Bear Cave Newsletter
Week of October 21, 2024
From the desk of Principal Lam
Important Updates
Dear Bloomingdale Bear Families,
Don't forget to bring those devices back when we return!
Mark your calendars for Oct. 25th for our annual Trunk or Treat. This popular event will be held at Taylor Park for Bloomingdale Elementary School students and families again this year.
We are accepting Candy Donations - dress pass for each child that sends in a bag of individually wrapped candy.
Volunteers Needed - Contact Mrs. Dubarie if you would like to host a trunk at Trunk or Treat!
Full STEAM Ahead,
Principal Lam
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat
Send in bags of candy - Dress Down Pass for each child that sends in a bag of candy!
Contact Ms. Dubarie at kysha.dubarie@sccpss.com if you want to volunteer or host a trunk for Trunk or Treat!
Friday, Oct 25, 2024, 05:00 PM
Bloomingdale Recreation Department at Taylor Park, Pine Barren Road, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
Red Ribbon Week: 10/21 - 10/25
21st Century
21st Century
Monday, Oct 21, 2024, 04:00 PM
New Hampstead K-8 School, Highgate Boulevard, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
School Uniforms
PAWS for Success
Bell Times
District News
Healthy Connections
Registration Information
School Nutrition
Free/Reduced Lunch helps us earn federal dollars that are used to directly support students and families! All families are highly encouraged to apply.
Transportation - Get on the Bus!
Power Up with PowerSchool
Submit attendance excuses online through the PowerSchool Parent Portal!
Contact Us
Bloomingdale Elementary School
Email: benjamin.lam@sccpss.com
Website: Home - Bloomingdale Elementary (sccpss.com)
Location: New Hampstead K-8 School, Highgate Boulevard, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
Phone: 912-3953680
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BloomingdaleElementary2/
Twitter: @bdale_bears