WBHS Student Newsletter
October 2024
Message from Administration
Dear WBHS Students,
I hope you are all doing well as we settle into October! We’re now a month into the school year, and I want to take a moment to acknowledge how proud I am of the hard work and positive energy you’ve brought into this school year so far. Keep it up!
Upcoming Events
October is packed with exciting events. We’ve got Homecoming, parent-teacher conferences, and extracurricular events and activities coming your way. These events are a great way to show school spirit, have some fun, and build memories with friends. I hope to see many of you involved and cheering each other on!
WBSD Way Focus
As you know from our grade level meetings, our school is focused on promoting and celebrating positive behaviors. Thank you for your attendance and participation at our monthly grade level assemblies. You make all of us proud to support you!
Stay Focused
We know this is the time of year where it can be easy to get distracted, but our whole staff want to remind you that your academics are a priority. Stay focused, keep up with your work, attend all of your classes, and do not hesitate to reach out to your teachers if you need help. We are all here to help YOU!
I’m proud of everything you’ve accomplished so far, and I’m looking forward to seeing even more success as we move forward this year. Let’s make October a great month together!
Go Suns and Spartans!
Mrs. Potter
WBHS Executive Principal
Important Dates
October 7-12: Homecoming Week (see flyers below for all the details!)
October 12: Homecoming Dance
October 16: West NHS Induction Ceremony (6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Auditorium)
October 18: No School for Students | Staff Professional Day
October 21: Fall Choir Concert (7:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Auditorium)
October 22: Fall Orchestra Concert (7:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Auditorium)
October 23: East NHS Induction Ceremony (7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium)
October 24: Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:00 - 7:30 p.m. - more info below)
October 25: Picture Retake Day (7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the Auditorium)
October 29: PSAT/NMSQT Test
October 30: Indoor Marching Band Scholarship Concert (7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in the Auditorium)
November 1: End of Quarter 1
*Click upper corner of photos to enlarge.
Important Reminders & Updates
Student Principal Advisory Committee
Are you a 9th, 10th, or 11th student who is interested in making our school a better place? If so, the Principal Advisory Committee might be a great fit for you!
The Student Principal Advisory Committee is a group of students who provide direct input and feedback to the principal on various school-related matters. This committee allows students to voice their celebrations and concerns, share ideas, and discuss issues that impact their school experience. By participating in this committee, students play an active role in shaping the school environment. The committee also helps the principal stay connected to student perspectives, ensuring that decisions reflect the needs and interests of the student body. If you are interested in joining this committee, we meet two times a month during Flexi and any freshman, sophomore, and junior student are encouraged to apply here: 24-25 Principal Advisory Committee.
What Not to Bring to School
As we work together to ensure a safe, productive, and positive learning environment for all students, please make sure to review our items not allowed at school:
Items NOT Allowed at School:
Toy Weapons or Replicas: Toys or replica guns, swords, knives, or water guns or related toys. Even if an item is a toy, it can always be mistaken for a real weapon.
Costume Accessories: Items such as fake knives, handcuffs, or other costume props that resemble dangerous objects
Pocket Tools (Multitools, Pocket Knives): Real tools like Swiss Army knives, even if intended for practical purposes, can be considered dangerous in a school setting.
Sharp Objects: Items like nail clippers, scissors, or even certain art supplies could be seen as hazardous if used or handled improperly. Teachers usually provide any necessary supplies for class activities to avoid these concerns.
Laser Pointers: Although often used for presentations, laser pointers can cause distractions and may be harmful if pointed at someone’s eyes.
Medication: Any medication (even over-the-counter items like ibuprofen or allergy pills) should be managed through the school nurse. Students should not carry (unless authorized) or share medications.
Lighters or Matches: While sometimes brought to school innocently by students who may not understand their potential danger, they can obviously be very dangerous.
Self-defense items: Items meant for personal protection, such as pepper spray or small tasers, could be alarming to many as they are typically viewed as weapons in a school environment.
Hunting Equipment, Ammunition, or Ammunition Casings: Hunting equipment like bows, arrows, knives, and guns are always prohibited at school. Keep in mind that bringing a single bullet or bullet casing to school, even without a gun, can also raise serious concerns.
Reminders About Student Lunches
Students may not bring in outside vendor’s food for lunch or order food to school (i.e. Door Dash, etc.). Our nutrition department follows Wisconsin DPI nutrition guidelines to ensure health and safety compliance and meet nutritional standards. These rules support the school's meal program funding and prevent logistical issues.
Nifty Nibble - Grand Opening 10/15
Check out the slide below with Nifty Nibble expecations.
YIC Nomination Form
The Youth Impact Club (YIC) is dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing suicide, and reducing stigma. We use the Hope Squad lessons and QPR training to teach our members how to help their family and friends who may be struggling with mental illness or suicidal ideation. We host a 5K Butterfly run/walk each September during suicide prevention week to create community awareness and raise funds to support our efforts throughout the year. We run an event that can vary from year to year for the Day of Hope on Friday, February 17th, and we run an event for May Mental Health Month. We can be identified by the purple bandanas we attach to our backpacks. Please join us in our efforts to save & improve lives, including your own!
If you are interested in joining YIC or want to nominate another WBHS student, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/CaXw4a4VGW4ZS6t98.
Counseling Office Updates
Happy October! We hope that your year is off to a positive start. We have enjoyed seeing you in the class meetings this year and hope that you plan on participating in all of the fun events coming up during Homecoming week.
Now that the academic year is fully underway, remember to set goals for yourself and stick with them! These tips were shared in the 9th and 10th grade class meetings and apply to all students:
In addition, remember that you need to be in class to keep up and do well. If you are missing too many class periods, you will be required to attend sessions for lunch reflections and additional meetings with parents and guardians will be scheduled as needed. Be in class and let’s make this a great year!
Career Readiness Center Updates
Students who are exploring college options are encouraged to participate in the Wisconsin Education Fair at Mount Mary College on October 14, 2024. Bus transportation will be provided. Students should register using this form and pick up a permission slip/preplan in room 2417 or the Career Readiness Center (by the East cafeteria). This event is limited to the first 40 students who sign up. Preference will be given to juniors and seniors; however, sophomores are welcome to register.
The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is a comprehensive and completely FREE career planning resource that aligns students' strengths and interests with an after-high-school plan. Last year, over 70 high school students took advantage of this resource and learned about themselves and started planning their future based on the results. The ASVAB will be administered at West Bend High School on October 16 beginning at 7:15am in the East library to any interested juniors or seniors. It will last approximately 90 minutes. If students want to explore their career interests and find colleges that have their intended majors, the ASVAB is a great resource. Students interested in taking the ASVAB will need to register before October 16.
Contact Ms. O’Brien at bobrien@wbsd-schools.org or 262-306-4603 with any questions.
WBSD Way Team Updates
September has started out GREAT here at WBHS! Students participated in our new monthly Grade Level Meetings which included a review of expectations, class celebrations, and even some fun community building activities! This month we celebrated the responsible use of personal technology with 95.2% of our student body having ZERO PERSONAL TECH REFERRALS! As we head into October we are continuing to focus on responsibility, highlighting how to follow the expectations in extracurricular activities (sports, pep rallies, spirit week, etc.).
Each quarter we use data to set a goal and celebrate the accomplishments of our students. During the First Quarter, we are striving to see 90.5% of our students with 0-1 major referrals. If we accomplish this, the students can look forward to a fun celebration during the November Class Meetings–stay tuned!
Athletics Info & Updates
WBHS Highlights & Celebrations
Mr. Willmas' construction students are immersed in working on their projects.
Mrs. Ransom's students participated in a speed dating game to review the characteristics of polynomials.
Helpful Links for Students
WBHS Contact Information
1305 E. Decorah Road
West Bend, WI 53095
Phone Numbers:
(262)335-5530 (East Office)
(262)335-5570 (West Office)
(262)335-5550 (Attendance)
(262)335-5580 (Counseling Office)
Athletics Websites: East | West
Jennifer Potter- Executive Principal
jpotter@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5629
Dave Uelmen - Associate Principal
duelmen@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5592
Jared Kiesow - Assistant Principal - Freshmen
jkiesow@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5587
Bob Feldkamp - Assistant Principal - Sophomores
rfeldkamp@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5571
Dave Riley - Assistant Principal - Juniors
dsriley@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5532
Kelsey Petersen - Assistant Principal - Seniors
kmpetersen@wbsd-schools.org / 262-335-5569
Kara Phillips - Freshmen & Sophomores with last names A-Ha
Jenni Hanni-Schmitz - Freshmen with last names He-Z
Kris Kemp - Sophomores with last names He-Z
Jamie Thomas - Juniors with last names A-P
Matt Coyle - Seniors with last names A-P
Nicole Miller - Juniors & Seniors with last names Q-Z
Juliana Delgado - Virtual Students and Students with 504 Plans
Audrey Sobczak - School Psychologist