Klein High Choir Weekly Update
Week 1
Welcome to Klein High Choir!
You can find any choir-related resources throughout the year on our website. This includes forms, calendar info, all-state, booster club, and more. In addition to our website, your choir Schoology course may also be utilized during the year as an additional resource.
Klein Choir Kickoff
The Klein Choir Kickoff is next Thursday, August 22nd from 5-8pm at KHS. This event is for both choir students and parents. You will receive information about our program, Booster Club, pay for Chorale polos and other fees, receive information about All-State auditions, voice lessons, and much more. Students will receive their uniforms at Kickoff as well. We heavily encourage all parents and students to attend to ensure we start the school year of right!
Please enter through the front KHS entrance and head down Main Street to the choir room. The process is organized into several stations to ensure all parents and students get the necessary information.
Seniors beginning at 5:00 PM
Juniors beginning at 5:30 PM
Sophomores beginning at 6:00 PM
Freshmen parent meeting at 6:45 PM in the LGI (near front school entrance)
We look forward to seeing you there!
Choir Info Google Form
Students, if you did not fill out this mandatory form in class, please take some time now to complete it. This info Google form helps us gather parent contact info, t-shirt sizes, previous experience, and more. Click the button below to fill this form out.
Booster Club
We have a wonderful booster club (parent organization) here at Klein High Choir! Parents, you can meet our booster club officers at our Kick-Off event next Thursday. They will have information about membership opportunities, sponsorships, and more. The sponsorship and membership form will be available at our Kick-Off event. We have 3 set tiers of membership.
- Patron: $25
- Friend of Klein Choir: $50 (Family name included in concert programs)
- Director's Circle: $100 (Family name included in concert programs, up to 4 reserved seats at all concerts except winter concert)
Any support into our booster club directly supports our choir program for this school year. If you have any booster-club-specific questions, please contact our president, Shannon Jacobson (stjacobson@gmail.com).
TMEA All-State Auditions
Many of our students have been preparing for the All-State Choir process this summer and the first round of auditions is only 4 weeks away! If you plan on auditioning, don't worry it is not too late!
What To Do:
- Pick up an All-State Info Packet in the Choir Room. This has the contract that is required to participate in All-State Auditions. The $30 Fee is due August, 29.
- If you don't have the audition music yet, call or visit The Music Rack on Kuykendahl, across from Strack, to purchase the all-state music as soon as possible. Click HERE to purchase the music online.
- Join our All-State Remind Group (@ktmea2425)
If you are doing the all-state process and still do not have access to the practice tracks click HERE for those materials. More information can be found at kleinhighchoir.com/all-state-info or in Schoology.
If you are interested there is still time to prepare the music, however, you must begin ASAP. See Mr. Stultz or Mrs. Berger for more information.
Voice Lessons
Voice lessons on campus during the school day will start soon this semester. Please let Mr. Stultz or Mrs. Berger know if you are interested in voice lessons during the school day, after school, or at a voice teacher's home. There was a voice lesson interest form included in our beginning-of-year form packet as well. If you are interested or want more info, fill out this interest form below. We have outstanding voice teachers who work with our Klein Choir students. We cannot recommend voice lessons enough for our students who are interested in improving their skills!
Upcoming Dates
August 19 - Tri-M Interest Meeting 3PM
August 22 - Choir Kick Off - 5-8PMAugust 26 - Chorale Rehearsal - 5-7PM
August 29 - TMEA Contract/Fee Due
September 5 - Movie Social Sing Along - 3-5PM
September 6 - Chamber Choir Lock-In - 3-10PM
Contact Information
The preferred mode of communication for us is email
Sean Stultz 832-484-4089 - sstultz1@kleinisd.netRebecca Berger 832-484-4088 - rhickman1@kleinisd.net
Email: sstultz1@kleinisd.net
Website: kleinhighchoir.com
Phone: 832-484-4089