Shannon Park News
January 2025
Acts of Character: Acceptance
The Shannon Park Acts of Character Program revolves around teaching, promoting, recognizing and celebrating positive character traits in students. During the month of January, we will be focusing on the character trait of Acceptance.
Dress for Cold Weather Season
As we enter the cold weather season, please plan to send your student to school prepared to go outside. Boots, hats, gloves/mittens, and snow pants are going to be necessary very soon! (Please label clothing so we can get it back to your child if it is lost!). If your family is in need of any of these items, please reach-out to Shannon Park School Social Worker, Sari Malterud (sari.malterud@district196.org). We plan to send students outside for recess each day unless the “feels like” temperature is at or below zero degrees.
School Spirit Day: Jersey Day - Friday, January 24
Kindness Council helps create the spirit days each year and invites all students and staff to participate in "Jersey Day" on Friday, January 24. Students are invited to wear any team jersey, t-shirt, or sweatshirt of any extra-curricular they are involved in. Any students wanting to wear Packer gear must get prior approval! (Just kidding! 😀)
Report Absences or Changes of Schedule
Please remember to report all absences and changes of schedules by calling 651-423-7670 during school hours or by submitting a form here.
Kindergarten enrollment at Shannon Park will be held ONLINE ONLY. Go to www.district196.org/enroll and follow the four pre-registration steps.
After completing the online pre-registration we will contact you to provide the following items to complete the kindergarten registration process:
A birth certificate, passport or other evidence of your child’s age.
A copy of your child’s current immunization record, medical exemption or conscientious objection.
If your child has been screened in another school district, please provide proof of early childhood screening. If your child has not been through the screening process, please set up an appointment using one of the following ways: online www.district196.org/screening; calling 651-423-7899; or emailing ecscreening@district196.org. Screening appointments are available on weekdays, as well as select evenings and Saturdays each month.
School year childcare information, if applicable, including name, address and phone number of your childcare provider for transportation purposes.
If a parent or guardian lives at a different address than the primary household, complete and return 501.1.2P, Additional Family Household Census Information.
If you are unable to complete the registration, need assistance or are not planning on registering your child, please call the school office at 651.423.7670. We look forward to welcoming your child at Shannon Park!
5th Grade Families - Student Survey
2025 Minnesota Student Survey Passive Consent Notice to 5th Grade Families
Prior to break, 5th Grade Families received notification regarding the following:
District 196 asks students in grades 5, 8, 9, and 11 to participate in the 2025 Minnesota Student Survey (MSS). Federal law requires us to notify families of this school activity. The MSS is conducted in schools across our state every three years. If you do not want your student to take the MSS, please return the form to Mrs. Golembiesky by Friday, January 10. Please ontact Stephen Bell-Kemp at stephen.kemp@district196.org or (651) 423-7856 if you have questions about the survey or would like to review a copy of the survey.
Family Notification Letter:
Minnesota Student Survey FAQs:
We are wrapping up our Nature unit and preparing for our Being Healthy unit beginning in January. We wrapped up our Pet Rock activities in December and we were excited to bring our rocks and the homes we created for them home. As we transition into our Being Healthy Unit, children are experiencing seasonal changes, identifying how we adapt and investigating what all living things need to thrive. Children will begin to understand how their bodies work and explore healthy ways to take care of themselves. We have been playing board games and have been learning about taking turns and working together with some of our cooperative games. With some cold weather snaps in December, we were able to use the gym space for relay races, ball games, and the parachute.
January 2: School Resumes
January 6: Site Council Meeting @ 8:00a.m.
January 7-9: 4th Grade CogAT testing
January 9: 5th Grade Band Concert @ 6:30p.m.
January 17: No School - Data Day
January 20: No School - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 24: SP Spirit Day "Jersey Day"
January 25-26: Fundraiser at Rosemount Jersey Mike's (all day)
January 30: Music Program - Grade 2 @ 6:00p.m.
January 30: Music Program - Grade 5 @ 7:30p.m.
January 31: 1st Grade Lunar New Year Parade @ 3:00p.m
SP Fundrasier at Jersey Mike's: January 25-26
Shannon Park Site Council
Contact Us
Email: sp.attendance@district196.org
Website: https://sites.google.com/apps.district196.org/shannonpark/home
Location: 13501 Shannon Parkway, Rosemount, MN 55068, USA
Phone: 651-423-7670
Twitter: @ourshannonpark
District 196 School Board Officers and Directors
District 196 Nondiscrimination Notice
District 196 prohibits illegal discrimination, including sex discrimination, in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator. The notice of nondiscrimination is located at District196.org.