Collins Cadence
Monday, May 20, 2024
Collins Cobras
Shelli LeBlanc, Principal
Chelsea Rothe, Assistant Principal
Krystal McCure, Counselor 5th Grade
Chiante Deal, Counselor 6th Grade
Email: contactcollins@conroeisd.net
Website: http://collins.conroeisd.net/
Location: Collins Intermediate, 6020 Shadowbend Place, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 281-298-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CollinsCISD/
Twitter: @CollinsCobras
Car Line and Bus Dismissal will begin no earlier than 1:30 PM
Early Check Out Ends 1:10 PM
From the Principal:
As we are approaching the end of the school year, please read below for end of year reminders:
- Lost and Found
- Field Day
- Please note that early dismissal on the last day of school has been changed to 1:30 pm.
To our future Knox Knights, we are so grateful to have been a part of your lives for the past 2 years. You will grow up and experience many things that will form you into the person you are meant to be. We wish you grace and peace in the journey. As you saw with our Senior Walk this week, once a Collins Cobra, always a Collins Cobra!
To our returning students, future 6th graders, we hope you have a fabulous summer and come back strong, ready to lead our campus with kindness, responsibility, and integrity!
Parents, thank you for sharing your wonderful students with us this year! We never take for granted the privilege and blessing it is to teach our students each and every day.
We wish you and your family a safe and relaxing summer!
Shelli LeBlanc
Upcoming Dates
May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month
- End of the 4th Grading Period
Wednesday, May 22
- Field Day
- 5th graders will need to bring their lunch
- 6th graders will be provided pizza lunch
Thursday, May 23
- Student Early Release at 1:30 pm UPDATED TIME
- Last Day to Pick Up Lost and Found Items
- Last Day of School
- College Park HS Graduation
Collins Band Camp
Thursday, May 30
- Report Cards Available in PAC
- Every Child Will have Report Card Mailed Home
Friday, June 14
- Preliminary STAAR results available in the Family and Analytic Portals
Thursday, August 8
- 5th Grade Meet the Teacher (5 - 7 pm)
Monday, August 12
- 6th Grade Meet the Teacher (5 - 7 pm)
Parent Information Night: 5th Grade: 6 pm, 6th Grade: 7:10 pm
Lost and Found Items
Students have been reminded to claim their lost and found items this week. These items are found on the wall that faces the 6th grade cafeteria entrance. Students can stop by and look for any missing items during lunch or before and after school.
After Thursday, May 23rd any items remaining will be donated to charity.
Field Day - Wednesday, May 22
5th Grade - 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
We have an exciting end-of-year celebration planned for our kids! The field day event will be held at the YMCA, directly across from Collins, on Wednesday, May 22nd from 10:00AM-2:00PM. There will be several indoor and outdoor stations, including water activities. Please help us by reviewing the
following guidelines.
Each student needs a signed waiver from both the YMCA and Conroe ISD to participate. These will
come home with students and need to be returned by FRIDAY, MAY 17TH.
Sunscreen: Sunscreen should be applied before school. Please send sunscreen with your
student if you feel they may need to reapply though out the day. Teachers and volunteers
are not able to help apply sunscreen.
Attire: Students should wear modest swimsuits to school under regular clothing and bring a towel. All students will keep a shirt on over their swimsuits at all times. This includes while they are in the pool, during water activities and when drying off with their towels.
- GIRLS: Please wear a one-piece or tankini. A two-piece swimsuit that shows midriff, bikinis, or one piece with cut-outs should be worn with a dark t-shirt or rash guard.
- BOYS: Please wear a shorts-styled swimsuit with a rash guard or t-shirt.
Change of Clothes: Students will be allowed to change into a dry set of clothes if they wish, once they return to Collins. Be sure to send a towel and bag to hold wet clothes, if needed.
Shoes: Students will be allowed to wear flip-flops or swim shoes.
Lunch: Students need to bring their own lunch in a disposable Ziploc bag, including a drink, labeled with their LC and name. Lunches will be kept in coolers. Students will also have Jeremiah’s Ice during one of their rotations.
Water Bottles: Students need to bring their own water bottles. There will be refill stations located
throughout the YMCA.
Please remind your children to be on their best behavior. They will understandably be excited, but should remember to follow our schoolwide expectations!
6th Grade - 1:00 - 3:00 PM
6th grade Field Day will be at Collins Intermediate. We are planning to have wet and dry inflatables, music, photo booth, yard games, inflatable games, Jeremiah’s Italian Ice and more!
Our PTO is graciously purchasing pizza (2 slices each) for our students – so your student will need to bring whatever else they would like to eat for lunch and a drink.
Attire: Students will need to wear their swimsuits to school under regular clothing. Students must wear modest swimsuits to school and bring a towel. All students will keep a shirt on over their swimsuits at all times.
Girls: Please wear a one-piece swimsuit or tankini. Any two-piece swimsuits, or one piece with cut-outs should be worn with a dark t-shirt or rash guard.
Boys: Please wear a shorts-styled swimsuit with a rash guard or t-shirt.
***Inappropriate clothing/swimsuits are not allowed.***
Shoes: Sneakers, sandals, flip flops, etc.
Sunscreen: Please apply sunscreen at home before coming to school.
Change of Clothing: Students may bring an optional set of dry clothing to change into after the completion of activities.
Any questions, please reach out to:
Mary Sanders - MaryTSanders@gmail.com
Courtney Ochoa - Courtney.ochoa@hotmail.com
Please remind your children to be on their best behavior. They will understandably be excited, but should remember to follow our schoolwide expectations!
Knox Spirit Wear
Order via QR code or at https://nhathletics.com/knox-spirit/ by July 5, 2024 Items will be available for pickup at orientation in August or will be delivered to your student at school.
Best of luck to our DI teams at Globals!
Conroe ISD’s School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
Applications for Conroe ISD’s School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) are now available through June 30! The SHAC advises the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the health and physical education programs as well as other responsibilities required by the State of Texas and the CISD Board of Trustees. Learn more and apply here: https://www.conroeisd.net/department/tl/school-health-advisory-council/
Summer Movers
If you will be leaving the district at the end of the school year, and not returning for the 2024-25 school year, such as moving to another district, a private school, or being homeschooled, please contact our registrar, Nancy Villanueva at nvillanueva@conroeisd.net, or 281-298-3910.
Mrs. Villanueva will provide the correct paperwork for you to complete, to ensure a smooth transition for your student to their new school.
If a student is going to another CISD campus, then they only need to provide Proof of Residence to the CISD campus they will be attending.
Nurse Kendall's Update
End of the School Year Clinic Notes
All medication is to be picked up in the clinic by a parent or a designated adult at the end of the school year. Some of our students have medication at school with doses remaining. We can not send medication home with students at the end of the year. It is necessary for you to make arrangements for medication pick-up. It is recommended that emergency medications such as epinephrine and inhalers not be picked up until the last day of school. Any medication not picked up by 3:00 pm on the last day of school will be discarded. No medication can be kept at school over the summer months.
If your child has a medical condition such as food or other allergies, asthma, seizures, or diabetes and the child has a doctor appointment planned for the summer, please feel free to request or pick up a blank emergency action plan in advance from the nurse. They are also available to print from the Health Services website here.
Order Your Teacher-Approved Packs by May 21st
School Supply Kits will be delivered to your child's classroom.
Please allow up to 24 hours to receive an order confirmation.
Keep your confirmation as your receipt.
Grade 5 $59.00
Grade 6 $69.00
Art Update
In Mr. Hunt’s art class, we are wrapping up our sculpture unit by putting the finishing details on our sculptures and painting them. In Mrs. Williams’ art class we are finishing our TAB projects and painting our clay sculptures.
PE Update
If your daughter tried out for Knox Girl’s Athletics, letters went home today to let you know if they will be in Athletics or PE. If you have any questions, please refer to the letter on who to contact.
We have had a fantastic year being active! We hope everyone keeps it up over the summer and we’ll see you in August!
Incoming 5th Graders (Current 4th Grade Students)
Feeder School Events
The Choir Department at College Park High School is hosting our 19th annual music camp for Grades K - 8 as a fundraiser for the choir's show choir Rhythm-n-Blue. The camp will be held June 3-7 with the cost being $90 before any discounts, and the camp will be held at College Park High School.
2023-2024 Handbook
Times to Remember
Bell Schedule: 8:50 AM—4:00 PM
- Students may enter the building at 7:45 AM (Please enter 5th grade side door)
Lunch Times
- A Lunch (5th grade) 11:50 AM - 12:25 PM
B Lunch (6th grade) 12:35 PM - 1:10 PM
Collins Café is open to visitors!
Front Office: 8:00 AM—4:30 PM
End of Day
- 3:30 PM - Calls to change transportation end
- 3:35 PM - Cones for car rider dismissal will be set - cars for early pick up will not fit in front parking area
- 3:40 PM - Early student check out ends
- 3:45 PM - First flight of 7 cars moves forward to cones, staff begins inputting numbers. Please display car rider sign in window.
- 4:00 PM - Flights 1 - 4 are dismissed along with bike riders
- 4:04 PM - Walkers are dismissed. Students meet parents at cones 1 - 7. Once a flight is loaded, cars are dismissed to take a RIGHT hand turn only to exit.
- Buses are dismissed based on bus arrival to campus.
Other Helpful Links
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Collins X Account
Collins Facebook Account
Collins Instagram
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.