Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy
October 2018 Monthly Newsletter
Happy October, Rainiers!
Greetings Columbia Crest Families,
We have had a terrific opening and first month of school. Enrollment is up! We have welcomed back students from last year and we are happy to make friends with our new students. Everyone is falling into the regular routines of school and off to a great start! We like it when good things come together. Our new staff is learning the CC culture of caring and support for kids, families and each other.
It is rather unique for students to experience weekly outdoor garden/nutrition lessons in a garden built by students, parents and community members. We appreciate having the opportunity to provide students with hands-on nutrition lessons that will hopefully lead to making healthy life decisions in adulthood.
Thank you for choosing our school for your child's education.
Pictured above: Several kindergarten students are enjoying carrots during their weekly Hands-on-Health garden class.
With Appreciation,
Principal Shew
Student Store
Prize Pick Winners
Times to Note
Our school hours changed this year. School begins at 7:45 a.m. and dismissal is 2:15 p.m. Students are marked tardy at 7:50 a.m. If you bring your child to school after 7:50 a.m., you must escort them inside and complete an online tardy sign-in.
VERY IMPORTANT- If you would like for your child to ride a different bus or get off at a different location, please call our office or email us no later than 1:00 p.m. for all changes in transportation to be made. This is to ensure that the teacher and administrators place your child on the correct bus.
Free or Reduced Lunch
Free and Reduced form are due by October 17th, 2018. Please complete one form per household unless your family has directly certified. The form is below or you may complete on Skyward. If your child was receiving free/reduced last year and you have not submitted the form this year on October 18th your child's status will change from free or reduced to paying full price.
Spirit Week October 1-5th
10/1 Mon: Crazy Hair & Crazy Sock Day
10/2 Tues: Future Career Day- Dress as what you want to be when you grow up
10/3 Wed: Favorite Sports Team Day- Wear the apparel of your favorite team
10/4 Thurs: Neon Day- Wear neon colors
10/5 Fri: Cruiser Day- Wear Blue and White
Dates to Note
- 10/1- Coin Drive begins ~ Spirit Week Begins
- 10/2 - Health Screening
- 10/3 - Late Start school begins at 8:45 a.m.
- 10/4 - After School Academy Adventures & Table Tennis begins every Thursday
- 10/5 - Box Tops Due
- 10/8 - Firefighters visit each class
- 10/8 - Middle School Grades Sent Home
- 10/9 - Healthy Youth Survey for Middle School
- 10/10 - Late Start school begins at 8:45 a.m.
- 10/10 - PTO Meeting for ALL parents 2:30 p.m.
- 10/11 - Middle School to Miller Orchard
- 10/12 - No School
- 10/15 - Conference Invitation letters sent home
- 10/17 - Late Start school begins at 8:45 a.m.
- 10/17 - Picture Retake Day
- 10/18 - Happy Birthday Mrs. Carr
- 10/18 - Great Shake Out Earthquake Drill
- 10/18 - 4th Grade to Harmony Farms & 6th Grade Water Testing
- 10/23 - Flu Shots available 4:00 p.m.-7p.m.
- 10/24 - Late Start school begins at 8:45 a.m.
- 10/26 - 4th Grade to GRITS Farm
- 10/28 - Happy Birthday Mr. Hehemann
- 10/29 - Welcome 4th Grade Student Teacher, Mrs. Koehler
- 10/30 - Last Day of Coin Drive
- 10/31 - Late Start school begins at 8:45 a.m.
- 10/31 - Happy Halloween ~ Dress Like a Storybook Character 1st -8th Grade
- 10/31 - Costume Parade 1:30 Assembly
- 10/31 - Kindergarten Field Trip to Frey Farm, no costumes for kinders
School Information
- We are thrilled to announce our newest hire. Jaylene Uhls is our new Reading Interventionist, ParaProfessional. Jaylene has been a long standing volunteer in our building and has donated countless hours of her time. We are grateful to officially have her as part of our team.
- Do you want to volunteer? We are always looking for volunteers. Please fill out the paperwork
- Please review our Handbook which is on Skyward and our website:
Food Menus
October Coin Drive
Can you help us reach our goal of $600?
Throughout the month of October we are collecting coins/dollars in hopes to reach our goal. The money raised is to support the purchase of new lockers. Every class has their own collection jar.
The class who brings in the most money will get to bake fall cookies with the principal.
Individual Picture Day Retakes
Dress Fancy
Please return your picture envelopes or order online using code: LS228132Q2 at http://mylifetouch.comAbsent During Picture Day? Please order online or pick up an order envelope from our main office. Preschool parents will need to bring their child in at 8a.m. for Picture Retakes.
Retakes: Students needing retakes will need to bring the picture package envelope to the camera. The envelope has 2 barcodes on them that are scanned (one with student data and the other with the package that was ordered).
New Station Bought with Coin Drive Donation
We would like to hear from YOU!
October 31, 2018
Halloween is a special day for most children. We recognize students are excited and can't wait to show off their costumes.
We are collecting pumpkins and zucchinis for a middle school engineering project. You may drop them off in the front entrance of our school at anytime during the month of October.
You may hear from your child's teacher regarding additional celebration announcements and classroom changes for the day.
Counselor's Corner
As always you are welcome to stop by our office or give us a call if you wish to discuss your child's needs.
Counselor's Office Hours
· Mondays 7:15- 2:45 ~ Jana McIlraith
· Thursdays 7:15-2:45 ~ Anne Malver
Counseling Team
6th-8th Grade Parents
In response to the growing threat of HIV in our population, the WA State Legislature has mandated that a program of prevention education be presented annually in public schools. The Eatonville School District adopted the “FLASH Curriculum” three years ago. We will offer an educational overview of this existing curriculum to interested parents/guardians on 10/25/18 from 6-7pm in the Eatonville High School library. Attendance is not mandatory.
Thursday, Oct 25, 2018, 06:00 PM
Eatonville High School, Mashell Avenue North, Eatonville, WA, USA
Character Trait of the Month ~ Respect
4th Grader Loving Nature
Hands-on-Health Class
4th Grade Mt. Rainier Trip
PTO Section
The Parent Teacher Organization needs YOU. Please pop in to one of our upcoming meetings to see what is happening at your child's school and see how you can help. Fresh baked goodies and child care are available at each meeting.
Mark your calendar for our next PTO Meeting on Wednesday, October 10th at 2:30 p.m.
2018-2019 Meetings
October 10th
November 6th
December 12th
January 9th
February 13th
March 13th
April 10th
May 8th
All Parents Need to Complete Forms on Skyward
To allow your child's teacher the opportunity to take the class to any of our outdoor learning areas parents need to complete the proper forms via Skyward.
1. Go to the district website
2. Scroll over the Families box at the top of the page. Click on Skyward.
3. You should now see a login page. In the drop down menu towards the bottom, make sure you click on family/student access.
4. If you do not know your Login ID and Password, please check with the Columbia Crest office at 360-569-2567 or email Lindsay Fitzer at
Transportation News
In an attempt to alleviate the afternoon congestion on bus 25 Route 5. A bus is being added to the Columbia Crest line up in the afternoon only. The bus will be transporting only the students assigned for release at the Eatonville Middle School bus stop. This will include the middle school age athletes. We have not assigned a permanent bus number to this additional CCSA bus. The bus will have a Columbia Crest sign in the window next to the door. We appreciate your understanding during this change over. Please contact Transportation with any bus questions you may have. 360-879-1900.
Battle of the Books
Box Tops for Education
Our first competition of the year ends soon. Please continue to ask friends, grandparents, relatives, neighbors, and co-workers to clip and collect Box Tops for Columbia Crest. Attached is a collection form you may glue the Box Tops to.
Our first competition this year will take place September 5th – October 5th
Box Tops can be turned in the drop box or binder in the hallway near the office or you can them into your child’s teacher. Thank you for your support!
Table Tennis Club
Mr. Van Steen's Table Tennis Club is for 4th - 8th grade students. This after school club requires parent transportation.
Please click the link to learn about the details:
Birth to 5 Years Old
Child Find Notice
Are you worried about your child’s development?
Does your child have a medical disorder or birth defect that interferes with their development?
- Does the child seem to have hearing or vision issues?
- Does your child have difficulty communicating with people outside the family?
- Does your child have difficulty keeping up with other children their age?
- Does your child have concerning behaviors?
Any child, birth to five, whose family or caregivers would like more information about their child’s development can contact the Eatonville School District to receive a free Child Find Screening.
What happens during a Child Find Screening?
The purpose of a Child Find Screening is to identify issues that may affect your child’s learning, growth, and development and to help parents identify their child’s strengths and weaknesses.
During the screening, your child may stack small blocks, cut with scissors, draw, count, name colors, jump, and have fun!
After the screening, someone will talk to you about the results, and you may be given suggestions, a referral for more testing, or scheduled to have skills rechecked later. You will have the chance to ask any questions about your child’s development. The whole process takes about one hour.
Where can I go for screening?
All school districts in Washington State have Child Find Screenings available.
For more information and to schedule a screening in your school district, please contact:
Eatonville School District, Student Services office at (360) 879-1800.
If your family is living in a temporary situation, you may contact the district where you are currently staying for a screening.
WAC 392-172A-02040 - School districts shall conduct child find activities calculated to reach all students with a suspected disability for the purpose of locating, evaluating and identifying students who are in need of special education and related services, regardless of the severity of their disability.
Your Child's Attendance is Critical
Dyslexia Awareness Month
Embedded below is a Fact Sheet with more information.
6th-8th Grade Survey
Parenting Classes
Contact Information
Principal: Mrs. Allison Shew
Secretary: Ms. Lindsay Fitzer
CCA Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Student Hours: 7:45 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Attendance Message Line: 360-569-2567
Transportation: 360-879-1900
Stay Connected
Location: 24503 SR 706 E Ashford, WA 98304
Phone: (360)569-2567
Twitter: @CC_STEM_School