September 14 update
September 14 update
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Updates | June 12, 2024
Table of Contents
Dear Families,
Please see below for the announcements for this week’s family newsletter!
Updated Last Day of School
SEPAC Meeting
Summer EBT
Intent to Return Survey
Uniform Donations
Athletics Corner
Enrichment Corner
Nurses Corner
Middle School Corner
High School Corner
CCO (College Counseling Office) Corner
Family Resources
Madelyn Ruizdeporras
Family Operations Manager
1. Updated Last Day of School
Last Day of SY24: Thursday 6/20/2024 12pm noon dismissal
No School Wednesday 6/19/2024 for Juneteenth
There has been a recent update to our last day of school. This update has been made to accommodate dates that were not used as snow days. Our NEW last day of school for all students (except Seniors) is on Thursday, June 20th with dismissal at 12pm. If students ride the yellow bus, transportation will still be provided. **Please also note that students DO NOT have school on June 19th due to the Juneteenth holiday.
2. SEPAC Meeting
Our last SEPAC Meeting of the Year will be held on Thursday, June 13 from 5:30PM-6:30PM via Zoom. Topic: Meet our New Director of Special Education and get informed regarding our New IEP Form!
Zoom link found here:
Hope you can join us!
3. Summer EBT
Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) is an electronic system that allows a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participant to pay for food using SNAP benefits.
4. Intent to Return Survey
We are at the time of the year when we need families to identify their school plans for the next school year (SY24_25).
Here: is the link to a brief survey that asks if you intend to have your child continue at Boston Prep next year (SY24_25).
We use this information to plan class assignments and to make new enrollment offers for families on our waitlist. Your answer has no impact on your child's enrollment for the current school year SY23_24.
A couple of things to know:
Any family that has multiple children enrolled at Boston Prep must respond for each student.
If you are not yet sure of your plans, please complete the form and select "unsure." We are asking all Boston Prep families to submit this survey by May 28th at the latest. The survey will only take a minute or two of your time.
Please reach out to Madelyn Ruizdeporras (Family Operations Manager) at: 617-910-5333 or email: if you have any questions.
Thank you and we are excited to start planning for the next school year!
5. Uniform Donations
Uniform item donations for families of seniors or 8th graders. If your rising freshman student or soon-to-be Boston Prep graduate (current 8th and 12th graders) have any Boston Prep uniform items that you are looking to get rid of, please consider donating them to the school so that they can be given to students in need. Any clean, gently used uniform items (polos, shirts, crewneck sweatshirts, khaki pants) should be dropped off at the front desk. Boston Prep will provide them to students who may need additional items.
6. Athletics Corner
Sports Uniforms: If your child has any sports uniforms, please have them return it to Mr. Henry in the GYM this week!
7. Enrichment Corner
High School Summer Enrichment Requirement Reminder
Boston Prep's high school graduation policy requires that high school students participate in a summer enrichment opportunity each summer of high school, for a total of 3 summer enrichment credits. Students earn one summer enrichment credit per year, the summer after 9th, 10th, and 11th grade after participating and providing proof of your summer enrichment activity to Ms. Fontes via email. Examples of summer enrichment opportunities include:
Enroll in a precollege program
Enroll in leadership training institute
Complete an internship program
Obtain summer employment through SuccessLink, ABCD, or other organization
Volunteer a minimum of 40 hours
8. Nurses Corner
If your child has medication(s) in the nurse’s office, the medication(s) will need to be picked up from the nurse’s office by the end of day, Thursday, June 20th. Any medications not picked up by the end of day on Thursday, June 20th , will be discarded.
Student Emergency and Health Form
As we prepare for SY24_25, we ask all families to complete the Student and Family Health Forms. All students will receive this green nurse packet to have their parent/guardian complete it. Please return this packet to the front office. If you have any question, reach out to our school nurses at: 617-910-5364
9. Middle School Announcements
6th Grade EOY Field Trip: Museum of Science for their end of year field trip on Tuesday, 6/18/24.
Eligibility Requirements:
In order to be eligible for EOY events, all 6th grade students must:
Show respect to the community and community members. Students earning 5+ detentions or 3+ referrals will be ineligible.
This will be tracked 6/3 – 6/17
Be in strong academic standing. Students must be passing all classes with a 70% or higher.
7th Grade EOY Field Trip: New England Aquarium for their end of year field trip on Tuesday, 6/18/24.
Eligibility Requirements:
In order to be eligible for EOY events, all 7th grade students must:
Show respect to the community and community members. Students earning 5+ detentions or 3+ referrals will be ineligible.
This will be tracked 6/3 – 6/17
Be in strong academic standing. Students must be passing all classes with a 70% or higher.
8th Grade EOY Field Trip: Overnight trip to New York City
Eligibility Requirements: While all 8th grade students were invited to this trip, it has been communicated to students that they are required to meet academic and behavioral criteria in order to maintain eligibility to attend.
- The 8th grade will be taking an overnight trip to New York City from Thursday, June 13th to Friday, June 14th, 2024. The purpose of this field trip is to celebrate our 8th grade students for their hard work throughout middle school!
- Students will have the opportunity to visit the Statue of Liberty as well as tour Times Square and see a musical on Broadway! The cost to attend this trip is $75 per student; this price includes admission to the Statue of Liberty, Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, and the theatre as well as transportation, lodging, and all meals. If you have any questions or concerns about this fee, please reach out to VaLonda Harris at the number provided below.
10. High School Announcements
Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica: Congratulations to over 25 of our students who were inducted into the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica! The Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Spanish/ and or Portuguese, sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
This is the first year Boston Prep has started a chapter of Spanish National Honor Society! Bravo!
A BIG congratulations to our elected officers:
President: Betsy Carbajal (Class of SY25)
Vice President: Jennifer Parada (Class of SY25)
Tesorera: Maddison Ramdehal (Class of SY25)
Secretaria: Alondra Tirado (Class of SY25)
Historiadora: Rania Vasquez Guerrero (Class of SY26)
A BIG SHOUT OUT TO: Senor Clavel for leading and executing such an important, beautiful and memorial event for our students!
Seniors and Families, Congratulations! We are just days away from your student’s high school graduation. This is an exciting time to celebrate your child’s successes—of which there are many. As we get closer to the end of your student’s last year of high school there are a few items that we would like to share with you.
Instructional Materials: all instructional materials (including textbooks, athletic uniforms and calculators) must be returned, and other outstanding school fees paid in full, by Monday, June 5th, and before graduation on June 14th.
Senior Chromebooks: will be collected on June 5th or after a student's last exam. Students will not receive their cap and gown until they have turned in their Chromebook and charger or paid any damage fees.
Academic and other requirements: Students who do not complete all academic and other requirements will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony. Additional information regarding graduation requirements are below:
Boston Prep's high school graduation policy requires High school students participate in a summer enrichment opportunity each summer of high school, for a total of 3 summer enrichment credits. Students earn one summer enrichment credit per year, the summer after 9th, 10th, and 11th grade after participating and providing proof of your summer enrichment activity to Ms. Fontes via email. Examples of summer enrichment opportunities include:
Enroll in a precollege program
Enroll in leadership training institute
Complete an internship program
Obtain summer employment through SuccessLink, ABCD, or other organization
Volunteer a minimum of 40 hours
Ms. Fontes will provide students with information about summer enrichment opportunities by email weekly. Summer enrichment opportunities are listed on the Enrichment Opportunities Sheet (linked here). Please know that students and their family are exclusively responsible for finding and enrolling in a summer enrichment opportunity. Some programs (precollege programs, summer camps) will have an associated cost. Boston Prep does have a scholarship fund for summer enrichment programs that provide students with valuable experiences on a college campus; students may apply for this scholarship to be considered for assistance with these costs. This scholarship fund is limited so students are encouraged to apply early. Students can access Boston Prep's Summer Enrichment Scholarship Application from the link. For questions about summer enrichment, please email Fina Fontes at
futureBOS Employment/Internships for Youth Ages 14 - 18 & Young Adults Ages 19 - 24
The futureBOS (linked here) summer youth jobs application is live! Boston youth and young adults ages 14 - 24 can now apply for summer job opportunities on futureBOS, the newly redesigned youth jobs catalog created to help young people secure summer jobs. Youth can apply for jobs in arts/entertainment, community/social assistance, education and childcare, environmental health care, government and advocacy public administration, STEM, sports and recreation, and more!
Work Permit Process and Information (Before & After June 20th)
Before June 20th, Ms. Fontes will be able to provide work permits to youth who complete the following steps.
1. To apply for and receive a work permit, youth must have a job offer.
2. Then, complete the Youth Employment Permit Application (linked here for you).
- Youth’s employer will need to complete the first page.
- If youth is 15 or younger, youth will need to have a physician complete the second page.
- Youth and their parent/guardian must complete the second half of the second page.
3. When both pages are completed, youth will submit the completed application and a document that proves your age, such as your birth certificate, passport, or immigration record to me.
4. Once all materials are submitted, Ms Fontes will follow up with the work permit.
After June 20th (the last day of school), youth will need to contact the Youth Employment and Opportunity (YEO) office for a work permit by following similar steps.
1. To apply for and receive a work permit, youth must have a job offer.
2. Then, complete the Youth Employment Permit Application (linked here for you).
- Youth’s employer will need to complete the first page.
- If youth is 15 or younger, youth will need to have a physician complete the second page.
- Youth and their parent/guardian must complete the second half of the second page.
For information about where to turn in the form, please refer to the contact information on the Youth Employment and Opportunity (YEO) office.
11. College Counseling Office Corner
Tonight, Wednesday, June 12th, we will be celebrating our seniors at the annual Senior Dinner event. The event is a special moment for our seniors and their families to reflect and share gratitude, and we encourage all families to RSVP in advance. Please use this link to RSVP:
12. Family Resources
For information about resources, please familiarize yourselves with our Boston Prep Resource Page:
If you need further assistance, please reach out to our Family Operations Manager, Ms. Ruizdeporras @ or call 617-910-5333
Thursday, June 13: SEPAC Meeting 5:30-6PM - via zoom
Friday, June 14: Senior Graduation
Monday, June 17: End of Q4
Tuesday, June 18: 8th Grade Step Up Ceremony 6PM
Wednesday, June 19: Juneteenth - No School
Thursday, June 20: Last Day of School - dismissal at 12pm
Have questions?
Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out with questions! You can contact your child’s advisor or utilize any of the emails/websites below.
- For questions about buses, MBTA passes, and transportation:
- To report an absence or tardiness or any attendance related matters:
- To submit a physical exam record or to discuss health-related topics:
- For questions or documents related to enrollment:
- For information about resources, please familiarize yourselves with our Boston Prep resource page:
- For other questions: