The Buzz
Summer Term - 15th June 2023

Message From The Executive Headteacher
The sun has shone and although it's been a little warm at times, each year group has really enjoyed their sport's afternoon or morning for Nursery. Thank you so much for coming along to cheer on the children and show your support.
As the weather is warming up please ensure you put sunscreen on your child before school and send your child in with a hat and water bottle, if your child forgets their water we do have water fountains around school. PLEASE LABEL HATS AND WATER BOTTLES.
The year 2 to year 3 transition programme starts next week, with the year 3 teachers visiting the classes at HISN. All children will meet their new teacher on the morning of 3rd July which is HPP new class day.
Finally I would like to remind parents about school uniform; children should wear black school shoes everyday, trainers are not suitable unless it's a sports activity and I have also noticed that some children are wearing bracelets and necklaces, please ensure they leave them at home. If they are seen in school they will be asked to remove them.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
Y2 Transition to HJS
For all HISN children who will be continuing their HPP journey and starting with the juniors in September, you will have received a welcome email from the Junior School with important information and forms to complete on Monday of this week.
If you have not received this email please contact Mrs McLachlan at nmclachlan@hpp.school.
From September our playgrounds will be a ‘No Phone Zone’ to ensure we safeguard our children to the best of our ability.
This will prevent any photos or videos being taken onsite to protect vulnerable children. This will also encourage all adults dropping off young children to give them their full attention and not be distracted by phone calls and messages.
RF had the best attendance last week with 98%
Classes with the least lates last week were RF, 1H and 2D
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of CHALLENGE
RDC Abigail
RF Iris
RC Jack F
RK Mia-Taliah
1B Cordelia
1C Ethan
1H Elissa
1K William
2A Jeorge
2D Daisy
2J Sophia
2T Malachi
Sun, sun, sun! This week we have enjoyed playing out in the sunshine and keeping cool with lots of water play. In maths we have continued to explore capacity using water and different sized containers, learning to compare which container can hold more and less. In our topic work we have been busy sorting things that belong in our oceans and things that do not. Alongside this the children enjoyed helping to save sea creatures from litter which reminded them of the ending to our story focus 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley'.
Throughout the year we have been building on our listening skills and the ability to 'be a good listener'. In phonics we played a game called 'Whose Voice?'. This involved a child sitting with a blindfold on and another child or teacher speaking. The children were fantastic at tuning into whose voice they could hear and loved replaying the game during choosing time. Other highlights this week were making cards for those we love, hunting for minibeasts and digging for dino bones.
Today the Nursery children took part in their first school Sports Day. We were so incredibly proud of the children as each of them showed great sportsmanship, teamwork and resilience. Thank you to those families who were able to join us on the day. We have shared some photos on Tapestry to celebrate this exciting experience.
Hot weather
Children should come to school with a labelled sun hat and water bottle and sun cream applied before they arrive at Nursery. We go out into the garden in all weathers and want to ensure that children can enjoy the sun safely. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
On your marks...get set...GO! What an action packed week the children have had. The children donned their sports kit and had a great time being Olympians during Sports Week. The children leapt into action jumping into hoops as they nimbly showed off their skills during an obstacle course race and they channelled their inner Usain Bolt as they took part in the egg and spoon race. We are all so proud of all our little athletes - they showed off all their movement skills with great enthusiasm and listened really carefully to each instruction. They were great team players too and we saw lots of love everyone had for their friends as they cheered them on! Well done Reception!
Thank you to Hugo's mum for coming and talking to the children about the importance of recycling.
Year 1
In PE, we have had sports afternoon. The children had lots of fun demonstrating all the skills (e.g. throwing, rolling, balancing and running) across different sport day events. All the children did brilliantly. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to watch.
In Design and Technology, the children have enjoyed starting their new topic on mechanisms. The children have been exposed to sliders and levers and have had a go at making their own using picture scenes from Jack and the Beanstalk and The Gingerbread Man.
In English, we have continued with our focus on the ‘The Three Little Pigs’. The children have been working on their descriptive writing, focusing on the three pigs and their houses. They spent time thinking of their own expanded noun phrases before using these to write their own character descriptions.
This week in Maths we have been using our knowledge of numbers and number patterns to find more and one less than a given number within 100. We then partitioned two-digit numbers into tens and ones, which we then used to help us compare various numbers and amounts.
This week in Science we have been learning about how can you stay safe in Summer. We identified how the day length changes in summer. Afterwards we discussed how to stay safe by using sun cream, wearing a hat and making sure we drink lots of water. This has definitely prepared for this week’s weather!
This week in Geography we have been identifying and locating the countries in The United Kingdom. Additionally, we identified their flags and placed them onto a map.
Year 2
English: This week, the children have been delighted to read to the very end of our focus text 'Meerkat Mail'. We have thought about how we can describe a character's appearance and personality through using adjectives. We explored how onomatopoeia can be used to create sound in our writing, like pitter patter of feet and booming thunder.
Maths: We have moved on this week to think about statistics and how data can be represented in different ways, such as tally charts, pictograms and block diagrams. We used a key to represent different amounts to make our data simple to record. The children found out what their class's favourite colour is and used this information to create a pictogram.
PE: This half term, we are using our skills from prior learning to consider how we can improve on our team work. The children have been challenged to work in teams and communicate with each other to be successful in completing tasks.
Art: Before the half term, the children created their own rangoli tile with clay. This week, we used paint to cover the tiles and stamp the patterns into our sketchbooks. We carefully reflected on what we would do next time to improve our pattern stamp.
Sports Week 2023
Year 2 Scooter Training
Some of our Year 2 children opted to take part in the annual scooter training program that we run at HISN. Everybody learnt valuable safety tips when out and about on their scooters.
Information for Parents
Heatwave Advice
Hospital services are currently very busy due to extreme heat, pollen and pollution levels. If you, or your child, has asthma or other respiratory conditions find out more about how to keep safe:
NHS guidance for those Looking after children and those in early years settings during heatwaves: for teachers and professionals - GOV.UK.
Caterlink Survey
Caterlink would like to invite parents/carers to complete the following survey to help improve the service they provide to our children.
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815