South Row's Home Link
Week(s) of: November 25th and December 2nd, 2024
Message from the Principals
We so appreciate your partnership and participation in conferences this past week and into December. As a school we truly value our relationships with both students and families. Please be watching for our December Kind Act that will benefit many families in the area that are in need support. The generosity in our South Row family cannot be understated.
We have partnered again with the Wish Project for our December Kind Act and will begin accepting donations starting on December 2nd. Please see the flyer below for more details on items that are needed. Thank you for your generosity in advance!
Please be advised, we will not be sending out a newsletter prior to Thanksgiving break. Therefore, we wish you and your families a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Terri and Jayson =)
Week at a Glance- Week of November 25th
Monday, November 25th
- No events
Tuesday, November 26th
- End of Term 1 - Grades 1-4
Wednesday, November 27th
- Early Release Day - Students Dismissed at 11:45am - Thanksgiving Break
Reminders for Early Release Days:
- Students are dismissed at 11:45am
- Car dismissals should adhere to the following times
- Last names A-G- 11:40-11:45am
- Last names H-N- 11:45-11:50am
- Last names O-Z- 11:50-11:55am
- Please communicate any changes to your child's dismissal plans to their respective teacher, Mrs. O'Neill ( and Mrs. Sepe ( Be sure to also discuss with your child.
- Lunch is available for take home ONLY through online ordering ( see Food Services section below in this newsletter)
- Students will either have specials or recess (rotates every half day).
- Snack time may be adjusted and/or not occur depending on your child(ren)'s schedule.
- Extended Day will be open until 3:00pm for students signed up on WEDNESDAY. Please provide your child a lunch.
- Please anticipate possible delays with buses as they navigate an early release schedule.
Thursday, November 28th
- No School - Thanksgiving Break
Friday, November 29th
- No School - Thanksgiving Break
Week at a Glance - Week of December 2nd
Monday, December 2nd
- Kindness Matters Day - students and staff encouraged to wear kindness shirts and/or complete a kind act
- Student Grade Level Meetings w/ Mrs. Gilbert & Mr. Ramalho
Tuesday, December 3rd
- Health Screenings w/ Nurse V (Vision and Hearing)
Wednesday, December 4th
- No events
Thursday, December 5th
- No events
Friday, December 6th
- Health Screenings w/ Nurse V (Vision and Hearing)
Looking ahead
Monday, December 9th
- 4th Grade Student Council, 3:30-4:15pm
Tuesday, December 10th
- Grade 3 Magnets Enrichment Program
Wednesday, December 11th
- Grades Available online via X2 portal - click here for directions
Thursday, December 12th
- Early Release Day - Parent/Caregiver Conferences
- Book Buddies, Duncan & Bullock's classes
Reminders for Early Release Days:
- Students are dismissed at 11:45am
- Car dismissals should adhere to the following times
- Last names A-G- 11:40-11:45am
- Last names H-N- 11:45-11:50am
- Last names O-Z- 11:50-11:55am
- Please communicate any changes to your child's dismissal plans to their respective teacher, Mrs. O'Neill ( and Mrs. Sepe ( Be sure to also discuss with your child.
- Lunch is available for take home ONLY through online ordering ( see Food Services section below in this newsletter)
- Students will either have specials or recess (rotates every half day).
- Snack time may be adjusted and/or not occur depending on your child(ren)'s schedule.
- Extended Day will be open until 6:00pm for students signed up on THURSDAY. Please provide your child a lunch.
- Please anticipate possible delays with buses as they navigate an early release schedule.
Friday, December 13th
- Chelmsford/South Row Spirit Day
- Health Screenings w/Nurse V (Vision and Hearing)
Tuesday, December 17th
- Try it Tuesday
Wednesday, December 18th
- Tentative Whole School Reward
Friday, December 20th
- Silly Sock and Pajama School Spirit Day
Monday, December 23rd - Friday, January 3rd
- Winter School Vacation
Monday, January 6th
- School Resumes - Happy 2025!
Reminders and Updates
Colder Temperatures: As the winter months approach us, please be sure your child comes to school dressed appropriately for outdoor recess (ie. jackets/sweatshirts, etc).
Snacks: Please remember to send your child in with a snack. The school has a very limited supply that gets depleted quickly and it is not to every students liking.
Nurses Corner: Please be sure to review the Nurses Corner in this newsletter as information pertaining to health screenings are discussed.
Kind Act for December: We will be partnering with the Wish Project for our December Kind Act. Please see information below.
Lost and Found: We have our lost and found on display this month. As a reminder, items will be donated on Friday, December 20th.
Spotlight on South Row @ School Committee
At Tuesday's school committee meeting, South Row presented! Fourth Grade Teacher, Amanda Kellerman and one of our Special Education Teachers, Allison Hevey presented with us. The link to the meeting can be found below if you are interested in watching.
Kind Act for December ~ consider participating if you are able!
South Row Roof Project Accepted into MSBA's Accelerated Repair Program
4th Grade Families - Please read
Nurses Corner
Dear South Row Families,
South Row will be conducting Health Screenings for grades K-3 on December 3rd, 6th, and 13th. Grade 4 will be screened starting November 25th. Fourth grade parents were sent an email regarding health screenings. If you did not receive it, please reach out to me.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health Regulation requires students be screened at Chelmsford Public Schools at certain intervals. In elementary school, your child will be screened for:
Hearing: Grades *K, 1, 2, 3
Vision with stereopsis testing: Grades *K, 1, 2, 3
Visual acuity: Grade 4
Height/Weight Grades 1, 4
*Kindergarten: Upon entering kindergarten ,or within 30 days of the start of school, the guardian shall present to school the Health Care Provider documentation from within the previous 12 months that the child has passed a vision screening. If your kindergarten child is missing a hearing or vision screening, it will be done at school.
Please make sure your student brings or wears their prescribed eyeglasses at school for the vision screening. Alternatively, if your child is currently under the care of an optometrist and you would like to opt out of the vision screening, please email me at
You can opt your child out of any (or all) of these screenings. If you choose to have your child opt out of any of these screenings, please email me to exclude your student from participating. Please email me opt out requests by Monday December 2nd.
Nurse V.
PTO Corner
PTO Virtual Meeting Link
Virtual PTO Meeting Link
We will be offering a virtual option for those that would like to join the monthly PTO meeting but can't make it in person. Please use this link to join the meeting virtually.
Connections Calendar
November & December Connections Calendar - Feedback
Parent Resources and Support
Parent Resources and Support Button
**Please note: We continuously update the button below with new resources as they arise.
Food Services Corner
This section is comprised of the following items pertaining to food services
- Website
- Breakfast Information
- Tentative Breakfast/Lunch Menus
Lunch on Half Days Information
Dear Parents and Families --
To better estimate the demand for lunches on half days, CPS Nutrition utilizes online lunch ordering for HALF DAYS ONLY.
For the upcoming half day Wednesday 9/18/24 orders must be received by Friday 9/13/24.
2024-2025 CPS Upcoming Half Day/Early Release dates
● 9/18/24
● 10/24/24
● 11/20/24 (Elem & MS Only)
● 11/27/24
● 12/12/24
● 1/14/25
● 2/6/25
● 3/12/25
● 4/1/25
If you would like your child to have lunch on future half days, the online ordering is open for you to go ahead and select those dates. Set Up Your Account Now
Directions to set up your account and order: 1. URL Link:
2. Sign up now: Email, create password.
3. School District: Chelmsford Public Schools
4. Student ID: This can be found on x2- Child’s student ID number
5. Last Name: (You can also search and add siblings/family members at this time). Once this is completed, the student's name should appear on the page.
How to order meals
1. School Menu-select online lunch ordering (all schools)
2. Scroll to week of half day/early release date (top right of page)
3. Find date, select meal option
4. Add item to cart/Select Add to order
5. Click on shopping cart icon at top right of page
6. Click Check out
7. Select pick up location: Elementary pick-up location classroom. Middle/high school pick up location cafeteria.
8. Place order
Tentative Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Fort Day - Ms. Kelley's Room
Grade 4 - Art Enrichment
Science and Sound in Grade 1
Pride Shout Outs
Reggie Laurant Enrichment Program for Grade 4
High Five Friday with CPD
Importance of Attendance
Contact the South Row Administrative Team!
Mr. Jayson Ramalho, M.Ed.
Assistant Principal
Location: 250 Boston Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5177
Twitter: @CPSSouthRow
Contact the Main Office Staff
- Mrs. Terri Gilbert, Principal:, 978-251-5177 ext. 4
- Mr. Jayson Ramalho, Assistant Principal:, 978-251-5177 ext. 3
- Mrs. Shannon Vandevoordt, School Nurse:, 978-251-5177, ext.2
- Mrs. Debbie O'Neill, Secretary:, 978-251-5177, ext. 0
- Mrs. Kim Sepe, School Clerk:, 978-251-5177, ext.0
- Absentee Line: 978-251-5177 ext. 1