Burns Park Family Newsletter
September 8, 2024
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From the Principal
Hello Burns Park Penguins,
It's SUMMALL (summer & fall) in Michigan and we're prepared for it. Are you? The weather is changing by the day please help your child plan their school attire accordingly. It is much appreciated that you are labeling everything that your child brings to school. All labeled items can be returned.
We are excited to see you on Monday, September 9th for Curriculum Night. Classroom teachers will have two identical presentations from 6:00-6:25 and 6:30-6:55. From 7:00-7:30 please join us all in the auditorium to meet the staff and hear from myself and the PTO.
Be well & take care,
Principal Bullock
Previous Family Newsletters
Curriculum Night
Classroom Teachers will prepare 2 identical presentations for you. Choose one to attend and then head over to the auditorium at 7:00 to hear from myself & the PTO.
Family Needs Survey
Each year the Burns Park Community celebrates a number of school events together. This ranges from picnics, walks/runs to outdoor parties. This survey has been created so that you can inform Burns Park of possible supports your family may need to fully participate in school wide events.
If you have experienced an expected or unexpected hardship that has made it difficult to participate in activities that are not a necessity, please let us know.
*Note: This information being shared is confidential and is collected and seen by Principal Bullock only. Principal Bullock will not share your name with entities. Total numbers is the only thing shared.
Picture Day
Save the Date, Friday September 27th is Picture Day at Burns Park.
Fall After-School Rec & Ed Classes
AAPS Rec & Ed is excited to offer several after-school classes focused on fun, learning, movement, and discovery. Registration is NOW OPEN! Visit www.aarecedonline.com for details. Scholarships are available! Please call (734) 994-2300 ext. 0 for assistance.
My Future Fund
My Future Fund: Unlock the benefits for your child!
We are thrilled that over $350,000 has been allocated to AAPS students’ My Future Fund accounts! My Future Fund has activated over 6,400 accounts for AAPS 2nd-7th grade students and 1st graders will join the fun this year. Every account comes with a $25 starting deposit and 1 in 3 students qualifies for a $475 bonus based on family income. Unlock all the benefits of the program by completing the Release of Information form before November 30, 2024. Over $800,000 is still waiting to be claimed. To learn more about the program and complete the Release of Information form go to www.myfuturefund.org or call 734-302-2626.
From The Burns Park PTO
Hello BPE PTO Families,
We hope you had a wonderful second week of school! We’ll see you on Monday, September 9 at
Curriculum Night after the teacher conferences. Michelle and I will give a brief introduction to the PTO
and be on hand to answer questions. We’re very excited for our first PTO meeting on (Tuesday,
September 10 at 7 pm via Zoom) and our next PTO event, the 3rd Annual Fall Picnic (Thursday,
September 19 at 5:30-7pm at BPE).
First PTO Meeting
We’re eager to welcome everyone to our first PTO Meeting Tuesday, September 10 at 7 p.m. via Zoom.
We’ll be presenting and voting on the proposed 2024-25 School Year Budget and several grants. The
agenda is available online. The meetings provide an opportunity to ask questions and learn about our
efforts to fund all the school field trips, classroom subsidies, and student engagement opportunities,
such as Walk & Talk and March is Reading Month. The PTO Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. via Zoom.
Volunteers Needed!
Burns Park School is not just a building where we send our kids each day; it is a community. We are
families that help each other, learn together, play together and support our teachers and staff- so that
everyone has a great school year. We’d love to get you connected to whatever PTO programs are FUN
and meaningful for your family. Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form so you can learn about and connect
to opportunities.
We are recruiting volunteers for the 2024-25 school year, including Room parents; Art Angels; Library
Helpers; Lunch Recess Helpers; Disability Awareness Workshop (4 th Graders); Family Giving
Committee; Fifth Grade Capstone; Lost & Found; Science Olympiad; Staff Appreciation; Special
Events (Burns Park Run, Ice Cream Social, Field Day, etc.); Walk and Talk Coaches; Yearbook
Committee and MORE! Learn more about our committees and how you can help here.
There are a range of opportunities available to help in many capacities and various commitment levels.
We appreciate any time and talents you are able to lend. If you have any questions reach out to
Volunteer Coordinator Kathy Brzoznowski at volunteering@bpepto.org.
Save the Date: Fall Picnic
Join us for the 3rd Annual Back to School Fall Picnic on Thursday, Sept. 19 from 5:30-7 p.m. We’re
planning some fun entertainment and a chance for everyone to mix and mingle. Please pack your own
picnic dinner and remember to bring a blanket or other seating.
Join the PTO Directory
The PTO website has a Directory that allows families to create an account and share contact details and
class information, enabling parents to reach out to each other within class, grade level, etc. to setup
playdates and otherwise foster a sense of community. Our current PTO directory is opt-in, meaning that
families have to proactively create an account on our site to join. Returning families need to update
their class assignments and new families should definitely sign up!
Your Burns Park PTO
Kory Zhao, President
Michelle Ding, President-Elect