This Week at Stauffer
Check out what Stauffer has to offer!
Monday, 3/4 - Sports Gear
Warren Counselor Visit - Registration for all 8th grade Future Bears!
After School Schedule
Band: 2:45pm-3:30pm
DFEO After School Program: 2:45pm-6pm
Stauffer Cheer Squad Practice: 2:45pm-3:45pm
MTC Theater Conservatory: 3:15pm-5:15pm
Tuesday, 3/5 - Hat Day
Femineers Showcase in the Gym - Period 3 & Period 4
After School Schedule
Band: 2:45pm-3:30pm
DFEO After School Program: 2:45pm-6pm
Stauffer Cheer Squad Practice: 2:45pm-3:45pm
MTC Theater Conservatory: 3:15pm-5:15pm
Wednesday, 3/6 - We Wear Pink
After School Schedule
Band: 2:45pm-3:30pm
DFEO After School Program: 1:45pm-6pm
MTC Theater Conservatory: 3:15pm-5:15pm
PTSA Meeting in the Library: 5:00pm
Thursday, 3/7 - Pajama Day
Band: 2:45pm-3:30pm
DFEO Access After School Program: 2:45pm-6pm
Stauffer Cheer Squad Practice: 2:45pm-3:45pm
MTC Theater Conservatory: 3:15pm-5:15pm
Friday, 3/8 - Rock Band Tee Day
After School Schedule
Band: 2:45pm-3:30pm
DFEO Access After School Program: 2:45pm-6pm
MTC Theater Conservatory: 3:15pm-5:15pm
Spring Fling Dance - Stauffer Gym 1:30pm-3:30pm
Update those iPads!
Spartan Families - we need your support to update those iPads! State testing is around the corner and we need all students iPads up to date. Please reach out to our IMT, Veronica Calderon if you have any questions or need any tech support:
Join us for Spirit Week! 🥳
🌸 Save the Date for our Spring Fling Dance! 🌸
Homework Help 📚
Questions about grades or wondering how to check your Spartan's grades online using Q or Canvas?
Reach out to your student's counselor!
6th Grade: Josie Greer
7th Grade: Anda Hayes
8th Grade: Brandon Del Rio
iReady Pizza Palooza - pass those lessons! 🍕
Questions about Basketball? Contact Coach McFaddin, McConnell, or Donahue! 🏀
Fundamentals of Fitness
Join us as we learn the fundamentals of fitness. Students who are physically active tend to have better grades, school attendance, cognitive performance, and classroom behavior. Click here to sign up your Spartan!
Save the Date: March 21st, 6pm at Doty - Decision Making & Problem Solving 🧠
8th Grade Save the Dates! 📆
Join PTSA at their next meeting on Wednesday, March 6th at 5pm in the Stauffer Library where they will be discussing the Spring Fundraiser, upcoming volunteering opportunities, a special presentation from the WOLF group, and so much more!
Nominations for the 2024-2025 PTSA Executive Board is officially open! Please consider joining and being part of our board for the upcoming school year! If you know of any one who would be a great fit, please let them know. Click here to find out more information.