MVS Family News
Blazing our own path to excellence!
Monday, December 16
Celebrate & Enjoy Your Break
We are so excited by all of the progress our MVS students have made over this first semester! We have all worked hard to be successful virtual students and have learned how schedule or time, complete our assignments, and learn from the comfort of home. Being a successful virtual student is not easy! Thanks to all all of the moms, dads, and grandparents who have aided in this success! Please take a moment to take pride in this accomplishment! Go M@VS! You all are awesome!
:0) Mrs. Bishop
Upcoming Dates
December 16/17/18/19- Week 19
- December 16-18- Algebra 1 Midterm and ASL 1 Final on-site at MVS
- December 16-18- Web Design CTE courses- Industry Certification tests (see details below)
- December 16- Algebra 2 EOC Testing (see details below)
- December 17- 7th grade Math Midterm and Writing Workshop @ MVS 12:30 to 2:30
- December 17- 4/5/6 Writing Workshop @ MVS (Mrs. Vagnier's email gives details.)
- December 18- 8th grade Math Midterm & Writing Workshop @ MVS 12:30 to 2:30
- December 18- 4/5/6 Writing Workshop @ MVS (Mrs. Vagnier's email gives details.)
December 20-January 6-- Winter Break/ No School
January 7/8/9/10- Week 20 (& Week 1)
10-12 Grade State Testing- EOC/SDC
If your student is in 10th-12th grade and currently taking English 2, Criminal Justice 2, Precalculus, Biology, Geometry, Intro to Statistics, US History, or Algebra 2, he/she must come to take their state end of courses tests. Below is the schedule. (If your student is testing in a small group, please look for an email from Mrs. Vagnier with the date/time.) These tests are mandatory, and all tests are taken on laptops, so please come with a charged laptop and your charger. If you have any questions, please contact us at 865-681-2289.
Family Life Education
Family Life for 5th-8th-grade students will be this week. Family Life for 9th grade will begin after Spring Break. The courses are taught by the MCS Family Life Educator, Shanna Lingerfelt. The Family Life Curriculum and materials are available for parents/ guardians to view by appointment. Please contact Mrs. Lingerfelt at the below email to schedule an appointment. You may also click on the following link to the MCS Family Life website page for a list of covered topics, https://www.maryville-schools.org/central-office/family-life. Please email Mrs. Lingerfelt with any questions shanna.lingerfelt@maryville-schools.org. Please see the attached letter for more details.
If you wish your student to have alternative assignments instead of participating in this curriculum, please email deana.bishop@maryville-schools.org.
10th-12th Finish Strong
Since 10th - 12th graders classes on the block, these first semester classes are about to end. Be sure to finish strong, complete all assignments, and take your final tests seriously.
MVS Monitoring Report Released
Each year the Tennessee Department of Education requires school systems to monitor their virtual schools. MVS has just completed this process and scored in the highest category, Meeting Expectations! Please click here to view the report.
🍎 Lower School: Grades 4th-8th
4/5/6 Grade Writing Workshop @ MVS
Small groups of 4/5/6 graders will be at MVS on Tuesday, December 17 OR Wednesday, December 18 from 9:00 to 11:00 for a writing workshop. Attendance is mandatory. Please see a personal email from Mrs. Vagnier explaining which day your student is to attend. Students need to come with a charged laptop and charger.
7/8 Grade Math Midterm & Writing Workshop @ MVS
- 7th graders will be at MVS on Tuesday, December 17 from 12:30 to 2:30.
- 8th graders will be at MVS on Wednesday, December 18 from 12:30 to 2:30.
Both groups will be taking their math midterm assessments and participating in a Writing Workshop. Attendance is mandatory. Students need to come with a charged laptop and charger.
🎓 Upper School: Grades 9th-12th
CTE Web Design Courses- Industry Certification Tests (10-12)
Computer Science Foundations-- CompTIA IT Fundamentals +
Please see an email from Andy Lombardo explain how your student will schedule their assessment with the testing company. This tests will be taken at home and will be proctored through the company and following their guidelines.
Web Design Foundations- CIW Site Development Associate
Web Site Development- CIW Advanced HTML5/CSS3
Industry Certification Tests for these classes will take place at MVS on Tuesday, December 17th at 1:00 with Mrs. Bishop.
Algebra 1 Midterms @ MVS
Algebra 1 students are required to come into MVS to complete their midterm assessment. They will test in the Academic Support Center on any day during the week of December 16-19. The test is approximately 90 minutes long. The ASC opens at 11:30 and closes at 3:00. To give your student enough time to complete the test, students should arrive before 1:30. Students can leave when they have finished the test.
Community Connections
BJ's Wholesale Membership Discount
BJ’s Wholesale is supporting Maryville Virtual School in a fundraiser. Purchase your new BJ’s membership now at discount pre-opening prices
With each new membership purchased through this program BJ’s will contribute $10 to our team!
The NEW MEMBER Offer: Only $20- 12 months for the Club Card. (Regularly $55.)
How to Sign Up or Renew: Call #: 800-313-8887
- And reference the promo code 814014
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday from 9:00am-6:00pm EST
- Expires Dec. 31, 2024
Renewals are $50 for The Club Card and $100 for the Club Plus Card (Reg $55 and $110)
The pre- opening membership will be active immediately for online purchasing and will extend out for 12 months from the store opening date. So, you won’t lose any time on their membership by purchasing early, you will only save $$$. You may also use the membership at any other BJ’s location before the opening as well. Memberships can be picked up after activation at the BJ’s temp office 139 Foothills Mall Dr. Maryville, TN 37801 or at any BJ’s location.
See flyer below for more information.
Procedure Reminders
Ready to Start Driving?
Students must request their 1010 Form before going to the DMV to receive their Learner’s Permit. Please call MVS or email Jennifer Davis. 1010 forms are given based on the previous 9 weeks' grades. If you are failing multiple classes, you are not eligible for a 1010 form until your grades are brought up to passing. The 1010 forms are good for 30 days during the school year.
Turning in Late Work?
If you are turning in any late work, be sure to always contact your teacher after submitting the assignment. Teachers are not notified when a student submits assignments after the due date, so they may not know you even turned something in.
Feeling Sick?
Please remember to email your teachers and the MVS front office any doctor's notes for appointments or illness. Each student has 10 "parent convenience" days that are considered excused with no note. Any absences beyond those 10 days without a medical or legal note will be marked unexcused.
Tempted to Use AI or the Internet to Plagiarize?
If a teacher wants your student to use AI to help with an assignment or writing, then he or she will let them know that when the assignment is made. Unless a teacher gives students permission to use AI for a specific assignment, students are not to use Artificial Intelligence sites or apps to help with MVS assignments. Work that is generated with the use of AI will be treated like plagiarism and will be graded as such. If this occurs, teachers may give students the option to come into MVS to rewrite an essay with paper and pencil or monitored technology.
MCS Calendar
Principal: Deana Bishop
Registrar/Bookkeeper/Front Office: Jennifer Davis
Academic Support Center: Marissa Geter
IEPs/ 504s: Melissa Vagnier
Ready Graduate Advisor (9-12): Wes Lambert
School Resource Officer: Adam Cook
Tech Support for Hardware: Click on the "Student Tech Help" button in ClassLink or click here.