
More information about the clinics can be found at the SWPLL website here.
Bullying Concerns
At the start of the school year, we understand that bullying is a major concern for both students and families. Rest assured, we are proactively addressing this issue through several initiatives. These include:
- daily advisory lessons,
- school counselor-led sessions
- collaboration with our student leadership team to foster a more inclusive environment.
If students or families need to report an incident, they can do so in the office using a student incident report or anonymously through SafeOregon.
Nicole Ayala
Assistant Principal
Did you know....
JMS is a Fragrance Free School!
Jackson is a fragrance-free, no-scent environment. Please do not allow your students to bring perfume, cologne, body mist or any type of air fresheners to school. We have many students and adults with allergies to fragrance and airborne toxins. Thank you!