December Newsletter
Salish Coast Elementary
Our Walk With Ruby event had a great turn out!
Students walk in honor of Ruby Bridges.
Ms. Dani leads the group to Salish Coast Elementary!
Students on a 5th Grade Field Trip examine a fallen and split log.
5th Grade Field Trip.
Fun in class with cars and trucks!
Learning in the hall with our fabulous paraeducators, Jalil and Schatzi.
5th Grade Field Trip to the Marine Science Center.
Two thumbs up for the Marine Science Center!
☕ December ☕
Week of December 2nd
Wednesday, 12/4 - 12:50 Early Release
Thursday, 12/5 - Vision & Hearing Rescreen
Friday, 12/6- 2nd Grade field trip to Fort Worden
Week of December 9th
Monday 12/9- Swimming- Heather's Class 1:05-2:10
Monday 12/9- Swimming- Jen's Class 1:35-2:35
Tuesday 12/10- Swimming- Heather's Class 1:05-2:10
Tuesday 12/10- Swimming- Jen's Class 1:35-2:35
Wednesday 12/11- 12:50 Early Release
Thursday 12/12- Swimming- Heather's Class 1:05-2:10
Thursday 12/12- Swimming- Jen's Class 1:35-2:35
Thursday 12/12- Human Growth and Development Parent Night 5:30-6:30
Friday 12/13- Kindergarten to Pt City Library & Fire Station
Week of December 16th
Spirit Week, more details to come!
Monday 12/16- Swimming- Heather's Class 1:05-2:10
Monday 12/16- Swimming- Jen's Class 1:35-2:35
Tuesday 12/17- Field Trip- 1st Grade to Fort Worden
Tuesday 12/17- Swimming- Heather's Class 1:05-2:10
Tuesday 12/17- Swimming-Jen's Class 1:35-2:35
Wednesday 12/18- 12:50 Early Release
Thursday 12/19- Swimming- Heather's Class 1:05-2:10
Thursday 12/19- Swimming- Jen's Class 1:35-2:35
Week of December 23rd
Monday, 12/23- Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
Tuesday 12/24-Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
Wednesday 12/25-Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
Thursday 12/26-Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
Friday 12/27-Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
Week of December 30th
Monday 12/30- Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
Tuesday 12-31- Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
Looking ahead...
❄️☕ January ☕❄️
Wednesday 1/1- Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
Thursday 1/2- Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
Friday 1/3- Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
Smile Mobile coming to Port Townsend
Looking for Ways to Support Our Local Children?
Love of a Child
At Salish Coast Elementary School, the Love of a Child fund supports our students by providing for critical needs such as shoes, clothing, glasses, and other essential items that families cannot afford. As a public low-income school, we are restricted from using taxpayer money to support these needs. Instead, we rely on the generosity of individuals and organizations whose donations make it possible for us to ensure that our students have what they need to thrive both in and out of the classroom. This fund helps our students focus on learning without the stress of unmet basic needs.
Jumping Mouse Mindful Parenting Group
Staff Features
Meet Karla!
Before joining our school, Karla spent six years as a stay-at-home mom and previously worked as a loan specialist for Kitsap Credit Union. She wanted a part-time job once her youngest son started TTK, and she felt that working at the school would allow her to support the community and be close to her kids.
Karla says the best part of her job is seeing all the students daily, providing them not only with nutritious meals but also a warm, supportive presence. One of her favorite things about working with kids is being able to lift their spirits, especially on challenging days. This year, she is looking forward to watching the kids grow and building connections with each of them.
A fun fact about Karla is that she started riding horses at five and did junior rodeo until she was 16. Outside of work, Karla loves drawing, crafting, and spending time with her family.
Welcome Mckennah!
This year, Mckennah joined our school and is thrilled to assist in our TTK program, focusing on a single grade level so she can build strong relationships with the students she supports. Before joining Salish Coast, Mckennah worked as a reading interventionist in Salt Lake City, Utah. She loves being in elementary education because it allows her to watch students grow and strengthen their skills.
In her free time, Mckennah enjoys staying active with hiking and doing yoga. Fun fact: she even does a daily headstand to stay balanced! Other hobbies of Mckennah's include creating art, reading, and shopping.
Starla Crowell, RN
A message from our school nurse,
"Hello, I'd love to quickly introduce myself! My name is Starla, and I am the new school nurse at Salish Coast Elementary. I am so happy to be working in the school where 2 of my children attend, and I am excited to get to know the students, families, and staff of our school! Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns."
When to Stay Home
Also, please be advised that Whooping Cough (Pertussis) is on the rise in Washington State, including the Peninsula.
Pertussis is a very contagious respiratory illness that can last for weeks or months. It can be recognized by the characteristic "whoop" sound when gasping for air after a coughing fit. Please note that babies and children with asthma are at risk for severe complications.
This is a vaccine-preventable illness so this is a good time to get your student up-to-date if they are not already.
Please see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment and let the school know if your student has been diagnosed with Pertussis.
For more information see: https://www.cdc.gov/pertussis/about/index.html
Thanks so much, and I hope everyone stays healthy!
Nurse Starla
New Eagle Wear Available Now!
Eagle Wear, show your pride,
T-shirts, sweatshirts, fit just right.
Kids of all sizes, come and see,
Eagle spirit for you and me!
Eagle Wear Prices
Youth T-Shirts: $15
Youth Hoodies: $30
Adult T-Shirts: $20
Adult Hoodies: $40
Mornings at Salish Coast
7:50 am
o Breakfast is offered in the Cafeteria.
o Playground is open for students to play.
8:00 am
– Hallways open for students to go to the classroom.
8:10 am - 🔔 FIRST BELL 🔔
– This bell notifies students that they need to head to class.
* 8:15 am - 🔔 SECOND BELL 🔔
– This bell notifies students that the school day is to start. All students should be in their seats at this time.
* If your student isn’t in their class/seat at 8:15, they will be marked absent.
Robocall Notification
If your child is not checked in by 9:30 am you will receive an automated message from the school regarding their absence.
Office staff inputs absences and late students throughout the day. If you contact us after 9:30, you will still receive the automated message.
To report a student absence at Salish Coast Elementary School, you can either:
Call 360-379-4535 and press '2' to reach the Attendance line.
Email scsattendance@ptschools.org.
Important Volunteer Opportunity
Come join a design advisory committee to help PTHS and OCEAN schools study campus improvement possibilities!
PT School District is starting a prebond process to evaluate the campus facility and safety needs for PTHS and OCEAN. If you'd like to join a design advisory committee (DAC), please email info@ptschools.org. There will be two DACs, one for PTHS and one for OCEAN. These groups will meet three times and be made up of school staff, students and parents. Here are the meeting dates and times.
*Upcoming Workshops*
Wed. Jan. 8th - Priorities Workshop
1:30 - 3 pm OCEAN
3:15 - 4:45 pm PTHS - Priorities Workshop
Wed. Feb. 5th - Concepts Workshop
1:30 - 3 pm OCEAN
3:15 - 4:45 pm PTHS
*Past Workshop*
Wed. Nov. 20th - Needs Workshop
1:30 - 3 pm OCEAN
3:15 - 4:45 pm PTHS
There will also be many times during the year to weigh in and give feedback at school and community events! Thank you for helping us make our schools better!
Volunteer Application
We would love to have you as a volunteer!
Once approved, you will be a cleared volunteer for 2 years.
Apply to be a volunteer here!
Protegiendo a Sus Hijos en Línea
Establezca algunas reglas básicas
Establezca reglas básicas sobre cuándo pueden estar en línea sus hijos, qué sitios pueden visitar y cuántos mensajes de texto pueden enviar al mes, para que todos estén en la misma página.Investigue antes de comprar
¿Sabía que algunos juegos de mano pueden conectarse a Internet o que muchas laptops tienen cámaras integradas? Conozca la tecnología que está trayendo a su hogar.No se quede de brazos cruzados; ¡Denuncie!
Si sus hijos están lidiando con ciberacoso o depredadores potenciales, repórtelo al sitio web, compañía telefónica, fuerzas de seguridad, o en cybertipline.com.
Supervise el uso de Internet
Si puede ver lo que están haciendo sus hijos, es menos probable que se metan en problemas.Medidas de seguridad ≠ Hijos seguros
Instalar software de monitoreo de nivel avanzado en las computadoras de sus hijos no garantiza que estén seguros en línea. La tecnología no puede reemplazar su tiempo y atención como padre o tutor.No se exceda
Es inteligente vigilar los perfiles de redes sociales de sus hijos, pero nunca está bien cuando publica mensajes o fotos embarazosas en su página.
Hable con sus hijos; no son tan misteriosos como piensa
Sus hijos no le contarán todo, pero eso no significa que no deba preguntar. Involúcrese para no ser el último en saber.Desafíelos a un duelo
Si a sus hijos les gusta jugar videojuegos o juegos de computadora, pregúnteles si puede jugar también. Cuando respeta sus intereses, es más probable que ellos respeten sus reglas.No corte la conexión
Quitar el acceso a Internet a sus hijos porque hicieron algo mal no resuelve el problema. Hable con ellos sobre protegerse y respetar a los demás en línea.
About Salish Coast Elementary
Website: https://salishcoast.ptschools.org/
Location: 1637 Grant Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368, USA
Phone: 3603794535
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/salishcoast
Non-discrimination statement
Port Townsend School District No. 50 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, immigration status, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. The district provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator for State Law (RCW 28A.640/28A.642): Amy Khile, 1610 Blaine Street, (360) 379-4603, akhile@ptschools.org
Title IX Officer: Carrie Ehrhardt, 1610 Blaine Street, (360) 379-4602, cehrhardt@ptschools.org
Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Shelby MacMeekin, 1610 Blaine Street, (360) 379-4366, smacmeekin@ptschools.org
Stay connected and informed about upcoming announcements, activities, and news by following us on Facebook and Instagram. We share important updates, exciting events, and more through these social media platforms.