Monthly Newsletter

August 2024
Message From the Directors
Dear Students, Families, and Friends,
As we welcome the start of the 2024-2025 academic year, I am thrilled to welcome you back to DCSD Legacy Campus for what promises to be an enriching and transformative year. Our second year since the campus’s opening has arrived, and it brings with it a host of new opportunities, continued excellence, and exciting developments that will enhance our Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway programming. Our ongoing mission remains clear: to cultivate a Career & Technical Education environment where post-secondary and industry partnerships provide relevant learning opportunities for high school students and the Douglas County community in order to ensure a competitive advantage and workforce readiness. We are excited to share that our campus has experienced a 50% growth in enrollment. With over 600 juniors and seniors now joining us from schools across Douglas County, representing growth in all of our nine pathway programs, the Legacy community is stronger and more vibrant than ever. To support this expansion, we are delighted to welcome outstanding new industry experts to our instructional team. Our new faculty members bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our architecture, culinary, and aviation pathways. Be sure to look out for their biographies later in this newsletter. To our new students starting their journey with us, we extend a warm welcome and are eager to support you as you embark on this exciting chapter. To our returning students, we look forward to seeing the continued growth and achievements you will undoubtedly bring to the Legacy Campus. Thank you for being a part of this incredible community. Let’s make the 2024-2025 school year our best yet!
- Summer Trainings -
ProStart Training
Exec. Chef Shaemus O'Brien attended the ProStart summer conference in through the New Orleans Culinary & Hospitality Institute. This training is specific to the ProStart curriculum and its classroom implementation with the goal of equipping educators with tools to enhance the experience of their students, encouraging them to pursue restaurant and hospitality careers. He also received his certified hospitality instructor certification was through AHLEI- (American Hotel Lodging Education Institute).
American School Counselor Association
Mr. Shall had the privilege of attending and presenting with MHI at this summer's ASCA conference in Kansas city where he discussed Education-Industry partnerships for Work Based Learning. It was encouraging to be with so many people that care deeply, and are working so hard to create great opportunities for students around the country.
Pachamama 5453
Our culinary instructors attended an experimental and educational agricultural professional development opportunity in Arvada named after the Andean earth mother deity. Pachamama 5453's mission is to cultivate a high altitude garden connecting Andean and Colorado mountain farming. Chef Andrea conducted a workshop on growing, harvesting and preservation for ProStart Instructors to transmit important traditions, hoping to grow lesser-known, high-yielding and nutrient-dense Andean crops in the US to tackle food insecurity here. They toured their garden, attended small group discussions and shared an indigenous cuisine meal featuring blue corn sugar cookies, local bison burgers, salad using ingredients from the garden and arepas.
- New Pathway Developers -
Anna Hirschauer - Culinary & Hospitality
Josh Vanterpool & Chris Sorah - Aviation
After graduating from high school, Josh enlisted in the Air Force where he started his aviation career as a jet engine mechanic, and later enrolled at Embry-Riddle University to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Aeronautics and earn his Certified Flight Instructor ratings. His most recent achievement was flying a LearJet for a charter company at Centennial Airport.
Chris began his career as an Air Traffic Controller in the US Navy at 18 years old. He has Instrument, Multi-Engine, and Commercial Pilot Ratings and holds an Advanced Ground Instructor Certification. Most recently he served as a Facility Training Instructor at Centennial Tower.
Read more about Josh & Chris here.
Sarah Zales - Architecture
Sarah is a Colorado licensed architect, a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and formerly registered with the National Council of Architect Registration Boards (NCARB). Sarah has spent the majority of her career working her way up to become a Principal in an award-winning design firm in Denver focused on corporate office design. Read more about Sarah here.
- Back To School -
If/when a student is going to miss classes at the Legacy Campus, parents must ALSO call the Legacy Campus (303-387-7800) to excuse them from Legacy classes in addition to calling the student’s primary high school. This is also applicable when a student might miss for a school-related absence such as clubs, activities, athletics, and field trips. Attendance systems do not, unfortunately, translate school to school.
Because the Legacy Campus does not have lunch/nutrition services, students will want to plan ahead for lunches during transitions between their primary high school and their classes at Legacy Campus. The Cafe at Legacy Campus is now called the Marketplace, and will be open M-Th, 7am-1:30pm (but subject to change). It will open starting Aug. 19th, featuring food made by our culinary & hospitality students. We are serving breakfast sandwiches, pastries, drinks/coffee, salads, sandwiches, grab-n-go items, & weekly specials! We now have soups of the week, & fresh smoothies/juices! Students are also welcome to bring their own snacks/lunches as long as it does not interrupt the learning environment or cause spills, etc.
Student ID's
For the purpose of maintaining a safe and secure campus, students are expected to wear their primary high school student ID at all times while at Legacy Campus. Students will be provided with a Legacy Campus lanyard during the August Back to School Event in order to display their school ID and identify that they are a student at Legacy Campus. They will need to add their student ID's as soon as they are provided by their high school.
Student Parking
Student parking at the Legacy Campus does not require any additional fees but does require registration. The DCSD Legacy Campus has parking designated for student use. Students must register their car at their home high school AND at the DCSD Legacy Campus. Students will then be given a sticker that they will need to adhere to their windshield, indicating that the student is allowed to park at the Legacy Campus. Vehicle registration will be available at the August Back to School event.
In the event that a schedule change needs to take place, the student will meet with their primary counselor who will work with the Legacy Campus counselor to determine the most appropriate next steps. Schedule adjustments should happen in the first week of the semester. Please let us know if there are pinch points so we can best support students.
School Fees
Student fees for tuition are due the first week of school each semester (Aug. 8th for the fall) and will be automatically loaded into students’ fees via MySchoolBucks. Other course fees will be applied after the first two weeks of school. Please reach out to the Legacy Campus bookkeeper with any questions if you receive a bill from a school other than DCSD. See notes next to each course in the course guide for more information. Students also provide their own textbooks for college classes. These can be purchased through college bookstores or online, and specific information will be provided by the instructor. If your student is in need of financial assistance, please contact your Legacy Campus or primary high school counselor.
Anyone who will be needing transportation for the 24-25 school year from their home high school to and/or from Legacy Campus will need to register for the Noah Cares vans using this LINK. Full schedules can be found on our transportation page.
Construction Updates
We are thrilled to launch our new Student Repair Academy and classroom for our Secure Network Technology Pathway. Over the summer, our construction team built a beautiful new learning space to welcome our SNT students (for the first time) to their very own classroom. Our student Repair Academy will be certifiing high school students to repair computers for students and staff across DCSD.
We are already receiving requests from future students to tour the campus, so we have launched new dates and are taking reservations. There are two tour groups - one for prospective students and their families, and another for community members and industry partners.
AUG 7 - No Legacy Campus classes.
AUG 8 - Legacy Campus Check-in Day
AUG 9 - Asynchronous/Remote lessons will be sent out by teachers.
AUG 12-16 - Regular M/W & T/Th classes begin. Remote learning on Friday 8/16
Virtual Office Hours with Pathway Instructors -Weekly on Thursday mornings from 8:30-9:00am.
About us
Email: jrgraham@dcsdk12.org
Website: LegacyCampus.org
Location: 10035 S Peoria St, Lone Tree, CO, USA
Phone: 303-387-7800