Overlook Monthly News
December 2024
Ms. Bennett's Art Classes
Grade 6 students in Ms. Bennett's F Block Second Enrichment Art class are conducting research and creating images for submission to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's annual calendar contest. The theme is Keep the Sea Free of Debris!
First ever OMS Craft Fair was a huge success!
Sponsored by the PTO, it helped to raise funds for Washington DC Trip for Grade 8!
Monthly Letter from Administration
December News & Highlights!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As the year draws to a close, I’m thrilled to bring you some exciting updates and key information in this December edition of our newsletter.
A Celebration of Success
I couldn't be prouder of our students and staff for their hard work, enthusiasm, and perseverance throughout the first half of the school year. Our classrooms have been alive with curiosity and creativity, and our students have excelled not only academically but also in extracurricular activities that showcase their diverse talents.
Let’s take a moment to celebrate their achievements—both big and small! Whether it’s a stellar science project, an impressive art display, or a win on the sports field, these accomplishments reflect the unwavering support and encouragement you provide at home. Together, we’re building a community where every student can thrive.
Upcoming Events to Spread Holiday Cheer
As we enter the festive season, we’ve lined up some wonderful events to bring joy and togetherness to our school community. Be sure to mark your calendars:
🎵 Winter Concert – December 18 | Oakmont Auditorium | 7:00-9:00 PM
🎄 Holiday Spirit Week – December 16-20 | Fun themed days for all students!
🎁 Community Service Drives:
- Toys for Tots – Donations accepted through December 10 (can drop in OMS main office)
We invite everyone to join in and make this season special for our students and the greater community. Your participation not only spreads holiday cheer but also fosters unity and kindness.
Important Reminders and Dates
📆 Winter Break: School will be closed from Monday, December 23, through Wednesday, January 1. We wish you and your family a joyful and relaxing holiday!
📊 Parent Portal Update: On December 10, check the Parent Portal for a mid-quarter update on your child’s progress. It’s a great time to reflect on their achievements and set new goals for the second half of the school year.
📱 Personal Devices Reminder: We are a phone-free school. Please remember that SMART watches, cell phones, and other personal electronic devices are not permitted during the school day. Devices should remain off and stored in lockers to ensure a focused learning environment. The school cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items.
A Heartfelt Thank You
As we reflect on this year, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your ongoing support and partnership. It is this collaboration between parents, students, and our dedicated staff that makes Overlook Middle School a remarkable place for learning and growth.
Together, we are inspiring and empowering our students to dream big, work hard, and achieve their fullest potential.
Wishing you a holiday season filled with warmth, joy, and cherished memories with loved ones.
Warmest regards,
Kristina Bogosh and Lori Shattuck
Book Fair 2024!
Mrs. Belkin really transforms our library for the ultimate book fair experience! This year's theme was passport travel! Books can transcend our imaginations and knowledge to all sorts of places! A big thank you to Mrs. Belkin for all her hard work making the book fair a special destination for all students each year!
Dates to Remember
December 2024
December 2-4 Overlook Boys Basketball Tryouts 2-3:30 PM & Girls Basketball Try-outs 3:30-5:00 PM (see below for specifics)
December 2 MCM (cake roll) Washington DC fundraiser ends
December 3 Student Council Meeting/room 214/2-3pm
December 4 Play Club 2-3:30 PM
December 6 Last Day of Enrichment #3
December 5 Art Club 2-3:00 pm
December 9 First Day of Enrichment #4
December 10 PTO meeting-Library-6:00pm
December 11 Soar Meeting/Library/2-3:00pm
December 11 Play Club 2-3:30 PM
December 12 Art Club HOLIDAY PARTY 2-3:00 pm
December 12 Wingspan 2-2:30 PM
December 12 PTO Crafting Event 2-4pm Cafeteria ($5 cover fee)
December 13 8th Grade MCM Cake Roll/Cookie Fundraiser reward day
December 16 - 20 Winter Spirit Week
December 16 Merry Monday - any holiday apparel 🎄
December 17 Teacher Swap Tuesday - student dress as teachers/teachers dress as students 👔🧑
December 17 Yearbook Club mtg/Rm 207/2-3pm
December 18 Color War Wednesday - wear your team color (competition)🎨
December 18 Play Club 2-3:30 PM
December 18🎶Winter Concert Band/Chorus 7pm at Oakmont🎷
December 19 Jersey Thursday - wear your favorite jersey 👕
December 19 MCM Cake Roll/Cookie Delivery/Pick up day
December 20 Grade 8 Washington T-shirt/Backpack Design Contest Due
December 20 Fun Pajama Friday
December 23-January 1 No School, Winter break
Basketball Tryouts
Girls Coach - Mr. Romano promano@awrsd.org
Boys Coach - Mr. Douglas ddouglas@awrsd.org
OMS Boys and Girls Team Basketball Tryouts:
Boys in Grades 6 and 7 tryout on December 2nd from 2-3:30pm.
Boys in Grade 8 tryout on December 3rd from 2-2:30pm.
Boys who made initial cut continue tryouts on December 4th from 2-2:30pm.
All girls in all grades Tryouts December 2-4 from 3:30-5pm
After-School Clubs- Info
New club added after the holiday break! Mr. Bradt will be starting a Dungeons and Dragons club again for this year! See link button above for details and direct any questions to Mr. Bradt at zbradt@awrsd.org.
Also, we will be continuing play club on Wednesdays despite the weather. It will be outside when possible but will be in the cafeteria and/or library for some indoor play. Please be sure to register your child we can take up to 75 registrations and we still have plenty of spots left as of this month!
What is Play Club?
Play Club is a program with a philosophy that free play with no adult planning or interfering allows students to make their own fun and solve their own problems while building resilience, social interaction, and creativity!!! This is important even for those in their adolescent years.
Play Club uses a loose parts approach for play. Loose parts are any materials that can be used in countless, open-ended ways. It can include hula hoops, balls, traffic cones, bales of hay, boxes, chalk, natural materials, craft materials, etc.
Play Club is a mixed-age group for any of our students in grades 6-8. Mixed-age play encourages cognitive development as children engage in activities that require problem-solving, negotiation, and shared-decision making. It also can allow for diverse perspectives by bringing various experiences to the environment and broadens a child's worldview.
It is different from a traditional recess. Here is a graphic below.
In a world where devices are a constant in our everyday lives, it is our belief that students require opportunities for free play. We want to provide an after-school opportunity for our students at Overlook. Included in this introduction is an attachment about the goals of Play Club and what the benefits are to free-play with minimal adult interference. Play Club operates on a paradigm of "You can handle it." Students will have to resolve their issues independently through a communication protocol called "Conflict Corner" which is also attached.
There are very simple ground rules for students:
1. Play respectfully: Do not deliberately hit or physically hurt another.
2. Get permission to leave the area/grounds.
3. Listen to the adults, who will intervene only when they must.
The Details
WHO: Any student in grades 6-8. (At this time maximum of 75 students can join play club.)
WHAT: Play Club
WHEN: Every Wednesday, except 1/2 days. From 2-3:30pm. Rain or Shine. Starting October 2nd.
WHERE: Outside on the OMS field (If raining or during winter months, students will play in the cafeteria, library, and/or gym, if available).
WHY: Kids need free play; it builds healthy relationships, problem-solving skills, creativity and innovation. Schools who have implemented free play report happier children and reduction in bullying.
If a student wants to join Play Club they and their parents will need to:
1. Complete this REGISTRATION FORM linked below (which also includes an acknowledgement of the Play Club Pledge - see attached). The Play Club has a limit of 75 students at this time. Students must be registered to participate. We understand if they cannot attend every date but would like a commitment to attend minimum of 75% of the dates.
2. Review the "Conflict Corner" expectations. Students will have to enter the "Conflict Corner" to resolve any spats or problems on their own.
3. Ensure timely pickup at the end of Play Club.
Attention Grade 8 Parents and Students😃
Please see information below for a fundraising opportunity that will help to defray the costs of your own trip!
Important Notices & Reminders
Charging Chromebooks
Coming prepared to school doesn't just mean bring a pencil and notebook - it also means making sure chromebook is charged. Please ensure your child's nightly routine includes charging their chromebook for the next day of learning.
Parent Drop-Off / Pickup
Students cannot enter the building before 7:10am as there is no supervision.
Breakfast begins at 7:20 (students can exit the bus at this time if eating breakfast only).
Classes begin at 7:35am.
Dismissal is at 1:50pm.
Please be sure to not park in the general parking areas to let students off or pick them up. Use the line that goes behind the school. This is a safety concern with students running through parking lots and parents disrupting traffic patterns.
Also, please pay attention to staff members directing traffic. Do not drive-by when they ask you to stop.
Passing busses with flashing lights is a $250 traffic citation.
Dress Code
Students should not be wearing pajamas or slippers to school. This is part of our dress code. We do on occasion have a spirit day where students are allowed to wear pajamas as a "treat" but appropriate, everyday school attire does not include pajamas or slippers. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for school. Thank you!
- If students come to school in slippers or pajamas we may ask that parents come and bring the appropriate attire to school for students to change.
SMART Watches
SMART watches are considered a personal device. Teachers have found that they can serve as a considerable distraction to students during class. They are also banned by the state during MCAS testing. We ask that all SMART watches be left at home or in the lockers during the school day. Please and thank you.
Student Drinks & Candy
Students are only allowed water for drinks in class. There have been some young business entrepreneurs at OMS that have been selling the popular "Prime" drinks (as well as other things such as candy). Students are not authorized nor allowed to sell anything at school. Moreover, these drinks are not allowed. Please ensure that your student is not bringing these drinks to school or buying or selling these drinks at school or on the bus.
OMS Behavior Matrix
Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be Ready to Learn
Please continually REVIEW expectations with you child.
We see the school and home as a partnership. We ask to review these expectations with your child in an effort to create unified expectations from both the school and home fronts. Please see the matrix attachment below to review with your child.
Notice From Nurse Taylor's Office
- If your student requires an epipen or inhaler at school or during after school activities, they must have written parent permission and doctor's orders on file with the health office whether the medication is in the health office or they are carrying it. If you are not sure about the status of your student's paperwork or have any questions, please contact me at ntaylor@awrsd.org.
- According to the Massachusetts school immunization requirements, it is recommended that students receive the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and tetanus) vaccine at age 11-12. One dose is required in Grade 7-12. It is typically given at the physical before entering Grade 7.
- The meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) is also required with the first dose typically given in Grade 7 and the second dose given in Grade 11.
- Please submit documentation of these vaccines when your child receives them. This may be faxed by your physician's office to 978-827-4986, emailed to me or brought to school by your child (not recommended as frequently it is forgotten in the backpack).
- **In order to play sports, you must have an up-to-date physical in the last 13 months and must go to the Athletic website page and complete the online registration. Any questions please contact Athletic Director edawley@awrsd.org.
- Lastly, we want parents to know that if students call a parent/guardian to pick them up because they are not feeling well and a nurse has not officially dismissed them for medical reasons, this is an UNEXCUSED absence. We ask parents to discourage their child from trying to call home to be dismissed.
Did you sign up for ParentSquare yet?
Parent Education & Resources Corner
Guns in the Home and How to Keep Your Children Safe
Resources on the impact of cell phone and social media on the teen brain
- NIH Articles: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6449671/
- VIDEO: https://youtu.be/kGZvNbfrNag
- WEBSITE: https://www.humanetech.com/youth
- NYT Article: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PdtQZAuVsflH0SuM9E6BMNyDkq9NPcjq/view
- NYT Article: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zvHPmlIQios-a2llfLFyj6DbdMWB5h8S/view
- Guardian Article: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/oct/05/smartphone-addiction-silicon-valley-dystopia
- PEW Research: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/social-media/
- VIDEO: https://youtu.be/rv0g8TsnA6c
- TIME Article: https://time.com/5555737/smartphone-mental-health-teens/
- INFOGRAPHIC: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/technology-addiction-concern-controversy-and-finding-balance-infographic
Resources on talking to children about race and bias
- Smithsonian & NMAAHC WEBSITE (Race): https://nmaahc.si.edu/learn/talking-about-race
- Anti-Defamation League WEBSITE: https://www.adl.org/resources/tools-and-strategies/talking-young-children-about-bias-and-prejudice
- Oakland Library Resources DOCUMENT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s0lCA3FlulVhK6DFE2d3uYCipc6ApY8Gn2rMwm6fYqw/edit
- PJ Library WEBSITE (Antisemitism): https://pjlibrary.org/beyond-books/pjblog/february-2022/how-to-talk-to-children-about-anti-semitism
- Nick Helps WEBSITE (Bullying Prevention): https://www.nick.com/nick-helps/bullying-prevention/
PTO Corner
News from PTO- Check it out!
Thank you so much for supporting our PTO......Check all that is happening!
1. There was no meeting in November due to to conferences, Veteranś Day and Thanksgiving. Therefore, no minutes are available for November. Please save the date for our December meeting on December 10th
2. The Washington Fundraiser ends on December 2nd-Students sold enough items to earn their group reward of a no homework day, a homeroom snack sponsored by PTO and a PJ/hat day. This is scheduled for Friday December 13th.
3. The MCM cake and cookie dough merchandise will be available for pick up on December 19th form 2pm-6pm. (Volunteers will be needed to help distribute product)
4. The November Craft Fair was also a big success and we were able to raise over $2000 for the Washington trip. Big shout out to Emily Robertson for organizing this event.
5. We have also collected several sponsorships from our Ashburnham/Westminster community. Thank to the parents who have helped send letters and asked community members for donations. Special thanks to Sherri Bean and Jenna Lavery who have attended every sponsorship meeting and personally asked local businesses for their help.
6. Thank you to those businesses who have helped our Eagles go to Washington! These businesses include:
Gold Sponsors-National Grid
Silver Sponsors-Ashburnham Dental Arts, GFA Gardner, Hampton Fish Company, Prospective Realty
Bronze Sponsors-Athol Saving Bank, Cushing Academy, Pelletier Properties, Rowe and Canary Orthodontics, Valley View Barbell
7. December 12th-PTO is hosting a Holiday Craft event open to all students who would like to make holiday gifts-Cost is $5 which includes materials and a snack.
8. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time to this year’s book fair. We were able to give every child who wanted a book with a book of their choice and we were able to fill the wish lists of the teachers who requested books. Special thank you to PTO member Colleen Moran for helping set up and take down the fair and count each day’s money.
9. Want to become a PTO member? We are always accepting
Fill out the membership Google Form: 2024-2025 Membership Form
● Pay the $5 dues with cash or check to “OMS PTO” and bring it to the office. Or Venmo @overlookmspto and comment “2024 membership for (your name).”
Take a look at our website https://sites.google.com/awrsd.org/overlookmspto/home or our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram OverlookMSPTO for all the latest information.
Sweet treats and nourishment for teachers during conference week! Thanks PTO!!! The EmergenC packets were such an added bonus!
Please check the Portal regularly. Google Classroom is not an accurate indicator of grades. Please reach out to the teacher directly if you have any questions.