Reminder for GSMST
The Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
The Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology is a unique high school that focuses on advanced and challenging studies in the fields of engineering, biosciences, and emerging technologies.
2020 Lottery Information The GSMST lottery application process for the 2020-2021 Freshman Class will open on November 4th.
Enrollment for the 9th-grade class is open to all 8th-grade students who are residents of the Gwinnett County school district attendance zone; who are successfully promoted to 9th grade by the end of the spring semester, 2020; and who successfully complete an 8th-grade math curriculum that is a full unit of Carnegie-eligible Accelerated Algebra I or higher.
- Students in Carnegie-eligible Algebra I will need to achieve a 1st semester grade of 90% or higher – AND – earn a Milestones (EOC) score in the Distinguished category (minimum scaled score of 92) OR
- earn a score of 550 or higher on the math portion of the PSAT 8/9 or SAT (test must be taken no later than January 24, 2020).
It is strongly recommended that interested students and parents attend one of the informational meetings described below. During these meetings, critical details will be shared and questions will be answered to help inform families about the GSMST experience.
Information Nights will be held at GSMST
The information presented will be the same at all three meetings at 7:00 PM
- Tuesday, November 12, 2019, for the:
Archer Cluster, Brookwood Cluster, Dacula Cluster, Grayson Cluster, Mill Creek Cluster, Mountain View Cluster, Parkview Cluster, Shiloh Cluster, South Gwinnett Cluster - Thursday, December 5, 2019, for the:
Berkmar Cluster, Central Gwinnett Cluster, Collins Hill Cluster, Discovery Cluster, Duluth Cluster, Lanier Cluster, Meadowcreek Cluster, Norcross Cluster, North Gwinnett Cluster, Peachtree Ridge Cluster - Thursday, January 9, 2020, will be a make-up meeting date.
- The registration deadline is January 24, 2020. Detailed information and the registration forms are available on the GSMST school’s website > Click on Admissions.
Bay Creek Middle School
821 Cooper Road . Grayson . GA 30017 678-344-7570