LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
September 10, 2024

March 10th, 2025
Hello Levelland Lobos!
It's the week before Spring Break. This is a much needed and anticipated break that provides a little time to rejuvenate. Make every day the best. As Eleanor Roosevelt stated, "Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."
Have a great week and enjoy!
Becky McCutchen, Superintendent of Schools
Go Lobos!
All Things LISD..................
Lobo Excellence Awards
Levelland ISD continues spreading the Lobo Excellence Award around town! Our goal is to let all our community businesses and organizations know how much we appreciate their support. We are so thankful for our community connections that make LISD a great place to be! Levelland ISD recognized Sugar Bees Floral and T-Mobile as the February recipients. We thank these businesses for their support that continues year after year. We appreciate you, and we are successful with your help!
LHS NHD Heading to State!
LHS National History Day Coach Jeffrey Braziel #expectsexcellence and sends congratulations to his NHS students! They competed at Regionals over the weekend and all made it to State! The State National History Day competition is in Austin on April 5th! These students dive deeply into the past by conducting extensive research in libraries, archives, and museums. They then present their conclusions and evidence through papers, exhibits, performances, documentaries, or websites where they are evaluated by professional historians and educators at each level. This is an amazing opportunity for students to go above and beyond the classroom! Congratulations to these kids!
Website Teams: Nathan Ellis, Brady Houston, Eben Castillo & William Canon
Zackary Lopez, Fabiola Hernandez & Daniela Garcia-Perez
Exhibits: Georgia McMahan
Ada Niederhauser
Paper: Christian Chagoya
Documentary Team: Zavier Rogers, Alexis Sanchez & Miley Hodge
Documentary Individual: Elizabeth Hackler
Choir Heads to UIL Compeition!
The LHS Choir performed their Pre-UIL Concert under the Direction of LHS Choir Director Joshua Ballard last week!
HOSA Heads to State
Health Occupations Students of America, is a student organization that prepares students for careers in the health field, and LHS is so proud of their HOSA class. HOSA sponsor Joan Sanders shares that her students competed last weekend at the Texas HOSA Area 4 Spring Leadership Conference. She says, "Everyone did an excellent job and represented LHS proudly." Those placing and moving on to the State competition are: Kaylee Gray, for placing 3rd in Home Health Aide. Kamilah Baeza & Krystal Bunker for placing 4th in Community Emergency Preparedness Team (CERT). Hailyn Grant for placing 3rd in Healthy Lifestyles. Jazzlyn Cervantez for placing third in the online testing for Occupational Therapy, along with Alexis Garcia who placed 3rd in online testing for Epidemiology. The State HOSA competition is on April 29th-May 1 in Round Rock. Mrs. Sanders #expectsexcellence and sends a shout-out to LISD Bus Driver, Mr. Glen Throckmorton! "Thanks, Mr. Throckmorton, for a safe, smooth, enjoyable trip to El Paso!"
8th-Graders Visit LHS!
LHS, Dr. Birdwell, and Counselors Parkinson & Waddill invited all 8th-Graders to the LHS Theater last week to learn about all the courses and opportunities that are offered to students starting as Freshmen next year. 8th-Graders toured LHS ahead of the meeting and learned about many of the classes offered and interesting ideas of study. The 8th-Graders were very impressive with their behavior and attitude. We can't wait to have them at LHS!
Community Connection
Our LHS students in Mrs. Khris Oaks' Culinary class taught Xi Theta Pi how to make homemade pasta with a creamy lemon sauce earlier this week! This was such a treat for the ladies in Xi Theta Pi, and we are sure that our culinary students learned a few things from these amazing ladies! We love that our community is interested in what we do!
LHS Senior Ring Ceremony
LHS hosted a Senior Ring Ceremony for students purchasing their senior rings from Herff Jones. Each student’s name was called out and then that student received their ring onstage. The Herff Jones ritual is for all students to open their boxes and reveal their rings all at once. It was a nice honor for those involved! But this means that graduation is getting closer! What a great day!
Read Across America!
The Power of Positivity
South Elementary Second Graders performed their Power of Positivity program under the direction of Music Teacher Jennifer Turner. These kids sang about being kind, being positive, and being happy. Thanks to these kids, we all had an important lesson to think about!
Future Chef's in the Kitchen
Capitol fourth-grader, Lilly Luna won the Future Chef's Challenge this year. Students were challenged to create and send in their "Main Dish" recipes before being judged and selected for the competition. Lilly, along with Morgan Campbell and Alexander Nguyen's recipes were chosen, and they prepared their recipes in the LMS kitchen for the culinary competition. After the judges sampled the main dishes and interviewed students, Lilly was the 2025 winner. She made a bacon ranch pasta, which is made with pasta noodles, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, crumbled bacon, and ranch dressing! Congratulations to all three of these kids for working outside the classroom! Thank you to our judges for tasting everything and the great interviews!
Ballet Lubbock Teaches Moves
Ballet Lubbock visited South Elementary last week for an interactive presentation of their Spring show, Sleeping Beauty. Our students had a great time learning some of the moves in PE class!
Touch A Truck!
Levelland ABC Pre-K Littles experienced their annual Touch-A-Truck event on this beautiful afternoon! This is always a great way to finish up a unit on transportation and vehicles that help make our jobs easier! Everyone had a great time learning and touching trucks! Thank you to our volunteers for your support and for letting us touch!
Learning Martial Arts
Capitol PE teacher Mrs. Kristy Sanders #expectsexcellence and took a group of Capitol 2nd & 3rd-grade students on her 5th annual karate field trip to Premier Martial Arts last week! Students learned about situational awareness, basic self-defense moves, and how to be successful citizens and students. Students also learned martial arts moves that reinforce the seven martial arts principles of honesty, integrity, politeness, loyalty, compassion, courage, and justice. Thank you Mrs. Sanders for continuing the physical education skills outside of the gym!
End Of Year Activities Calendar
If you want to know about all end-of-year activities in Levelland ISD, refer back to this link for all activities! This is a live document and changes often as campus events are added so don't forget to refer back for updated information! If you have questions, call your campus.
Girls Heading to State!
LHS Girl's Powerlifting Coach Mike Brogden shares that his girls competed in the Regional Meet and finished third overall. Emmina Collins (1st), Naylea Saucedo (1st), and Jac'Lynn Cardenas (2nd) will move on to the State Girl's Powerlifting competition on March 14th in Edinburg. We are so proud of all of these girls and wish our three State Qualifiers the best of luck!
TABC All-Region Honors
Girls Basketball Coach Clay Barnett and LHS send out congratulations to Emery Smith for making the Texas Association of Basketball Coaches All-Region Team! We are so proud of you Emery. You are a stand-out athlete!
Softball Success!
Coach Holland shares that our Loboettes have had a great season so far. Their record is 18-1-1! That is fantastic. We will be watching and cheering them on this amazing journey!! Best of luck ladies!
Bill's Backpacks!
The food item of the month is
instant oatmeal packets.
BBP is always accepting donations.
Thank you....
to everyone that continues to help out Bill's BackPacks!
Levelland ISD
Email: rmccutchen@levellandisd.net
Website: www.levellandisd.net
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/
Instagram: levellandindschooldistrict