GEAR UP Jefferson County
September 2019 Newsletter
Partner Spotlight: Lifting as We Climb Foundation
The Lifting as We Climb Foundation of Alabama was founded with the mission "Uplifting, empowering and exposing youth in our community to positive environments and to encourage academic excellence, community service, and health awareness." Their mission is based on the understanding that our future lies in the hands of our youth. Knowing this, they "aim to provide sound positive leadership by example through four basic principles: Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift."
2019-2020 Partner's Identified
Goal 1: Increase the successful academic performance, educational expectations, and preparation for/participation in postsecondary education.
Goal 2: Increase student and family knowledge of postsecondary education options, preparation, and financing.
Objective 1: Increase the academic performance and preparation for postsecondary education for GEAR UP students.
Objective 2: Increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in postsecondary education for GEAR UP students.
Objective 3: Increase GEAR UP students’ and their families’ knowledge of postsecondary education options, preparation, and financing.
Jenny Ceesay - Project Director
Jenny comes to us with 20 years of experience in Education and federal grant management, with the last 9 years at Partners for Education at Berea College, where she supervised a portfolio of federal grant programs. In 1999, when Berea College received their first GEAR UP grant, Jenny worked as an office manager for that grant. She then spent 7 years with Madison County Schools as a classroom teacher and as the director of their federal 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant. She then worked for the national nonprofit Save the Children as a literacy specialist, before returning to her roots at Berea College, where one of the programs she supervised was the same Upward Bound program that gave her wings.
Jenny is excited to start the next chapter of her work with the University of Montevallo and GEAR UP Jefferson County.
Laura Howard - Administrative Assistant
Laura Howard is the new administrative assistant for GEAR UP Jefferson County (GU-JC). She grew up in in the Tempe, AZ area but has family ties in Montana, Idaho, Washington, and California. She has a background in consumer banking and small business office management.
Laura values education and believes every person should have equal access to a good education. She tries to live her life remembering the three greatest treasures in life are: simplicity, patience, and compassion. She currently lives with her husband and three children in Alabaster.
About Us
Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Cassie Raulston, Dr. Amy Samuels, Dr. Greg Samuels, & Dr. Alvin Taylor
Project Director: Jenny Ceesay
Financial Manager: Sharon Hardie
Administrative Assistant: Laura Howard
Area Facilitators:
Chrystal Tolbert Abernathy
Demetrius Castleberry
Tiffany Dukes
Kimberly Johnson
Email: GU-JC@montevallo.edu
Website: https://www.montevallo.edu/academics/colleges/college-of-education/gear-up-jefferson-county/
Location: Station 6355 Montevallo, AL 35115
Phone: (205) 665-6300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GEARUPJeffersonCounty/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Twitter: @GEARUPJC