Principal's Weekly Update
Sept. 3-6 (No School on Monday, Sept. 2nd for Labor Day)
New Afterschool Clubs at WG
SFIYL Girl's Basketball is starting!
SFIYL Girl's basketball tryouts are next week on Sept. 4th and 5th, Wednesday and Thursday, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
From Coach Elissa: GIRL’S BASKETBALL TRYOUTS coming soon! Tryouts are open to all fifth and sixth grade girls that are interested in learning basketball basics on a beginner friendly team. We are also looking for parents to help with coaching - the only requirement is a desire to build a great learning space for the girls! Please reach out to Coach Elissa with any questions about playing or helping: eksulibarri@yahoo.com.
K-3rd Yoga Club Tuesdays 3:15-4:15
Yoga for children is a fun way to learn both calming down techniques and yoga poses. Sometimes we read a book together and express the poses it inspires. Other times our practice celebrates a season or holiday; or perhaps we practice partner yoga with another student.There's a short savasana at the end of class. Please send your student with a snack. To register, please email Susan Webster at swebster@sfps.k12.nm.us to register. First come first serve. Begins Tuesday September 10 (K-3rd graders)
4th-6th Yoga Club Thursdays 3:15-4:15
4th-6th grade students....Yoga is becoming mindful of oneself through movements of the body and breath. We will practice some basic breathing techniques like belly breathing and learn the basic postures of yoga, and finally work up to short sequences using those poses in each class. Everything combined will help students feel calmer, more themselves, and restored at the end of the day. To register, please email Shilpa Banik at sbanik@sfps.k12.nm.us to register. First come first serve.
Begins Thursday the 5th (for 4th-6th graders).
First Serve New Mexico after school program at WG
First Serve New Mexico exists to strengthen the lives and enhance the character of Santa Fe's children through education, life skills, and tennis. First Serve club is an exciting program for grades 3-6th, which includes free tutoring and tennis lessons. Wood Gormley's club will offer one day of tutoring in the school library on Mondays from 3:15-5:00, beginning on September 9th. Tennis practice will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning on September 10th, at Bicentennial Park from 3:30-5:00 (transportation to the park is not included). If you have any questions, please contact Anne Chapman- achapman@sfps.k12.nm.us.
Technology Club
Technology Club will take place on Mondays from 3:15-4:15 for 5th and 6th Graders only.
We will study electronics, programming and 3D printing. There will be an after-school field trip to MAKE Santa Fe.
This is a highly sought after club so there is a lottery process for registration. Look for registration forms to come home from the homeroom teachers. They will have a submission date and then they will be drawn from a lottery in class. Questions? Ask Susan Webster at swebster@sfps.k12.nm.us
Stay Tuned for more clubs being added!
Other News
WG Movie Night, Friday, Sept. 13th
WG has a NEW Facebook Page this year!
Make sure to link to our NEW Facebook Page! https://www.facebook.com/WGPanthers
A Note from the Library
Things are off to a great start in the library! Students began checking out books during this last week. Please help your student remember to bring their checked out books each week on their library day to be returned or renewed.
Students in kindergarten and first grade will start the year checking out one book at a time. First grade students will have the option to begin checking out two books as the year progresses. Students in 2nd-6th grades can check out up to four books at a time as needed.
Students and their families have access to several library resources through their Classlink page (district apps when students log on to chromebooks) and online.
- The library catalog is available at https://destiny.sfps.info/, or by clicking the Destiny Library System button on Classlink (choose Wood Gormley)
- A digital library of thousands of including e-books, e-audiobooks, and magazines in English and Spanish is available through Sora, using the app on Classlink or at https://soraapp.com/welcome (search for Santa Fe Public Schools as your school)
- Britannica School is available for student research needs at https://school.eb.com/, or by clicking the Britannica School button on Classlink. Please contact Ms. Masse for login info.
Please contact Ms. Masse at mmasse@sfps.k12.nm.us for assistance with library resources or with questions.
Name in front windshield of car
Please place a piece of paper with your children/s name/s on it for 3rd-6th grade pick up in order to support a speedier pick-up!
Primary Communication for Parents
Remind is the platform we use to provide information to our parents. You can receive Remind updates as notifications on your phone and as email. In order to receive this information, please follow the following steps.
PTC Website
Interested in getting involved with our PTC? Click the link to find out more about our very involved and supportive parents and teachers! https://woodgormleyptc.com/
Events around our community
Weekend Fun at MIAC
I am reaching out to inform you of our exciting events happening this weekend at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture. This Sunday, September 1st, is our Sunday Fun Day, where we will be making loom beaded bracelets from 11am-4pm. Additionally, the Oak Canyon Dancers from the Pueblo of Jemez will be dancing on September 1st at 11am and 2pm as part of our Native Dance Series.
Flag Football Santa Fe Program starting soon....
Co-Ed Teams for the 2024 Santa Fe NFL Flag Fall Season are being finalized, and practices will be starting soon! If you haven’t registered your child yet, now’s the time to secure their spot in our co-ed league. We welcome kids from Pre-K through 8th grade and have a special program for 7th and 8th graders to prepare them for high school football.
We also offer affordable payment plans and financial assistance to ensure every child has the opportunity to play. Don’t wait—register today!
Let’s get ready for an exciting season ahead!
(505) 316-0013
Calendar of Events
Click here for the WG Community Calendar!
Information from previous newsletters
Drop off and Pick up Procedures (please review before first day)
Please place a printed sign in your front windshield with your students' name on it. This makes it easier and more efficient to get your student to your car (and not having to ask who your student is).
Anyone who has driven to Wood Gormley knows that for all of its neighborhood charm, it is a challenging school to access for drop-off and pick-up because it is in a neighborhood with tight streets. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that parents/guardians and “people who pick up your student” understand how our drop-off and pick-up needs to go. We like to be good neighbors so please follow these protocols.
Slow down. Go 5 miles per hour. Do not pull into our crosswalks.
Turn off loud music in your vehicle prior to accessing our streets outside of our school.
Slow down. Speeding and road rage could lead to a student being injured. Being a few minutes late to work is always better than causing harm.
Respect our crossing guards. Do NOT cross until a guard indicates you that you can cross.
Review the route maps below for your student’s grade level. Adhere to them. If you have more than one student, follow the route of the youngest student. Older students can walk the sidewalk to the front of the school to enter. We can adjust as needed.
For grades 3-6, Drop-off and Pick-up will only be permitted at the designated cones/spots. Stay in your car and wait for your child to come to your car. Wait until asked to pull forward to exit. There is no “leap-frogging” other cars. Wait your turn.
If a staff member (in the yellow vest) asks you to slow down or to not park or to wait, please be courteous and compliant. We will not tolerate uncivil behavior.
We are doing our best to keep traffic moving, efficient, and most of all, SAFE.
Please remember that we encourage our families to bike to school. Cars MUST yield to our bikers to keep them safe. I would much rather you YIELD to a biker and be late to school than be on time.
It is a good idea to drive your route prior to the first day of school if you are unfamiliar with the streets. There are some confusing one ways going on over here!
Students may not be dropped off at school prior to 7:35 am. After 8:00 am, students must be walked to the building and a tardy pass filled out by a parent.
Arrival begins with the students who ride the bus and/or go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Teachers are assigned duty Monday through Friday from 7:45 a.m. until school starts at 8:00 a.m. Students should never be dropped off without staff present.
Attendance for 24-25 School Year
Good attendance is critical for a student to fully participate in and benefit from the academic program. This applies to tardiness as well. Remember, you are your child’s first teacher and role model, and it is up to you to ensure your student is on time and ready to learn each and every day. This is also an important life skill that it is never too early to impart.
The Attendance for Success Act outlines guidance for school attendance. Those guidelines can be viewed here. The SFPS Board Policy for attendance is here. Our overall attendance rate factors into the new school rating system starting this year by the PED.
As per Board Policy, “Excused absences are absences from school or a class that are short and long term mental or physical illnesses, observance of religious holidays, bereavement, suspensions, court summons, school sponsored/school sanctioned activities, hazardous weather conditions, pre-approved parent requested absences (as outlined in the Administrative Regulations) and activities approved or sponsored by the school, the Board, the NMPED, accepted by the Superintendent or the school principal, or their designees as a reason for excusing the student.
Students who are on transfers to WG sign a contract that they will adhere to our attendance policy. As stated in the contract, failure to adhere to the policy and go over 10 days absent for the year could result in a revocation of the transfer.
Please plan vacations or fun days for your student during planned school breaks (Fall and Spring Breaks, Holidays). As per the Board policy, “Parent Requested Absences for Educational Travel: Opportunities may be designated as an excused absence if approved by the principal and the assigned schoolwork is completed within two weeks of return to school or another agreed upon timeline.” Therefore, if you have an upcoming educational travel experience that you would like to be excused, you must send Principal Lindeen (klindeen@sfps.k12.nm.us) an email with detailed information stating the purpose of the trip, the dates, and what kinds of educational experiences will be undertaken. The request and approval must occur PRIOR to travel for it to be excused.
Excused vs. Unexcused Absence Determinations
Short-Term Illnesses (fewer than 3 consecutive days)
Long-Term Illnesses (more than 3 consecutive days; must have a doctor’s note at 3 or more)
Hazardous weather conditions
Late bus arrivals
School sponsored/sanctioned activities
Other emergencies or set of circumstances
Woke up late
Doesn’t want to come to school
Vacation or Travel
At 10 or more absences, Administration will meet with the family to make an attendance improvement plan. As absences increase, our SFPS Social Engagement Officer will be involved and possible outside agencies contacted.
Absences are sometimes unavoidable. Please either call the front office 467-4800 to notify our secretary of the reason your student is not at school. If you get the voicemail, please leave a message as we check our voicemail regularly throughout our day. You can also email our secretary, Shannon Cordova, at shcordova@sfps.k12.nm.us.
Our school system has an attendance monitoring program called Attention to Attendance, or A2A. Our school’s attendance support team looks at student attendance data from A2A every week; letters of concern regarding attendance are generated by the A2A program. You will receive a printed letter at 4, 7, 12 and 18 absences. On the letter, it says to contact us. You do not need to contact us or justify the absences/excuses in the letter. The letters state a total amount of absences, both excused and unexcused. We have those marked accurately in our powerschool program. The letters are to inform you of the total of absences. Ms. Lindeen or the Attendance Team will contact you if we need to discuss attendance. You can find more information about student attendance outlined on the district website, www.sfps.info .
Morning Procedures (after day one)
On the first day of school, staff will greet your student at the door and walk them to their classrooms. After the first day, the following procedure is in place:
For all grades: If you arrive from 7:35-7:45, you may only enter the school from the front doors on E. Booth St. Students stay in cafeteria for this 10 minutes. At 7:45, 5th and 6th will go to the gym. 1st -4th stay in the cafeteria. Kinder will go to their classrooms at 7:45.
Kinder: Go straight to their classrooms at the time they arrive (after 7:45)
1st-2nd: Students enter the building on Webber St. (East side), students walk to the cafeteria. They will wait there until their teacher picks them up at 8:00.
3rd-4th: Students enter the building from the front doors on E. Booth St. They will wait in the cafeteria until their teacher picks them up at 8:00.
5th-6th: Students enter the building from the front doors on E. Booth St. They wait in the cafeteria until 7:45. They then move to the gym from 7:45-8:00. Their teacher picks them up from the gym at 8:00.
Check out your Child's Teacher!
Soon, you can look at Powerschool to see your child's teacher for grades 1-6. An additional notification will be sent once our Kindergarten teachers have been assigned.
If you don't have access to a Parent Powerschool account, follow the directions below to make sure you are able to access Powerschool throughout the year to check on your student's progress!
Go to SFPS.info
Click on the Menu
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and under QuickLinks, click on PowerSchool
If you need to add another student to your parent PowerSchool account, please email
**If you do not have a parent account - Si no tiene una cuenta de padres Click here: Parent PowerSchool Link.
Call/Llame al 505-467-4111 from 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday
Password reset / Recuperación de contraseña
Parents & Students Call 505-467-4111 from 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday