Auer Time @ LPMS
Spring 2024
One Purpose. Your Pathway. Our Promise.
Goal Area 1: Redefining Student Success
We will support each learner in defining success in their own way.
The End of the School Year
The last marking period is crucial as it can significantly impact your child's academic standings and future opportunities. 8th Grade teachers recommend students for advanced classes at the high school based on grades and overall effort. Grades are one of the factors to consider when determining acceleration in Math and Science. Final Exams are also around the corner. Final Exams will take place June 14th through June 24th following a half day schedule. Final Exams are often cumulative, based on all of the information learned throughout the school year and count as 20% towards the final grade. Please click the button below to see the tentative exam schedule for June. Exams will be completed by 10 am. Parents are welcome to pick up students at this time. Normal bus Transportation will be provided at 11:15 daily. Those not being picked up will follow a modified schedule for the remainder of the day until 11:15. No new instruction will be given during this time.
After School Assistance Program (ASAP)
With the end of the quarter and Final Exams rapidly approaching, students are encouraged to take advantage of our ASAP program. Students who failed a course(s) during the third quarter, or are in danger of failing a course for the year, received letters last week requesting they stay for ASAP. Summer school will take place at Starpoint High School this summer and students can take up to two courses. We encourage students to improve their grades so they do not have to spend their summer vacation in summer school.
What is ASAP?
The purpose of the program is to provide a structured time and location for students to get academic assistance in areas of need with classroom teachers. This time can be used for students to study, review the day’s lessons, work on homework, or receive additional instruction.
Where does it take place?
ASAP takes place after school from 2:40-3:40 pm, Monday through Thursday in the Middle School Cafeteria. Students can take the late bus home.
Who is ASAP for?
Any student is welcome to stay for ASAP but the primary focus is on students who are struggling or are failing one or more classes. If students are missing work or projects teachers may recommend students for ASAP as well.
NYS 3-8 Computer Based Testing
Students participated in Computer Based Testing (CBT) for the first time while taking their NYS 3-8 Exams. The ELA exam took place on April 23-24, the Math exam took place on May 1-2, and the Science 8 Exam will take place on Monday, May 13. Those who took the ELA & Math exams remarked that they liked CBT as it has more testing tools available. Those who don't like to handwrite responses mentioned they preferred this method as they got to type their responses. Student results will be available in September and can be accessed via Portfolio+ on PowerSchool.
AimswebPlus Testing: Final Benchmark
The May benchmark for AimswebPlus (AWP) will take place on May 15 for Reading and May 22 for Math. We encourage students to take the benchmarks exams seriously as the results are used as determinants for Response to Intervention (RtI) services and acceleration in Math and Science. Please make sure students have shut down their Chromebooks so updates can occur prior to the exams. Chromebooks should also be fully charged the night before. Results will be available in Portfolio+ on PowerSchool in the following weeks after all make-ups are completed.
Goal 2: Innovative Learning
We will design innovative learning environments that support learners in achieving their personalized goals.
Preparing for the Solar Eclipse
Before Spring Break, sixth grade students in Ms.Kimoto's class created their own pinhole cameras in order to safely view the total solar eclipse on April 8th. In addition to the district-wide provided eclipse glasses, these pinhole cameras and the corresponding eclipse lesson helped to reinforce previously taught curriculum in both science and social studies. Pinhole cameras were developed during the Islamic Golden Age to study the nature of light, while eclipses were extensively covered in the Earth, Moon, and Stars science unit. Though the weather was not optimal for viewing the eclipse, students are now equipped to safely view future eclipses if they are lucky enough to be in the line of totality again!
Trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands
During Spring Break Mrs. Lapp Hastings, Savannah Smith (Grade 8), and five high school students traveled to Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands. They saw an abundance of amazing wildlife and learned so much about the equator, while standing on the equatorial line! Pictured are: Rianne Remmes (Grade 9), Peighton Furey (Grade 9), Mrs. Eileen Lapp Hastings, Ben Hastings (Grade 11), Ben Brown (Grade 11), Vincent Costello (Grade 11), Savannah Smith (Grade 8), and Jenn Smith.
Expanding Your Horizons at Cornell University
On April 6th, Mrs. Golden brought a group of Lewiston-Porter girls to Cornell University to experience Expanding Your Horizons (EYH), a program that believes that STEM is for everyone, and that by increasing representation in the STEM fields they will achieve greater things together by benefiting from more diverse viewpoints and ideas. The EYH conference is for students in 7th-10th grade who have backgrounds that are underrepresented in STEM. These young women learned about careers involving mathematics, science, and engineering. They met physicists, astronomers, chemists, biologists, computer scientists, and more. Students participated in a variety of workshops that ranged from Black Widow v. Wonder Woman, Somebody Call the Plant Doctor, to Reverse Your Taste Buds.
LPMS Goes to Washington
Over 100 7th and 8th Grade students traveled to Washington, DC April 27-29. Students visited the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Lincoln Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, and many other sites including the National Zoo! Four Middle School students had the honor of placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns: Genevieve Zimmerman, Holden Sloma, Keira Anger, and Nathaniel Unversaw (see the video below). Students gained a deeper understanding of our history by discovering the American story, which enhances the Social Studies curriculum. Check out the picture slideshow below!
Goal Area 3: Climate and Culture
We will build a culture and climate that supports the needs of all Lewiston-Porter community members.
Crew Corner
LPMS All School Field Trip: Save the Date!
On Thursday, May 30th students in ALL GRADES will participate in our first school-wide Crew Service Project Field Trip!!! As you know, every student is enrolled in our CREW program, our daily 20-minute period in which our students hone their social and emotional learning goals (SEL). This allows us to meet the New York State Education Department’s SEL benchmarks. As part of this program, we’ve conducted service projects and community gatherings throughout the school year. Our culminating service project is a required school-wide field trip occurring on May 30th.
*** Please be aware all students and staff are scheduled to attend this trip so there will be no classes in the middle school that day. There will be no faculty in the building to supervise students who do not plan to attend the field trip or come late. Due to the academic nature of this field trip, all students are expected to attend.
Students will depart from the school at 9:00am and return at 2:15pm. Students in all grade levels will spend part of the day at Delaware Park completing service projects. The other half of the day will be spent at various locations. 8th Grade students will do a scavenger hunt at the Buffalo Albright Knox Gallery (AKG), 7th grade students will tour the Burchfield Penney Art Center, and 6th graders will go to Buffalo State College where the Buffalo Science Museum will present SCIENCE BELOW ZERO! Students will chill out during this super cool liquid nitrogen demonstration!
Students should bring a bagged lunch. If a student needs a lunch it will be provided. Please remind students to prepare for the weather! Wear a hat, use sunscreen and bring a water bottle.
Permission slips will be sent home with students from their Crew teachers soon, please return them promptly to students' Crew teacher or the Main Office.
March Crew Community Service Project
In March, Crews were focusing their efforts on helping the environment, in line with our commitment to addressing various causes that our students feel strongly about. Since the beginning of the year, we've supported the local homeless community, individuals suffering from mental health issues, and local pet rescues. On Friday, March 22nd, students participated in a series of activities aimed at environmental conservation.
Crews participated in the following stations:
🦋🌺🐝Station 1: Wildflower Seed Packet Creation🌻🌷🌼
Students filled and decorated wildflower seed packets while learning about the positive impact flowers have on bee and butterfly populations. These completed seed packets were donated to the Youngstown Garden Club, with whom we've partnered this year to support our strategic plan goal of community involvement.
🐦Station 2: Eco-Friendly Bird Feeder Construction🐞
Students worked cooperatively to build eco-friendly bird feeders. These feeders will be displayed and replaced weekly on campus by Crews, allowing students to observe a variety of birds and witness the benefits of their efforts.
🌳 Station 3: Tree Dedication Ceremony 🌳
Students decorated painted stones and participated in a tree dedication ceremony. We've purchased a 10-foot red oak tree that will be planted in the green space in front of the middle school, replacing a tree damaged in a windstorm. Through this activity, students will learn about the importance of planting indigenous trees and will take turns watering the tree in the upcoming weeks with the hope that it will thrive.
Club and Activities
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is underway and student's are preparing for their 5K race at the University at Buffalo on June 2nd, 9:30 a.m. Their coaches Mrs. Golden and Mrs. Lotz prepare the student's for the race not just by training the girls to run but focus on conditioning as well.
Girls on the Run is a non-profit organization in the United States that aims to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident through an experience-based curriculum that creatively integrates running. The program is designed to empower young girls, in grades 3-8, by helping them develop essential life skills such as confidence, character, care for others, teamwork, and healthy habits. Through interactive lessons and running activities, Girls on the Run encourages girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them unique. The ultimate goal is to foster self-confidence, positive body image, and resilience in young girls, equipping them with the tools they need to navigate life's challenges with confidence and determination.
Summer STEM Camp: Camp Invention
Register at INVENT.ORG/CAMP or 800-968-4332
Grades: K - 6th
Location: Lewiston Porter Middle School 4061 Creek Rd, Youngstown, NY 14174
Date: July 22 - August 2, 2024
Time & Cost: 8:30 AM to 11:50 AM $270 (before discount)
Camp Director: Amy Golden agolden@lew-port.com | (716) 754-8281 x5610
If these dates/times don’t work for you, please visit invent.org/camp for other locations near you.
Thanks to a generous donation from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the first 30 students to register will receive $100 off of the price of Camp
Builders Club
Wild Kritters Collection (May 6-10):🦝🦊🦨
Builders Club is gathering donations for Wild Kritters of Niagara County a non-profit group whose mission is to help wildlife in Niagara County that have been orphaned or injured and are in distress. They care for and raise the animals to be released back to the wild as quickly as possible.
They accept donations and appreciate any help because it helps them pay for medical care, medications, specialized food, caging, supplies and more! Builders Club is collecting the following supplies in boxes in the Main hallway. Items Wild Kritters are in need of are as follows:
- Dry Dog Food
- Towels
- Baby Blankets
- Bird Seed
- Paper Towels
- Baby Wipes
- Laundry Detergent
- Garbage Bags
- Latex Gloves
- Apple Pedialyte
2024-25 Officer Applications Due (May 23)
Builders Club Year End Celebration (May 29)
Get Involved!
can check back monthly.
Staff Spotlight
Teresa Donaldson, Teacher Aide
I’ve been working FT as a sixth-grade aide for three years and have been very fortunate to be with Teacher Emily Oliverio for the past two (and Vicki Way the first year). I subbed as an aide and teacher in the MS, IEC and PEC dating back to 2011, but especially enjoy the Middle School – that time of awkward self-exploration and limitless potential.
Concurrently, I was a newspaper reporter (full-time or freelance) for 30 years. I wrote for The Buffalo News’ “Niagara Weekend” section for 12 years; the Niagara Gazette for 10 years; and various weeklies. I put my Journalism/English Literature degree from St. Bona’s to good use telling the stories of wonderful people from all walks of life. Standout memories? Director Michael Moore (who tried to put me in a movie he was shooting in the Falls); Media Mogul Ted Turner (intimidating but fun); and Bills Coach Marv Levy (a real gentleman).
My husband, Rich, and I have been married 32 years and have two sons, Jared (Class of 2014), who is now a lawyer in NYC, and Ben (Class of 2018), who is pursuing a teaching degree at Buffalo State, and our dog, Sam, 15. I love to read, garden, spend time with family and friends, visit the family cottage in Long Beach, Ont. and try to come to work with a smile on my face (almost every day), grateful to be here (every day).
Kelly Zimmerman, Art Teacher
Greetings! I'm Kelly Zimmerman, your 6-8 Art teacher at Lewiston-Porter Middle School, where I've been teaching since 2007. Middle schoolers hold a special place in my heart; their vibrant energy and enthusiasm make every day a joy. Witnessing their success in hands-on activities is incredibly rewarding.
You might know me from various school activities—I'm deeply involved in our school community. I co-coordinate the WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) program, a fantastic initiative where 8th graders guide 6th graders through the transition to middle school. Additionally, I oversee the middle school art club. The students take pride in the school and want to beautify it with their art. Currently, we're putting the finishing touches on an inspiring mural near the library.
Beyond school, I'm a proud mother of two girls who also attend Lewiston-Porter. My family and I relocated here five years ago to be apart of the wonderful opportunities this district offers. We live on a hobby farm, tending to bees and chickens. Gardening is my passion; I strive to grow as much of our food as possible. Nature calls to me all the time, our summer adventures often involve hiking in the mountains and exploring the woods—my ultimate happy place. In my spare time, I express my creativity through mural painting, woodworking, and dabbling in interior design.
With another year coming to a close I hope you all enjoy your summer, it will be here before we know it!
Mental Health Moment
Your Device, Your Safety, Your Future
On May 31st, Kimberly Smith, Community Outreach Specialist for the FBI, will present to our students about internet dangers. She will present to students during their morning exploratory class (2nd, 3rd or 4th period depending on grade level). Special Agent Smith will talk to students about who an online predator is, what an online predator wants, and how they can be empowered to protect themselves in an age appropriate and interactive way. She also speaks briefly on topics such as cyberbullying, cyberstalking, hacking/doxing, hoax threats, and simply making good online choices. She will also provide students with resources on what to do and who to go to in the event they may become a victim.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
May was designated as Mental Health Month to coincide with the establishment of Mental Health America (MHA), one of the leading mental health advocacy organizations in the United States. The purpose is to further the mission of raising awareness and reducing stigma surrounding mental health. Moreover, May serves as an opportune time to address mental health concerns due to several factors. For instance, the transition from spring to summer often brings increased social activities and outdoor events, offering opportunities to engage communities in discussions about mental health. Additionally, May marks the end of the school year for many students, making it an ideal time to focus on mental wellness initiatives in educational settings and provide support for students experiencing stress or anxiety.
Upcoming Dates/Events
May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 13: NYS Science 8 Computer Based Test
May 15: Aimsweb+ Reading Spring Benchmark Assessment
May 17-19: LPMS Musical: Wonka
May 20: Innovation IMPACT Expo Field Trip
May 21: Early Release Day: Students leave at 1:15
May 22: Aimsweb+ Math Spring Benchmark Assessment
May 23: Bisons Kids Day: 7th Grade Field Trip
May 24-27: NO SCHOOL: Memorial Day Weekend
May 28: Color Wars Begins: PTSA Fundraiser
May 30: Crew School Wide Field Trip: All Grade Levels
May 31: FBI Cyberbullying Presentation
June 4: Algebra I Regents Exam AM
June 7: 8th Grade MUD Field Trip
June 8: 7/8 Music Dept Darien Lake Field Trip
June 10: Color Wars Final Event
June 11: 7/8 Grade Music Concert: 7-8:30 HS Aud
June 12: 6th Grade Music Concert: 7-8:30 HS Aud
June 13: Last Day of Regular Classes LPMS
June 14-24: Half Day Schedule
June 18: MUD Dance
June 19: NO SCHOOL: Juneteenth
June 20: NJHS Little Library Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
June 24: DARE Ceremony (6th Grade)
June 25: MUD Ceremony (8th Grade)
Lewiston-Porter Middle School
Email: aauer@lew-port.com
Website: www.lew-port.com
Location: 4061 Creek Road, Youngstown, NY, USA
Phone: 716-286-7201
Twitter: @LewPortMS
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter! @LewPortMS and if you see something great with our students or staff, share it with us using #lewport!