RMS Knightly News
Week of September 30th, 2024

Hello RMS Knights and Families
Our Honor the Castle October's theme is "Responsibility". This week's Mindset Monday Message quote for the week of Sept. 30th states that “Choose to make decisions that impact others positively.”
This week's mindset monday message for the week of Sept. 30th Click HERE.
Stay up to date by checking our School Website regularly: Richards Middle School Website
Email: huston.julian@fraserk12.org
Website: https://www.fraser.k12.mi.us/RMSHome
Location: 33500 Garfield Road, Fraser, MI, USA
Show your Detroit Lions Pride on Monday, September 30th
Show your Detroit Tigers Pride on Tues. October. 1st as the MLB playoffs start!
Fall Count Day is Wednesday, Oct. 2nd 2024
Fall Count Day in Michigan is on Wednesday, October 2, 2024. The State School Aid Act requires Michigan schools to participate in School Count Day twice a year, in the fall and spring. The number of students enrolled on or before the count day determines how much state funding schools and districts receive. Fall Count Day is considered the most important because it accounts for 90% of state funding, while Spring Count Day accounts for 10%. If your knight is going to absent any day, please make sure to call our attendance office to verify this absence at our attendance line 586.439.7490.
The Knight Shift days this month at RMS in the media center!
The Knight Shift is back for the 24-25 school year!
The Knight Shift in September- After-School Homework Club in the media center from 3:05pm-4:00pm.
The Knight Shift after-school homework club (designated Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:05pm-4:00pm in the media center).
*Students who attend the Knight Shift must arrange for transportation home after 4pm.
The Knight Shift -“The time period after a long day of work to organize, to prepare, and to be ready for success!”
All Noble Knights are invited to attend the Knight Shift…If they have:
Homework assignment(s) to complete- Individual tables area
A group project needs to be worked on - Collaboration stations area
A quiet location to read - Flexible seating area
Please note- Outside purchased food and beverages are not permitted during the Knight Shift session.
The Knight Shift will be staffed by RMS staff member(s) during each sessions.
October Knight Shift Days are-
10/1 - Tuesday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
10/3 - Thursday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
10/8 - Tuesday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
10/15 - Tuesday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
10/17 - Thursday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
10/22 - Tuesday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
10/24 - Thursday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
10/29 - Tuesday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
Second Step Lessons at the Middle School for the 24-25 school year
Hello RMS Families and Knights,
We want our Knights to be successful in school, and that means supporting and encouraging their
whole development. While excelling in academic classes is important, students also need skills for
learning challenges, making good decisions, handling strong emotions, and getting along with others.
This week (and through the school year during designated seminar Wednesdays), we’ll begin Second Step® Middle School, a research-based social-emotional learning program designed to improve students’ social-emotional skills, such as emotion management, impulse control, problem solving, and empathy. Second Step skills and concepts are designed to help students both in and out of school.
These include:
Mindsets and Goals: Students learn how to develop a growth mindset and apply research-
based goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives.
Recognizing Bullying and Harassment: Students learn how to recognize bullying and
harassment, stand up safely to bullying, and respond appropriately to harassment.
Thoughts, Emotions, and Decisions: Students learn how to recognize strong emotions
and unhelpful thoughts, and apply strategies to manage their emotions and reduce stress.
Managing Relationships and Social Conflict: Students learn strategies for developing
and maintaining healthy relationships, perspective-taking, and dealing with conflict.
If you have any questions about Second Step® Middle School, please don’t hesitate to contact
me for more information. Thank you for your support as we work to build a safe and supportive
school community as we honor the castle
Introduction session to Second Step for 7th and 8th graders-
This week’s lesson for the week of 9-30-24 will show our Knights how Second Step® Middle School can help them navigate physical, social, and emotional changes as a middle school student.
Home connecting question to share with your Knight about this week's topic- Have a conversation with your Knight about what you felt was the most difficult part of being an middle schooler. Ask your Knight about any changes they’ve noticed in friends and what they think about these changes.
Mr. Julian
Information to order your 24-25 Yearbook below
RMS Fall Parent Teacher Conferences, Thursday, October 10th 2024
Our Fall conferences will take place Thursday, October 10, 2024.
Conference times will include both afternoon (1pm-4pm) and evening options (5pm-8pm), as well as opportunities for either a virtual or face to face meeting session as follows:
Virtual Session 1: 1:00pm to 1:30pm
Virtual Session 2: 7:25pm to 8:00pm
F2F Session 1: 1:45pm to 4:00pm
F2F Session 2: 5:00pm to 7:15pm
Registration is now open and will close at 3pm on Wednesday, October 9, 2024.
Face to Face conferences are by appointment only and you will meet with the teacher at their classroom at your appointment time.
Virtual appointments will be held using GoToMeeting. At your appointment time, you will receive the link to connect to the meeting at the email address you entered when booking the appointment.
You can sign up for conferences using this link: https://ps.fraser.misd.net/public.
· Once you sign into PowerSchool with your parent account, you will see the applications icon in the upper right corner.
· To view instructions for using the SchoolSoft Conference Manager, click here: SchoolSoft Instructions.
· If you have no concerns with your child’s progress in a class, you do not have to schedule a conference with that teacher at this time.
· To sign up for fall conferences, you must have a PowerSchool parent account. If you do not have an account yet, please create one here: https://ps.fraser.misd.net/public.
· Problems accessing your PowerSchool account? Complete this form to request a conference with your student's teachers: Please Click Here
Want to join the Fraser Wrestling Club? Registration information found here.
FDPS hosting their Annual Firefighters Open House
Fraser Dept of Public Saftey is hosting their Firefighter Open House on Sunday, October 6th from 12:00pm-3:00pm. This event is completely free and will have activities including a bake sale.
Color Run Fundraiser Update
Thank you RMS family for your continued support as we have surpassed our goal! Our fundraiser will continue through October 3rd. Final winners and raffle tickets will be shared after October 4th.
If you or somebody you know is interested in becoming a corporate sponsor, please reach out to Mrs. Skladanowski directly at Kristi.skladanowski@fraserk12.org.
Attending an RMS event Knights?
Let's Go Knights!
Game Expectations for an RMS sporting event
Check the "Student Success Resource" Below for more useful info.
Student's Bus Stop Information
The week of September 30th
Monday, 9/30 * Volleyball is away at Wyandot Middle School. 7th grade game starts at 3:30pm and 8th grade game starts at 4:30pm
Tuesday, 10/1 *Away FB games vs. L'Anse Creuse MS North *7th grade game starting at 3:30pm *8th grade game starts 20 minutes immediately after the end of the 7th grade game.
* Knight Shift meets after school
*Style Statement Fashion Club meets after school
Wednesday, 10/2 * N/A
Thursday, 10/3 *Be NICE Club will meet during Lunch/Seminar * Knight Shift, Student Council, and Gaming Unplugged Club will meet after school.
* Volleyball is home vs L'Anse Creuse Middle School South. 7th and 8th grade both play at 4:00pm
* Cross County is away vs Dakota Middle School
Friday, 10/4 N/A
Learning for our RMS alum and Mr. Santamaria about Solo Ensemble through a video of a former knight was shared about the process!
Reviewing with Bookit in Industrial Technology Class to review the tools and safety procedures in the shop
Learning the resources and tools of the kitchen in Food and Nutrition (& sewing) class as the students prepare for cooking!
Our Student Council and Cheer RMS Knights taken part in the homecoming parade!
Our Knights are honoring the castle around the building; earning points for their respective houses.
Our RMS Knights and staff brought the energy during our homecoming spirit week!
Castle Crew Members of the Week!
Our Castle Crew Members of the week for September 16th and September 23rd! We are grateful for our Knights efforts throughout the month of September and showing great teamwork with our staff and peers.
Week 1 Caste Crew Members: 7th grader- Jackson McCoy and 8th grader- Shelby Perreca
Honoring the Castle!
Week 2 Castle Crew Members: 7th grader- Alexandra Bariatakis and 7th grader- Ian Edgehill (not pictured)
2024-25 Meals Information
Breakfast and Lunch are FREE for all students for the 2024-2025 school year.
We encourage everyone to participate. You are still welcome to send your child with a lunch from home if you would prefer.
Families are still asked to complete a Education Benefits Form, as this information is used for district funding.
RMS Lunch Menu
Lunch Menu for October at Richards Middle School
Honor the Castle by respecting others, modeling responsibility, and making safe choices.
Outside Food and Beverage Policy
Outside food delivery is a safety concern. We do not want to have strangers and people that we do not know coming to our buildings with delivery bags. It also is a workload issue for office personnel. Managing multiple food deliveries during lunchtime becomes an additional responsibility for our office staff.
The District works hard to provide a variety of healthy, good-tasting food in its cafeterias, and students are always free to bring their own lunch to school. We will continue to follow our past practice of making sure students receive lunch if they forget to bring one from home.
All students must hand in a completed MHSAA Physical dated after April 15, 2024.
All students must also go to arbiter sports and complete the on line student registration.
If either of these forms are not completed, student will be withheld from participation until both forms have been submitted.
To provide the most effective process for entering and exiting Richards Middle School, we need our families consistent help in observing the below traffic expectations:
- Our RMS bus loop is only to be used by emergency vehicles and our district’s school buses between the hours of 7:15 am through 4:00 pm.
- To help with our daily traffic flow, please follow our painted traffic arrows in our parking lot.
- In supporting our traffic flow for entering and exiting for all vehicles, please observe no standing, parking, waiting and stopping in the parking lot aisle ways.
- When exiting Richards Middle School at dismissal time, please utilize either our RMS Garfield exit, FHS Garfield exit or FHS Klein exit.
Please be aware of students, families and guests who are walking in our parking lots by obeying traffic laws, regulating your speed, and following the traffic direction arrows. Images can be found below. Please no parking or standing where you see a red x.
Our district security personnel will communicate these expectations to our families when needed. Thank you for your support with keeping RMS a safe travel area for everyone on campus.
Attention students who utilize the crosswalk to walk over Garfield Road
This is a reminder to our students to ensure that you are using the appropriate area to cross the street to get to the other side of Garfield. Please see pictures below for reference of our crosswalk signs and striped area by the Richards Middle School Electronic Board. We want our students to make sure they are looking both ways and being aware of vehicles traveling on Garfield. Always wait to cross this crosswalk when the road is clear to do so.
We thank you for always being aware of your safety and traveling vehicles as you arrive and leave RMS at this crosswalk area.
Change of Address Information
If you have recently moved, please complete the following form to update your address and upload the files needed for update: https://form.jotform.com/211594973642161