October 6, 2024
Individual Photo Day 📸
Cycle II Progress Reports 💯
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month
El Mercado!!🛒
El Mercado will be on October 9 this year celebrating Hispanic Heritage with students and teachers. Students will be able to purchase goods from the Mercado with their "Parker Pesos." (lemonade, candy, breads, cookies, quesadillas)
Red Ribbon Week🔴
Backpack Buddy🎒
Backpack Buddy is back at Parker this school year!
Backpack Buddy is a program that helps alleviate child hunger by closing the weekend gap for hungry children. Every Friday, students participating in this program will receive a nutritious, children-friendly food sack to take home and be back to school on Monday, eager and ready to learn. Backpack Buddy welcomes elementary, middle, and high school schools to participate.
If you are interested in your child to participate in the program, please feel free to come see me for an application or you can email me at evelyn.olivares@houstonisd.org All students participants must have a signed permission slip.
Upcoming Dates 📅
October 1st - 30th
National Principals' Month
October 6th
National Coaches Day (Academic & Instructional)
October 8th
Birthday Alert! Ms. Hakel's Birthday, Violin Teacher
Performance Alert! HCU Invitational
FACE Workshop: Lovescaping (8:15 AM-9:30 AM)
West Division IRT Pre-Walk
October 14th-18th
National School Lunch Week
October 15th
FACE Workshop: Lovescaping (8:15 AM-9:30 AM)
Hispanic Heritage Program (1:30pm-2:15 PM)
Family Night / Children's Museum STEM (6pm-7:30pm)
October 16th
National Boss's Day
Individual Picture Day
October 18th
Cycle II - Progress Reports
PK and Kinder Dewberry Farms Field Trip
October 19th
Strings Play-a-Thon