Wolves Newsletter
Welcome to Park Brook Elementary

Friday, September 6, 2024
A note from the principal
Dear Park Brook Families,
I am thankful to be able to serve the Park Brook families and look forward to a fun-filled school year for your kids. While expecting strong academic growth, I also desire Park Brook to be a school where students want to be, and have great fun. I believe that learning should be fun. My hope for the fifth-grade students is that they move to middle school feeling that school is a place where they belong and want to be. (I was in shock as I reviewed the fifth-grade class lists this year and couldn't believe that these kids, many I have known since pre-k and kindergarten, and in their final year at Park Brook.)
I do not emphasize homework because it is not the best way to increase academic growth at the elementary level. There are things that kids should practice at home, such as math facts, speech techniques if they receive speech services, and so on. I emphasize five things I want families to do at home which do have a great impact on academic growth:
- Read at home. Kids can read to themselves or be read to, which increases vocabulary and background knowledge. (You can simply read to your child, it should not be a struggle to get your child to read every-other-page, and so on. Enjoy the time with your child.)
- Eat together as a family without the television or cell phones. Enjoy time together with your children!
- Get 60 minutes of exercise every day. Kids don't call it exercise, they call it play. This is important so that they are ready to learn when they come to school.
- Get 9 - 11 hours of sleep every day. Elementary age students need 9 - 11 hours of sleep every day. Please keep cell phones, television, and other electronic devices out of rooms where kids sleep - it is a great temptation for kids and adults. Elementary age kids should be in bed around 8:30 p.m. so they can get 9 - 11 hours of sleep, wake up and NOT be rushed in the morning to get to school.
- Monitor and limit technology. Kids need parents to monitor social media, texts, emails, and so on. In addition, limiting time kids spend on technology is important.
Please know that if you have a concern or question, I welcome hearing from you. You are welcome to stop in, call, or email.
Mr. Scott W. Taylor
Lunch Forms
Funding for Park Brook Elementary is dependent upon free/reduced cost lunch forms. We kindly request that all families complete a form (including Pre-K), even if your child will not be eating school lunches. Please complete the form in September if there is a possibility you may qualify for free/reduced lunches.
Completing the lunch forms before October 1 will assist Park Brook in providing Title I services; TAG services; additional teachers to reduce instructional group size; and ESP support. The State of Minnesota has one count in October which determines the funding for the next school year; we need all families to fill these forms out in September so we have the resources to serve your children.
While breakfast and lunch are free for all students in the State of Minnesota, the forms are important for funding purposes.
Woodworking is part of the curriculum at Park Brook Elementary. Mr. Paul Strand, retired ISD 279 teacher, taught woodworking in his elementary classrooms when he taught, and brought the program to Park Brook about 15 years ago; he student taught here at Park Brook in 1963.
Fifth-grade began woodworking the second day of school. All other grades will work on a project sometime during the school year.
Mr. Strand continues to support woodworking. Mr. Nelson, Behavior Intervention Teacher, now leads the program.
Please drive slowly through the parking lot and around the school.
We can model kindness to the students when we let others back out of a parking spot, allow them to pull out from the curb, and the way we treat others driving in the parking lot.
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
All - School BBQ - Thursday, September 26
Families are welcome to enjoy a BBQ hamburger lunch with their children on Thursday, September 26.
Kindergarten: 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
1st Grade: 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
2nd Grade: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
3rd Grade: 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
4th Grade: 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
5th Grade 12:15 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Cost: $5.25 per adult or child who is NOT a Park Brook Student. - Total/family $10.50.
Credit cards not accepted.
Picture Day - Wednesday, September 25
- Families will order pictures online (online only) after pictures have been taken on Wed. Sept. 25.
- A link will be sent via email to each family to approve your child's picture. Please make sure you have the correct email on file with the school.
- Information will be posted on the school website, perhaps the 2nd week of October as to who you should contact if you have questions.
- Picture retake day is October 16th. This is only for students who missed picture day, and for students IF their parent/guardian has requested their child's picture to be retaken. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact the school if a student should have their picture taken on retake day. (If a student is absent on picture day, they will automatically be on the list to have their picture taken; no need to let the school know.) Communication needs to be between adults-at-home with adults-at-school.
Mile Run - Friday, September 27 -- NOTE DATE CHANGE
The Mile Run is one of the physical fitness tests that all students in grades 1 - 5 take. At Park Brook, the entire school participates at one time, with a fun-filled community feel to the event.
We kindly ask that parents/guardians not join in as we are timing each student, but parents and guardians are encouraged to come and cheer on the students.
Parents/guardians are welcome to take their children home, but we ask that you wait until the entire event is finished. There will be sign-out sheets available, and then after the entire event is finished all students will return to their classes and then those signed out will come out to meet their families.
Please do not have high school and middle school students leave school early to come and cheer on their siblings.
Elementary age students need 9 - 11 hours of sleep every day. Electronic devices, telephones, and televisions should be kept out of rooms where kids sleep. When students are well rested, they are ready for learning and behavior improves.
Parents and guardians may be wondering why the topic of sleep comes up regularly. Sleepy students is a huge issue, not just at Park Brook, but across our nation. Increasing sleep by removing technology from rooms where kids sleep, and having regular bed times that allow for 9 - 11 hours of sleep is best for kids.
Elementary age students if they go to bed at 8:30 p.m., allows them to get 10 - 11 hours of sleep, and then wake up and not be rushed in the morning. (On non-school nights it is o.k. to stay up a bit later, but routines are good for kids.)
Kindergarten Color Days - Spirit Days
The second and third weeks of school, kindergarten students have special learning projects with a different color each day. The entire school joins the fun with staff and students across the building dressing in the color of the day.
Click on the picture, right, for the calendar with the color for each day.
Twin Cities 5K - Saturday, October 5 - Grades 1 - 5
Registration Forms, with $5 Commitment Fee, MUST be turned in by Sept. 23
The registration deadline, along with the $5 commitment fee is because we must register students with Twin Cities in Motion for this event. In addition we also must reserve busses for this event.
Twin Cities in Motion covers the cost of registration and busses for Park Brook Elementary. We greatly appreciate their support of students at Park Brook Elementary.
Parents/guardians are welcome to run/walk the Twin Cities 5K, however, they must register themselves and pay the registration fee. We welcome parents/guardians coming to cheer on the students, but we do not have the means to cover the registration fees for parents/guardians.
Commitment Fees
Commitment fees are only for weekend events. The purpose is so that we can have an accurate count of the number of students who will attend the event.
Most field trips in most schools occur during the school day. The commitment fee assists families in knowing that the event is not during the school day, and on a weekend.
Prior to the commitment fee system, the count was off, and several times we ordered an extra bus (over $300 per bus) when it was not needed. For some field trips we had 20 - 30 students registered who did not show up.
Cost to the school for weekend events may include: staff, bus, food, registration fees, equipment students need. It is not only cost, but also logistics of having the right equipment, such as cross-country skis.
All families receive the commitment fee back IF:
- Their child attends the event,
- They let the office know by noon on the Friday before the event that their child is not able to attend.
The only time the commitment fee is kept is if a student registers and then does not show up for the event.
Recess is important for elementary age students for a variety of reasons, from the exercise, to building friendships, to simply having fun.
- Students go outside for recess most days, unless the weather is colder than -5 degrees.
- If a student needs to stay in more than a day because of an injury, we need a note from a doctor.
- If you think they are sick enough that they shouldn't go outside for recess, they shouldn't be in school.
- We do not have parents/guardians outside at recess. The recess staff know the students, but they do NOT have all of the information about families as to who should and shouldn't be in contact with students. Adults who are not staff members will be asked by recess staff to go to the office.
- Please label your child's jackets, hoodies, and so on with their name or initials. We look for names and initials in lost items, but many items we never find their owner.
School Calendar
Please click on the Park Brook Webpage link below.
All district websites will be new on Saturday, February 7. The refresh may take more than one day. The format of the calendar may be different.
Boot Camp
Students who are registered for Boot Camp are expected to stay unless we receive a note or phone call from a parent/guardian. Please do not ask your child to let us know that there is a change in plans; we want communication to be between adults-at-home and adults-at-schools so we can make sure your child is where you want them to be after school.
Deadlines for registration are in place as there are many logistics with programs outside of the school day, especially when we have approximately 150 students participating. (For some events, such as the Twin Cities 5K, we have a deadline when we have to register students with Twin Cities in Motion.)
Fall Conferences
Conference Scheduling
Prior to conferences, a form will be sent home for you to indicate all times that work for your family. A specific time will be scheduled for you to meet with your child's teacher. Interpreters will be scheduled for all families who request an interpreter.
Conferences will be held in October to give parents/guardians an opportunity to visit with their child’s teacher, share information with their child’s teacher, and for teachers to share with parents and guardians.
Conversations will include hopes-and-dreams for the school year; math, reading and fitness goals; and interventions to meet and exceed goals.
A sign-up sheet will be sent home with your students in September. Please complete the form and return to school by the date on the form. A confirmation will then be sent home with a specific date and time for your family.
Mrs. Karris' 4th Grade Class
S.E.A.C. - Special Education Advisory Council
Osseo Middle School
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- Thursday, September 19 - Kick-off and Special education timelines and paperwork (meal provided).
- Thursday, October 10 - Mental Health/Nursing/Safety
- Thursday, November 14 - Common Concerns
- Thursday, January 23 - Transportation
- Thursday, February 20 - All Abilities Resource Fair (Information will be available closer to the event; hosted by the City of Brooklyn Park)
- Thursday, March 13 - Transitions
- Thursday, April 17 - Summer Programming and Resources
- Thursday, May 15 - End of Year Celebration (meal provided)
**Childcare available upon registration, Interpreters available upon registration**
All Abilities Resource Fair will held on Thursday, February, 20, 2025.
Students Connecting Through International Service
Fifth-grade students will attend a presentation regarding Students Connecting Through International Service on Monday, September 9. Students will have an opportunity to write an essay, if they so choose, if they are interested in being a part of Students Connecting Through International Service.
Fifth-grade students will bring home a packet of information, if they choose to, on Monday, September 9, following the presentation.
Click on the red square, picture, to learn more about Students Connecting Through International Service.
Birthday Treats
Birthdays are a special time for students. At Park Brook we recognize birthdays, unless a parent or guardian indicates that we should not. However, students do NOT bring birthday treats to school on their birthday at Park Brook.
(Click on picture for more information.)
Lunch - First Day of School
Pre-K, Kindergarten & New Family Dinner
Families New to Park Brook, and all Pre-K and Kindergarten Families
Tuesday, September 17, 2023
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Families are welcome and encouraged to join us for dinner and conversation.
· Families and staff will enjoy time together eating dinner.
· Following dinner, students will go to the gym for activities.
· Parents/guardians will spend time together visiting about Park Brook, discuss questions families have, and a time for everyone to get to know each other.
All beef hot dogs will be served.
3rd Grade Students - Setting up iPads
The Wolf Way
- W - We will respect ourselves and others.
- O - Own our actions.
- L - Listen and Learn.
- F - Follow Directions.
Useful Links
parkbrook@district279.org (email)
phone: 763-561-6870