St. Paul UCC Newsletter
The Everybody Church @StPaulUCCTX
Weekly Announcements - Week of 02/09/25
St. Paul United Church of Christ Corpus Christi
A Christian Community that truly welcomes everyone!
Where heart, mind, and spirit meet!
5525 Lipes Boulevard
Corpus Christi, TX 785413
Email: comm.stpaulcc@gmail.com
Church Office: (361)994-8899
Rev. Dana K. Worsham - (678)979-8580 (Pastor's Cell)
Pastor Eli Palacios - (956)867-6800 (Cell)
Weekly Events:
6:00PM - Wednesday Fellowship & Dinner
7:15PM - Choir Rehearsal (New Voices always welcome)
9:30AM -10:15AM - Adult Bible Fellowship
10:30AM - Praise & Worship with Holy Communion
10:30AM - Children's Bible Study
Welcome Visitors
Joining us at St. Paul for the first time? Coming back to St. Paul for the first time in a while? Either way, we're glad to have you here at "The Everybody Church"! Help us get to know you a little better and use the link below to submit our Visitors Form: https://bit.ly/stpauluccvisitors
We hope you enjoy your time with us, and look forward to seeing you at St. Paul again!
Sermon Title & Scriptures - 02/09/25
Join us for our Sunday Worship Service this Sunday at 10:30 A.M.
Can't join us in person? Join us online through our FB Live here!
Sermon Title:
"Don't Bother Me! I'm BUSY!"
Luke 5:1-11
Further Reading:
Isaiah 6:1-8, (9-13)
Psalm 138
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
UPDATE: Construction & Directions to Church (Road Access)
Access to St. Paul by way of Yorktown or Timbergate ONLY
Due to construction on Lipes Blvd, access to the church cannot not be obtained from Staples St. Access can come by way of Yorktown or Timbergate. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully, the city will be finished soon.
Free Little Library - "New selection of books on the top row"
Give a book a new home!
Be sure to visit St. Paul's Free Little Library. Check it out!!
Find a book, give it a new home. Have books that need a new home, drop them off here!
Pastor Office Hours (By Request)
Pastoral Office Hours are available upon request with Rev. Dana Worsham
To schedule office hours please contact Pastor Dana directly:
Rev. Dana K. Worsham - (678)979-8580 (Pastor's Cell)
The Coastal Bend Food Bank has provided a list of tems that are most requested from the Food Bank.
BABY DIAPERS are the most requested item overall. However at any time, any non-perishable foods, household and personal care items are welcomed.
Thank you to all who contributed towards our goal of donating 100lbs of Beans and Rice to the Coastal Bend Food Bank during the month of January.
The Food Bank will soon let us know how many pounds were collected.
MARCH: Condiments, Spices, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste
APRIL: Peanut butter & crackers, Cheese & crackers, Nuts, Toilet paper, Bath soap
If you would like to volunteer to help pull out the frozen plants from the vegetable garden, please see Carol Fox to arrange a date and time.
St. Paul's Calendar
Stay updated on events at St. Paul by visiting our calendar using the following link: bit.ly/stpaulucccalendar
Have a new event to add? Email your event information to: comm.stpaulcc@gmail.com
Volunteer Opportunities at St. Paul
Children & Youth Ministry Volunteers
Kathie Benson (drkbb44@gmail.com) - (773)263-1534
Wendy Sauer (mamawendy66@gmail.com) - (361)688-0732
Jennifer Sauer
Volunteers Are Needed To Clean Up After Sunday And Wednesday Evening Services
This will include cleaning the kitchen, emptying all trash bins in the church and ensuring that the bathrooms are presentable for the next service.
If you will volunteer to help a small team with this on a rotation basis, please let Carol/"Foxie" know.
St. Paul's A/V (Audio/Visual) Ministry Team
Our AV team is an integral part of outreach and ministry at St. Paul. We're working on growing our team to ensure we can set up a rotation to allow AV team members to lead our technology support and also participate in worship.
For more information please contact: Alissa Lamb (361)425-3997
St. Paul's Communications Team!
St. Paul is growing our Communications Team to ensure that we can reach everyone in sharing God's love, mercy, and justice! We're looking for individuals who have experience with technology, social media, and over all enjoy keeping people connected and updated.
For more information contact: Pastor Eli at (956)867-6800
By: Carol "Foxie" Fox
Several people have shared with me recently that they are feeling extreme fear. Not just because of the rapidly changing governmental policies but for other reasons as well.
Fearful times are excellent opportunities to share and live our faith. Our behavior shows what we really believe. Do we really believe that God is in control and that He is working everything for our good as He promised in Romans 8:28? If we believe this then why are we so fearful?
We know that God can change situations and people to come into accordance with His will. Not our will, but His will. It is the Christian way to not give up on the idea that people and things can change, no matter how dark or rotten they may seem. Remember what God did with Saul? Here was a man who was breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord. After God entered his life Saul, then named Paul said, "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." - Romans 8.1. A complete turn around, right? God did it then. He can do it again.
We also need to be ready to encourage others when they express fear. 1 Peter 3:15 states, "Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope". Do you have hope? What will you say to others who are fearful? Will you agree with them that we are doomed and confirm that they should be fearful? Or will you be able to share with them what you are doing and thinking and encourage them to believe in God's peace and amazing mercy?
In these times we can chose to focus not on what is happening "out there" but what is happening inside of us. We can chose to allow God to increase our faith. I find that Bible study, prayer, Christian readings and surrounding myself with others who are grounded in our faith helps me with that.
Let us demonstrate our faith by encouraging others to stay strong and to ask God to show us what He wants us to do in these fearful times.
"Thy will be done".
Tithes & Offerings for General Expenses
We want to say thank you to everyone for continuing to support daily operations and ministries at St. Paul through your tithes and offerings for general expenses. We have received 92% of our monthly tithes & offerings needed for the month of January. We know that with your continued support and the grace of God, we can reach 100% this month!
Online Giving at St. Paul UCC
We welcome your support for the work we're doing at St. Paul United Church of Christ of Corpus Christi. We know the Open and Affirming, justice-oriented Gospel we're putting into practice here is changing and saving lives and we invite you to help. To make a donation via CashApp to St. Paul UCC Corpus Christi click on the following link: https://cash.app/$STPaulUCC5525
St. Paul UCC Wishlist
Wishlist for St. Paul UCC
We invite our congregation and community to support St. Paul UCC by considering donating the following items for our Wishlist:
- 55 gallon black trash bags
St. Paul Children & Youth Ministry
Children's Bible Study (Ages 4-11)
Children's Bible study takes place every Sunday morning at St. Paul right after the start of our Sunday Praise & Worship service. Service begins at 10:30AM and children are escorted to the children's ministry room by the teacher.
For more information contact: Briana Sacco briana.sacco@gmail.com
St. Paul's Youth Ministry (Ages 12-18)
For more information please reach out to our Youth Bible Ministry leaders for more information.
For more information contact:
Kathie Benson (drkbb44@gmail.com) - (773)263-1534
Wendy Sauer (mamawendy66@gmail.com) - (361)688-0732
Jennifer Sauer
Adult Bible Study
The Adult Bible study and discussion. No matter where you are in your walk, this bible study will be fascinating. Everyone is welcome Sunday mornings 9:30 am to 10:20 am.
Rainbow Family Equality Project
Rainbow Family Equality (RFE) is a Ministry that started at St. Paul in 2022 because we believe All Families are Sacred! The mission of RFE is to create a safe space for LGBTQIA+ families, youth, and kids to experience unconditional love and acceptance through events and activities held by St. Paul throughout the year. Be on the lookout for upcoming events!
Name Tags
Need a New Name Tag?
Please print your name on the paper located on the name tag podium in the back of the sanctuary. If desired, please include your pronouns. Thank you! Want a permanent nametag? For Information Contact: Kathie Benson - drkbb44@gmail.com
Freecycle Shelf
What is a Freecycle Shelf?
This white shelf just outside the Youth Room has items that are freeā¦to anyone. Anyone also can put things there that they do not want. Items should be in good condition.
Buildings & Grounds Ticketing System
Help us keep St. Paul, The Everybody Church, clean & safe! Visit: bit.ly/stpauluccops to submit a ticket on our new ticketing system!
For Information Contact:
Lisa Cantu
St. Paul United Church of Christ Leadership Team Contacts
Newsletter Updates!
- Missed our newsletters? Visit St. Paul's website to access them from anywhere: https://stpaulcorpuschristi.org/events/newsletters/
- Need to submit an announcement for the St. Paul Newsletter? Please email: comm.stpaulcc@gmail.com by no later than Wednesday at 8:00PM each week. Please ensure that your email includes [NEWSLETTER] in the subject line along with the Ministry it is related to, dates, times, brief description, and any image updates that are being requested.
Example of Subject Line:
Subject: NEWSLETTER: Youth Ministry
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