SMMS Weekly Update
October 18, 2024
Personal Information Update Link
We understand things happen and circumstances change over the course of the school year. Please use this form at any time during the year to update your personal information on file with the school. If you have any questions, please call Ms. Hite in our main office at 304-274-5030.
Veterans Day Celebration
We are currently planning our annual Veterans Day Celebration. If you would like to recognize a veteran in your family, please complete the form below. We are hoping to recognize all of our community members who have served in all branches of the armed forces.
Red Ribbon Week
his year, our Counseling Department is partnering with our Culture Club to sponsor Red Ribbon Week. Please help us support this initiative by participating in the following dress-up days.
- 10/23- Red Day: Wear Red to Kick-off Red Ribbon Week
- 10/24- Pajama Day: Wear Comfy Pajamas (No slippers)
- 10/25- Patriot Pride: School Spirit Day
- 10/28- Flannel Monday: Wear Flannel
- 10/29- Sweater Weather: Wear Your Favorite Sweater
- 10/30- Wear Pink! Breast Cancer Awareness
- 10/31- Say Boo to Drugs! Wear Your Halloween Costume
Student Assistance Fund
The holidays are quickly approaching! If you or someone you know could use some assistance during this holiday season, let us help! Fill out the attached Google Form by Tuesday, Oct. 4th, and someone from SMMS will be in touch. Call 304-274-5030 and ask for Ms. James or email Margaret.james@k12.wv.us with any questions.
Parent Conference Info
Middle school parent conferences are scheduled for October 23, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Please check out this useful info about that event.
- Teachers will be available to meet with parents on a first-come-first served basis.
- Conferences will begin every 10 minutes, beginning at 5:00 p.m.
- The maximum conference time is 10 minutes.
- The last session will begin at 6:50 p.m.
Hurricane Relief Collection
Hello Spring Mills family.
Recently our country experienced an unprecedented hurricane. Many families in western North Carolina have been trapped in their homes with no resources or ability to leave to obtain the supplies needed for everyday living. As a community, Spring Mills Middle School would like to do a toiletry drive. When you are out shopping for your home, please consider buying extra shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. Items can be brought into the school and placed in the box in the foyer of the school. There will be a sign on the box so students will know where to place the items.
The drive will start on Monday, October 21st and run until Monday, November 4th. Items that are collected during this time will be given to the local Salvation Army who will transport the items to families in need in western North Carolina.
Thank you for considering being apart of this event. We appreciate you all and your willingness to help those in need.
Box Tops for Education
Dear SMMS families,
As part of our ongoing fundraising efforts, we want to remind you that you can help us earn funds through Box Tops for Education by simply submitting your grocery receipts.
Here are two easy ways to participate:
Drop Off Your Receipts: Bring your receipts to the office and place them in the designated Box Tops Collection Box. Our Box Tops Coordinator will scan them for you—no need to do a thing!
Scan Your Own Receipts: If you prefer, you can scan your receipts using the Box Tops app. It's quick and easy! Just download the app, scan your receipt, and submit.
Every Box Top adds up, and your participation helps us get closer to our goal. Please take a moment to either drop off your receipts or submit them through the app. We appreciate your support!
Thank you for helping make a difference!
After-School Clubs
Please see the link below about our after-school clubs this year. All clubs will begin in October. Space is limited.
Faces of the Week
Celebrating Our IXL Leaders
Congratulations to our IXL leaders for the week!
FCCLA Participates in Apple Harvest
This week, our FCCLA club bakes pies to be raffled off at the Apple Harvest Festivities. Yay Pie!
Attendance is No Joke at SMMS
We have a lot of events planned between now and the end of the month.
Be at school or you might miss out! Don't let poor attendance haunt you!
SMMS Athletic Updates
Some of our teams are engaging in conditioning or Flex days. Please see the information below and reach out to the appropriate coach with questions.
All students must submit a copy of their physical form to Ms. Pavlik, our Athletic Director.
- Cheer
- Coach: Toneia Eccelston (coachneiasmms@gmail.com)
- Girls Basketball
- Flex/Conditioning Days: October 17, 22, 29, & 31 from 4:00 p.m.- 5:30 p.m.
- Tryouts: November 4 and 6--Times TBD
- Varsity Coach: Chip Barnhart (cbarnhar@k12.wv.us)
- JV Coach: Luz Coindet
- Boys Basketball
- Tryouts: November 12 and 13--Times TBD
- Varsity Coach: Brooks Everline (brooks@ynphomesolutions.com)
- JV Coach: Noah Payton (noah.payton6@gmail.com)
SMMS Spirit Wear
Upcoming Events
- October 22- Band Fundraiser at Panda Express
- October 23- Two-hour Delay for School
- October 23- Middle School Parent Teacher Conferences from 5:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m.
- October 24- Report Cards Issued
- November 1: Pumpkin Smash Volleyball Game (Staffulty vs Students)
- November 5- Schools Closed--> Election Day
- November 8- Veterans Day Assembly (See above)
- November 11- Schools Closed for Veterans Day
- November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break