SGE Family Newsletter
May 20, 2024
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Looking Ahead...
May 20 - BHS Senior Walk
May 21/22 - Kindergarten Graduations
May 23 - Class Celebrations for PK, 1st, & 2nd Grades
May 23 - Last Day of School, 12:20pm Early Release
May 24 - 6th Six Weeks Report Cards Post to Family Access
Time to Return Library Books!
Librarian Tyler is on the search for missing library books! Currently, there are 47 books still missing! Please help us by returning those library books as soon as possible!
Prek -5 missing books
K - 11 missing books
1st - 6 missing books
2nd - 25 missing books
Check-In Procedures for End-of-Year Events
As the end of the year approaches, there are numerous end-of-year events on the calendar. In order to help eliminate check-in lines and assist you in a timely arrival, we are sending event tickets home with your child, specific to the events calendared. Please utilize this procedure for expedited entry. Arrive with your event ticket and ID. If you do not have an event ticket, expect to check-in at the front office with your ID which is a more time consuming process.
Additionally, special events are NOT check-out early days. We kindly request that parents avoid checking students out early after events are concluded. Please allow your child to complete the day at school.
*Measurable Results Assessment Reminder*
To the Families of our SGE Students,
Starting May 10, 2024, our school will be administering the Measurable Results Assessment (MRA), a survey and reporting system designed to provide insights into the progress of our school. In order to provide a holistic picture of what is going on in our school, the MRA includes three different surveys; 1) one completed by all school staff, 2) one completed by students, and 3) one completed by the families of students in all grades. We hope you will participate so we can use the feedback to make our school an even better place for students and families. (You will be receiving a link from every campus at which you have a student. Please complete a survey for each student at each campus.)
WHAT: Online survey completed by one member of each household.
- Survey typically takes about 5 minutes to complete
- Questions relate to the experiences you and your child have at our school.
- Answers are anonymous--to encourage people to be honest and open, no names and other identifying information will be collected.
WHEN: The survey is now available for you to take through Monday, May 20th.
HOW: The survey can be taken from any computer, smartphone, or tablet with internet access,
● Mrs. O'Hair sent an email to families that contains the link to the survey.
2024-2025 All About My Child - SGE
If you're interested in providing information to help meet the educational needs of your child as we create balanced classes for next year, please complete the form linked below. The form will be open until May 24, 2024.
RJ Richey Parent Input Form
Parents of upcoming 3rd graders have the opportunity to share input regarding the 2024-2025 classroom teacher. Below is a link where you can list the characteristics and qualities of a teacher prefered for your child, as well as include any recommended learning styles as your child transitions from 2nd to 3rd grade.
Parent Input Form Link: https://forms.gle/axotbPkYY1oKaYsVA
If your child has medication in the nurse's office, the medication must be picked up by 11:00am on Friday, May 24th. Medications not picked up will be disposed of after 11am on May 24th.
Nurse Request: Send an Extra Set of Clothes!
A request from Nurse Paige:
No one plans for an accident, but EVERY student should have a change of clothes in his/her backpack just in case. The nurse's clinic is out of shorts/pants/bottoms and underwear. If a student has an accident (toileting, mud, spilled liquid, etc) at school and he/she does not have an extra set of clothes at school, the student will have to wait in the clinic until the parents can bring a change of clothes. Be proactive, and send a change of clothes!
Yearbooks! Yearbooks! Get your Yearbooks!
Leaders of the Pack
We have FOUR Leaders of the Pack to introduce this week!
Cassiel helped a younger student who was having a difficult morning get to class by giving him blocks.
Solomon is always ready to be a friend to anyone he meets!
Katalea noticed a student who was struggling with emotions and offered a way to help make her day better!
Paislee is always ready to learn and set leadership examples for her classmates!
Way to be LEADERS at SGE!
Academics + Character = Success
Top Growth Classes for the Month of May
BRAVO to the following classes for earning the top growth-point averages in their grade for the month of May! These classes will have the trophy signs hanging outside of their classrooms!
PreK Reading - Buller’s Class
PreK Math - Bage's Class
Kinder Reading & Math- Hagen’s Class
1st Grade Reading - Ray's Class
1st Grade Math - Medrano's Class
2nd Grade Reading - Scott's Class
2nd Grade Math - Lough's Class
Red Cape Winners for the Month of May
Congratulations to our May Red Cape Winners!!
A student earns the Red Cape when he/she INDIVIDUALLY scores the most monthly growth points in either reading or math in the entire grade level!
PreK Reading - Clara C. and Kori T.
PreK Math - Slade U.
Kinder Reading - Kayden S.
Kinder Math - Erin R.
1st Reading - Connor H.
1st Math - Annamarie S.
2nd Reading - Abigail P.
2nd Math - Jarrett M.
Perfect Attendance for the YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This week, our local McDonald’s celebrated our students who have had PERFECT ATTENDANCE for the entire school year! There are 15 students who accomplished this huge feat!
Perfect attendance certainly requires some luck to avoid illnesses, but it 100% requires dedication from the family as well! Teaching students the importance of and value in regular attendance will have its rewards academically as children and professionally as adults!
Shout out to…
Hunter B., Warner B., Marshall D., Soneto F., Blayne G., Julius G., Gael G., Brixley H., Carter H., Henry L., Antonio O., Ricky P., Porter T., Emily V., Emmy W.
SGE Attendance Tracking
SGE's ADA for this past week was 95.67%!
ADA stands for Average Daily Attendance and is defined as the total days of student attendance divided by the total days of instruction. "98 IS Great!", so 98% is our goal!
Check Out the Burnet Sports Camps!
Viewing Report Cards and Progress Reports
An important piece in the family-school partnership is staying aware of student performance. It is requested that parents view and electronically sign progress reports and report cards. See the directions below, and be sure to get those signatures in! In addition, parents are encouraged to regularly view grades in Skyward.
Notification of Student Absence
A parent must provide an explanation for any absence within 5 days of the student’s arrival or return to school. The student must submit a note signed by the parent. The campus may accept an email from the parent sent to the school’s attendance clerk, but reserves the right to require a written note. The form below will send an email to SGE's Attendance Clerk and then the campus will determine whether to classify the absence as excused or unexcused.
This information may also be found on the BCISD website:
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for pictures from behind the scenes at SGE! "Shady Grove Elementary School - BCISD"
How do I request a change in transportation?
Submit an email on the same day as the transportation change request by 1:30 p.m. to sge-transportation@burnetcisd.net
Include the following details in the email:
- Student’s full name
- Student’s grade level
- Student’s homeroom teacher
- The transportation change you want made for today (bus rider to car rider or car rider to bus rider)
Requests made after 1:30pm will not be processed. Notes, phone calls, text messages and emails sent to any other email will not be processed.
Shady Grove Elementary School
7:15am Office Opens
7:40am School Begins
7:45am Tardy Bell
9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
1:30pm Transportation changes due, please email: sge-transportation@burnetcisd.net
3:20pm Student Dismissal
4:00pm Office/School Closes
Email: sge-transportation@burnetcisd.net
Website: sge.burnetcisd.net/
Location: 111 Shady Grove Road, Burnet, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 756-2126
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShadyGroveBurnet