Sprague School

Family Reading Night
Wildcats had so much fun during Reading Night this month. They listened to teachers animatedly read their favorite stories! Children came in pajamas and carried their bedtime stuffed animal to the annual event as is seen in these photos.
Upcoming Events
- D103 5K Run: Register now for the PTO sponsored event on Saturday, May 18.
- Third-Grade Fly Up: Second-grade families are invited to an informational meeting at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 21, at Half Day School.
Memorial Day: No School on Monday, May 27
EC Art Fair: 9:30 a.m. Friday, May 31.
- Early Dismissal Day: Friday, May 31. Sprague K-2 dismissed at 11:10 a.m. (No school for early childhood students.)
Last Day of School: Early childhood Tuesday, June 4.
- Last Day of School: K-7 Wednesday, June 5, early release day. Sprague K-2 dismissed at 11:10 a.m.
Report Cards: Viewable after 4:00. p.m. Wednesday, June 5.
Add Sprague Calendar: Subscribe to the Sprague calendar so meetings and events can automatically be added to your personal calendar. Right click, copy and past in new window, download.
Sprague Summer Countdown
Post the Sprague Summer Countdown on your home refrigerator or bulletin board to get your student excited about summer.
- Tuesday, 5/28: W - I wonder What I will do this summer? I wonder what next year will be like?
- Wednesday, 5/29: I - Inside out day! Wear your clothes inside out!
- Thursday, 5/30: L - Write a Letter to your next year’s teacher!
- Friday, 5/31: D - Drawing day! Take time to Draw!
- Monday, 6/3: C - Wear your favorite Color!
- Tuesday, 6/4: A - Appreciation Day! Compliment your friends and teachers!
- Wednesday, 6/5: T - Taylor Swift or Teams Day! Wear your best swiftie or team clothing!
School Field Day
Final Book Check Out
Final student library book checkouts occurs this week through May 17. Student books are due on your library day the following week between May 20 to May 24. All books are due no later than May 24. Please keep a close eye on your child’s home folder for any notices from the library.
Lost and Found
With just 13 days of school before summer begins, direct your students to check the lost and found for missing items. There are jackets, lunch boxes, water bottles, and more. Claim them before the school year ends! Check out the items before Wednesday, June 5!
Plans to Move?
If your family is moving and not planning to return to District 103, can you kindly let our office know so that we do not place your child in a classroom for next year? You may contact Reema Jhangiani at rjhangiani@d103.org.
Surprise Your Student
Purchase a brick with your student's name on it where it will be waiting for them as they enter Daniel Wright Junior High School. A memory for a lifetime! Don't miss this opportunity for your student with the Learning Fund Foundation's Legacy Brick fundraiser. Order your brick by Monday, June 10, so the foundation can install them in the fall of 2024.
Seeking Leaders for D103 PTO and Executive Board: Shape the Future of Education
The District 103 Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) and Executive Board are calling upon passionate and dedicated individuals to step forward and assume leadership roles for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. This pivotal opportunity not only enriches your engagement with the community but also directly impacts the educational landscape for our children. As we navigate the evolving challenges in education, your leadership can chart a course that fosters innovation, inclusivity, and excellence.
By joining the PTO or Executive Board, you become a catalyst for positive change, influencing policies, programs, and initiatives that shape the academic journey of students across our district. Whether you bring expertise in fundraising, communication, event planning, or advocacy, your unique skills and perspectives are invaluable in creating a vibrant and supportive learning environment. Seize this chance to make a lasting difference and be part of a dynamic team driving educational success in D103!
- Sign up for leadership roles: https://bit.ly/4a9mgi8
Run for D103 5K is this Saturday!
There is still time to sign up for the PTO Sponsored 5K! Come out this Saturday, May 18, and join over 565 of our friends and neighbors as we support our schools. Food, music, area businesses and more will be on site. Packet pick up for registered participants takes place at the District 103 offices, 111 Barclay Blvd., today, May 16, from 3:00 to 6:30 p.m., and Friday, May 17, from 3:00 to 7:30 p.m.
- Learn more and register at runford103.org.
Sprague end of year bash a huge success!
Over 200 Sprague students and family members danced into the evening while enjoying pizza, drinks, snacks, games, and more. The highlight of the evening for most students was being allowed to climb into the driver seat of some of the heavy equipment that the Lincolnshire Public Works get to use on a daily basis! Here's to a great summer and we will see you all again at the back-to-school bash in the fall.
Community News
First Responders Expo
Join us at our 25th Annual First Responders Expo on Saturday, May 18, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Parking Lot E at Gurnee Mills.
Children can learn all about fire and police safety education. Enjoy all of the fun-filled activities and delicious food trucks. Be the first to see Station 51's all new food fire truck that was transformed from a fire truck to a food truck on Discovery Channel's Cruising Kitchens!
Steve & Kate's Camp
At Steve & Kate's Camp, campers choose from a variety of activities including sewing, coding, maker crafts, sports & more! Buy any number of days to use at any time. Unused days are automatically refunded at summer’s end. Est. 1980. Lunch, snacks & all hours (8am–6pm) included.
Nursery School Program
Lincolnshire Community Nursery School is excited to open up our high quality and engaging enrichment classes to 4 year old students from the community for the 2024-2025 school year! Classes are available Monday through Friday from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Transportation from Sprague's Early Childhood program is available. LCNS is proud to be a NAEYC accredited program. Reach out to Katie Tantillo at director@lcns.org or 847-945-1450 for more details. www.lcns.org"
Vernon Township Summer Camp
Children aged 4-7-years old are invited to participate in the Vernon Township Summer Camp from June 17 to August 2. Visit the Vernon Township website for details.
Center for Gifted Classes
The Center for Gifted is bringing their flagship program, Summer Wonders, back to District 103. Offering an exciting variety of challenging, hands-on courses, it comprises three one-week sessions for grades first through sixth in July. The Center for Gifted will offer a 10% tuition discount to students of District 103 families and employees. District 103 students receive a 10% tuition discount, using this code at checkout: TEN4D103.
Laura B. Sprague School
- Principal Ann Hofmeier
- Assistant Principal Jennifer Arroyo
- 847-945-6686
- Ls_attendance@d103.org