Statham Elementary School
Wildcat Bulletin: We are #WildcatPride!
Flyers for Upcoming Events
Ice Cream Sales
School Tool Box School Supply Fundraiser
Spirit Wear
Order your Spirit Wear today!
Don't forget about our August events!
Aug. 24
6:45am- All Pro Dad (Location- Gymnasium)
6:30pm- Cub Scout Informational Meeting (Location- Cafeteria)
Aug. 25
6:00pm- Back to School BINGO (Location- Bear Creek Middle School)
Aug. 28
6:30pm- Girl Scouts Informational Meeting (Location- Cafeteria)
Aug. 31
Kona Ice Day
Fall Book Fair Opens
College Colors Day
Last day to order SES Spirit Wear
All Pro Dad
SES Family BINGO Night
SES Kona Ice Day
Monthly Parent Bulletin: September Edition
September 1
Labor Day Holiday- No School
September 4
Labor Day Holiday- No School
4th Grade Bracelet Sales Begin
September 5
Grandparents Breakfast- Kindergarten and 5th Grade (Visitors will be parking in the front of the building, please use extra caution.)
Family Open Door Day
Kindergarten- 7:45am-9:15am
5th Grade- 7:45am-9:30am
September 6
Grandparents Breakfast- 1st and 4th Grades
Family Open Door Day
First Grade- 7:45am- 8:45am
Fourth Grade- 7:45am-9:30am
September 7
Grandparents Breakfast- EK, PreK, 2nd, and 3rd Grades
Family Open Door Day
PreK- 7:45am-9:30am
Second Grade- 7:45am-8:45am
Third Grade- 7:45am- 9:30am
September 8
August Popsicles with Principal
September 12
Last day for Book Fair
September 15
International Heritage Month Begins
September 19
8:00am- School Governance Team Meeting (Media Center)
September 25
Cookie Fundraiser Begins
Kick Off Video- https://youtu.be/F3rlzSet0OQ
September 26
Booster Seat Program Kick Off (Additional Information Forthcoming)
September 27
Booster Seat Program Coupon Distribution
September 28
6:45am- 7:30am All Pro Dad
September 29
10:00am Title 1 Meeting/Parent Workshop (Additional Information Forthcoming)
Popsicles with Principal
September 30
Booster Seat Program Event Day (Additional Information Forthcoming)
Principal's Brag Tag
Highlight your Kiddo!
We know that our Wildcats are doing some AMAZING things outside of SES and we want to highlight and celebrate them!
Using the link below, please take a moment to complete the BRAG TAG!
Once completed, we will highlight students each month in the Monthly Parent Bulletin and all of our social media outlets.
Upcoming Events to add to YOUR October calendar...
October is...
National School Principal Month
NAtional Bullying Prevention Month
National Farm to School Month
October 2
Fall Picture Day
Square Art Fundraiser Begins
Custodian Appreciation Day
October 5
End of the 1st Grading Period
October 6
No School- Fall Break
October 9-13
No School- Fall Break
National School Lunch Week
October 16
School Bus Safety Week
Digital Citizenship Week
October 17
Last day for Cookie Fundraiser
October 18
Report Cards Issued
October 19
Karate Oconee Fundraiser (Additional Information Forthcoming)
October 20
Fall Picture Day Makeups
October 23
Red Ribbon Week Begins (Dress Up Information Forthcoming)
October 24
Boo Candy Gram Fundraiser Begins
October 26
6:45am All Pro Dad
Karate Oconee Fundraiser (Additional Information Forthcoming)
October 28
Boo on Broad 5K
October 30
Veterans Can Food Drive Begins
SES Clubs
We are so excited to continue our this school year! Each month we will feature the clubs that are scheduled to begin for the upcoming month.
September Club Kickoffs
Beta Club
Students are invited to join based on grades, character, and teacher recommendation. *Service organization..
Start Date- August 3, 2023
Club Meeting Days/Times- 1st and 3rd Thursdays
Targeted Grades- 4th and 5th grade
Club Sponsor/Co Sponsors- Dr. Tricia Sikes and Nicole Wells
Sign Up HERE- Reach out to any of the sponsors. Email addresses can be found on the school's website.
Art Club
Students in grades 3rd-5th are invited to join that want to explore a variety of art mediums and techniques.
Start Date- September 13, 2023
Club Meeting Days/Times- Wednesdays, 2:15-3:15 (Max capacity will be 30 students due to space)
Targeted Grades- 3rd-5th grade
Club Sponsor/Co Sponsors- Sandra Cash, Ashley Rushing, Kay Holloway
Sign Up HERE- Reach out to any of the sponsors. Email addresses can be found on the school's website.
Photography Club/ Newspaper Club
Let's make a newspaper! Students will learn about various types of newspaper writing and write stories. They will also learn about how to take different types of pictures. At the end of the school year, students will put their stories together to create a school newspaper!
Start Date- September 20, 2023
Club Meeting Days/Times- 3rd Wednesday of the Month Dismissal-3:15: Sept. 20, Oct. 18, Nov. 15, *Dec.15, Jan. 17, Feb. 21, March 20, April 17, May 15
Targeted Grades- 3rd-5th grade
Club Sponsor/Co Sponsors- Leila Scoggins
Sign Up HERE- Reach out to any of the sponsors. Email addresses can be found on the school's website.
Running Club
Students in grades 4th and 5th will work on their physical and mental health through stretching and running. The students will learn different stretches, learn how to set goals, learn how to challenge themselves to get better, and the importance of setting a pace for long distances.
Start Date- September 6, 2023
Club Meeting Days/Times- Fall: Sept: 6 & 7, 13 & 14, 20 & 21, 27 & 28 October: 4 & 5 Spring: March: 20 & 21, 27 & 28 April 10 & 11, 17 &18, 24 & 25
Targeted Grades- 4th and 5th Grades
4th Grade- Wednesday 2:15-3:15
5th Grade- Thursday 2:15-3:15
Club Sponsor/Co Sponsors- Dr. Faye DeLoach, Emily Dixon, Kendra King, Hannah Metzger
Sign Up HERE- Flyers will be sent home soon.
Character Club
Students who want to participate in team and friendship building activities while developing strong communication and decision making skills will be considered for this club.
Start Date- September 15, 2023
Club Meeting Days/Times- Every Other Friday: 2:15pm-3:15pm
Targeted Grades- 4th and 5th Grades
Club Sponsor/Co Sponsors- Hope Bush
Sign Up HERE- Invitations will be sent home.
Drama Club
Drama Club is open to students in grades 3rd-5th who want to express their creative skills through acting, dancing, and singing! Students interested in joining the club are encouraged to showcase their skills during Drama Club Auditions to be held later this month!
Start Date- September 11, 2023
Club Meeting Days/Times- Every Monday 2:15-3:30
Targeted Grades- 3rd- 5th Grades
Club Sponsor/Co Sponsors- Hope Bush and Hope Crumley
Sign Up HERE- Reach out to any of the sponsors. Email addresses can be found on the school's website.
5th Grade Academic Club
Students who need extra academic support to move from developing to proficient in math and reading. Students will be identified using assessment data.
Start Date- September
Club Meeting Days/Times- Every Monday: 2:15-3:15
Targeted Grades- 5th Grade
Club Sponsor/Co Sponsors- Tara Nunley and Marlana Meehan
Sign Up HERE- Invitations will be sent home.
Counselors Corner
Meet Mrs. Phillips and Ms. Layton!
Family Update Website
Don't forget to update your family contact information!
General Information
School times are 7:00am- 2:00pm
(Students are not allowed to enter the building before 7:00 am)
Our Instructional Day starts at 7:30am.
All Checkouts must be done before 1:15 pm.
Transportation changes can only be accepted via written communication.
(Unfortunately, we are not able to accept transportation changes over the phone, fax, or email.)
Please check student agendas daily.
Weekly Home School Communication- Wednesday Folders
Follow us on all of our social media outlets for up to date information.
(FaceBook- Statham Elementary School, Instagram- @stathamwildcats, and Twitter- @StathamElem)
Breakfast will be provided at no cost to all students.
Lunch-paid for in advance or at the time of purchase.
Account set up https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
September Birthdays:
Happy Birthday to all of our September Wildcat Family Members!
May this BIRTHDAY be the BEST ONE YET!
September Mindful Moments:
Statham Elementary School
"High Expectations and Success for Every Student!"
Dr. Salethia James, Principal
Ms. Kari Maxey, Assistant Principal
Follow us on all of our social media outlets for up to date information.
(FaceBook- Statham Elementary School, Instagram- @stathamwildcats, and Twitter- @StathamElem)
Email: salethia.james@barrow.k12.ga.us
Website: http://www.barrow.k12.ga.us/ses/
Location: 1970 Broad Street, Statham, GA, USA
Phone: 770-725-7112
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stathamelementary
Twitter: @stathamelem