McNair Eagle News
January 26, 2025
Principal's Message
Last week we ran a trial of our What I Need for Growth and Success (WINGS) program. WINGS is being run the last 30 minutes of each class period on Thursdays. Teachers who deem their students to need extra help and support may elect to have their students stay with them during those 30 minutes. Teachers who feel students are doing well, may release them to an Open Session. On Wednesdays during Student Success, students have the opportunity to see what Open Sessions are available, and sign up for them. Some options included Study Hall, Art, Karaoke, AP Review, Table Top Games, Silent Reading, Crocheting, Volleyball, and much more. We will be running WINGS every Thursday for the next three weeks to see how our support piece is helping McNair students in earning their WINGS.
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Nicole Vertar, M. Ed.
Ronald E. McNair High School
Helpful Information
Calendar of Events
Tuesday, January 28---School Site Council Meeting---3:30 in the McNair Career Center
Saturday, February 1---Winter Formal---7:00 PM-11:00 PM at McNair
Friday, February 7---No School----Lincoln's Birthday Holiday
Winter Formal
This year's Winter Formal, A Night Under the Stars, will be held on Saturday, February 1, from 7:00 PM-11:00 PM in the McNair Atrium. Tickets are on sale now, and they include admission, dinner, dessert, and beverages. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
***Students and guests attending Winter Formal MUST be picked up from the dance within 20 minutes of the conclusion of the dance.***
News from the Counseling Office
AP Testing
For the first time ever, Lodi Unified School District has arranged to pay the AP test fees for all students taking AP classes this year. If you have not signed up for an AP test and want to take it, even if that class was last term, fill out an order form and turn it in to the Bursar by February 28. Refunds will be sent to all students who already paid for their tests.
Scheduling for 25-26
Scheduling for 25-26 school year: Counselors will be working with students during Student Success to prepare for next year’s course selection.
Sophomores: January 29
Freshmen: February 5
Individual scheduling appointments will happen the week following the presentation. Parents are encouraged to view the presentation and course catalog, and to help students to select the courses they want to take next year. Scheduling resources will appear on our website here: 2025-26 Course Selection Links
News from the Career Center
There are opportunities for students to volunteer at Crab Feeds for Community Service hours. Please email vmenezes@lodiusd.org if you are interested or have questions.
A Financial Aid Workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 29th, at 12:17 in the Library.
The Delta Application Workshop will be Thursday, January 30th, during 2nd period, in the Library.
The Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps scholarship program is open for applications through January 31st. If chosen, the recipient will receive full tuition to a participating school of their choice, a stipend of $250.00 each month (with increases throughout college), and the opportunity to go on three summer training cruises on Navy ships. To apply, please go to the following website: www.usna.edu.
All high school students are invited to attend the largest Binational University Fair in Northern California, to be held on Saturday, February 8th from 9-3 at Cal Expo in buildings A and B. University counselors, financial aid specialists, and counselors who specialize in assisting undocumented students will be at the College Fair. For more information, please go to the stepstocollege.org website or scan the QR codes on the flyers posted on the bulleting boards.
Annual Testing Notification
Dear Lodi USD Parent/Guardians,
Every year, California students take several statewide tests. When combined with other measures such as grades, class work, and teacher observations, these tests give families and teachers a more complete picture of their child’s learning. You can use the results to identify where your child is doing well and where they might need more support. Your child may be taking one or more of the following:
- California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
- English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
- Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
To see the full information on the above assessments, please visit our Assessment, Research, and Evaluation (ARE) Department website. Please select the Annual Notification of Testing, 2024-2025 link.
New National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
We want to inform you about the 988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a new, free, 24/7 helpline for anyone in emotional distress or facing a mental health crisis. If you or your child ever need support, simply call or text 988 or call 1-800-273-8255 to connect with trained professionals who can help.
This is an important resource for your family’s well-being. Please save this number.
Life Guard Classes
The City of Stockton Community Services Department is offering free Life Guard classes for students ages 15 and above.
Click on the link below to access the flyer:
Pacific High School Summer Institute
We are pleased to announce that the University of the Pacific Summer High School Institute will be taking place on June 2-12 and June 17-27. For eligible 8th - 11th grade Lodi Unified School District students, the tuition and registration for one 2-week session is 100% sponsored by the school district. Attendance, grades and behavior will be taken into consideration for eligibility. See details below:
· Click here for more information: Pacific Summer Institute LodiUSD 2025
· Fill out this Pre-Registration form by Jan 31st
· Attend an optional virtual meeting via Zoom on January 23rd to learn more and ask questions: https://pacific.zoom.us/j/93708656379
· Educational Services staff will send an email notification by the end of February regarding eligibility, waitlist status, or denial
· Questions? Email pacificsummer@lodiusd.net
Click on the link below for the Parent Information Meeting Flyer (English):
Click on the link below for the Parent Information Meeting Flyer (Spanish):
Click on the link below for the Pacific Summer High School Institute flyer (English):
Click on the link below for the Pacific Summer High School Institute flyer (Spanish):
Special Education Parent Training Series
Please click the link below for information on a series of trainings to help parents navigate the Special Education system.
Senior Ad Sale for the Yearbook!
Make your senior’s yearbook extra special by capturing their journey with a personalized ad! Share baby photos, heartfelt thank-you’s, congratulations, or college announcements to honor this milestone moment.
Save 10% with our special discount code – valid through April 1, 2025. Don’t miss this chance to celebrate your senior in a meaningful way!
For more details and to purchase an ad, visit https://yearbookordercenter.com/job/16935