Owl's Nest
October Family Newsletter
October Family Newsletter
Upcoming Dates to Remember
Tuesday, October 8th
- ERE PTO meeting @3:30
Friday, October 11th
- Walkathon (information will be sent home with students on 10/2)
Tuesday, October 15th
- Vision Screening
Wednesday, October 16th
- Picture Day
Friday, October 18th
- No School
- Halloween parade
Back to School Night Success!
THANK YOU to everyone who attended our Back to School Night and Title Presentation last week! We had over 400 people in attendance. We were thrilled to see how many of families showed up to learn about our school, classrooms, staff, and Title 1. What an honor to serve a community so dedicated to it's students' education!
Parent Connections Newsletter
Introducing the EPSD Parent Connections Newsletter, released monthly, and containing tips geared towards parents for connecting with school aged students. This issue covers topics such as talking with children about social media and teaching children how to manage their own behavior. It also includes sign-up information for the upcoming Love and Logic training on October 15th.
Welcome Letter from Behavioral Health Therapist
Hello Eagle Rock Families!
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself…I’m Taylor Krehbiel (sounds like table), the resident behavioral health therapist at Eagle Rock Elementary! This is my 3rd school year here and I am so excited to be back! I am here from Rogue Community Health. My background is in mental health counseling with a focus on trauma work, and a love for conflict resolution. Throughout the year I plan to provide support to both students and families who choose to enroll in services, and to facilitate student success both at school and at home in an empathic and confidential way. This process would include mental health counseling for both students and families together. I look at the whole family system and do my best to provide the most support where it is needed. If you are interested in these services, please use the QR code at the bottom of this paper and fill out the form online, it’s easy! This form will go to our care coordinator to start scheduling.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly! tkrehbiel@roguech.org
To use the QR code hover your camera over the code and click on the link when it pops up!
Students will be allowed to wear Halloween costumes on Thursday, October 31st.
- Costumes are to be in good taste and follow the school dress code in the Student Handbook. No bloody or gory costumes.
- Masks are not to be worn except during the parade, as they may create a safety hazard.
- Avoid costumes with big, baggy sleeves and skirts to avoid tripping. Shoes are to be safe and sturdy. Mother’s high heels are not acceptable.
- Swords, pitch forks, guns, bows and arrows, etc., (no weapons or toy weapons). They will not be permitted.
There will be a parade around Eagle Rock for students. We expect all Eagle Rock students to adhere to the guidelines and parents to monitor their children’s costumes for compliance. Halloween should be a fun time. We want the children to have a safe and happy Halloween.
Morning Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
There are two drop-off and pick-up spots at Eagle Rock (regardless of student's grade level). The front parking lot (student entrance) and the back gate. Please be sure your child knows where they should meet you. Find full description of our Drop-Off and Pick-Up Safety Protocols here.
School hours are 8:15-3:05 pm
Morning Drop-Off Begins at 7:55 am. Students may choose to:
- Eat breakfast in the cafeteria
- Play on the playground
- Go to the Library
{Please do not drop your child off before 7:55 am. There is no student supervision.}
School Meals
Students are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your household each day of the 2024-2025 school year.
Find current Breakfast and Lunch menus here.
Eagle Rock Community News
Dedication for Little Free Library
The Eagle Point Friends of the Library will be holding a dedication ceremony for our new little free library, on Monday October 7th, at 1:00pm. We would love to share this moment members of the ERE community!
Love and Logic
October's Love and Logic Presentation at EPMS is open to parents and staff. Scan the QR code for more information and to sign up!
Join Our PTO!
The first PTO meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8th at 3:30.