Beacon Elementary School: October 2024
Fall Reading Challenge
The challenge is designed to promote reading, and the goal is to create a special “Reading Pumpkin Patch” in each classroom. The pumpkin patch is created when students read at home (or the younger students are read to) and parents sign a reading participation pumpkin. This pumpkin is then added to their classroom patch when a student brings it with a signature from home. When students turn in their signed pumpkins, they will also be entered in to win a daily drawing for a prize. The number of minutes students read will be recorded in each classroom. If students are successful in creating a worthy pumpkin patch, as indicated by the total number of minutes read, the class will receive a Great Pumpkin reward party. As the Reading Pumpkin Patch grows, The Great Pumpkin will be watching and visiting. Students should look for signs that The Great Pumpkin has visited their classroom. So read at home, and make those pumpkin patches grow!
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Safety
PATIENCE IS THE KEY! Please be courteous to our staff members as they are following protocol and trying their best to make the drop-off and pick-0up process smooth and safe.
NO EARLY BIRDS. Arriving too early creates a back up on Beacon Avenue and congestion in the parking lot. We suggest arriving in the car line 5 minutes before arrival and dismissal (or after 2:30 p.m. if using the main lot).
CAR PICK-UP. We ask that if you are in the car pick-up line, please have your tag visible until your child has been picked up. This helps our attendants to manage the pick-up process better.
MAIN LOT. For our TK families using the main lot (LOT C), please do not park in the spaces that have cones or are roped off from 8-8:20 AM and 2:20-2:30 PM. It blocks the buses from being able to pull in. In the morning drop-off, TK families are welcome to park curbside (but not between the bus signs). However, in the afternoon, there is no curbside parking allowed. Once the buses are gone, the reserved parking spaces may be utilized including the curbside spaces.
USE THE CROSSWALK. Please model pedestrian safety for our students by using the marked crosswalk in the parking lot. If buses are pulling in, please wait until they are fully stopped before crossing. Do not walk between the buses.
YIELD TO THE BUSES. Getting all buses in and out at once actually speeds up the process. Once buses arrive and load students, it is our priority to get them on their way. Please yield to the buses if their engines are on or they are starting to move. Do not pull your vehicle out in front of the buses.
Thank you for your continued partnership in keeping our children safe!
🎃 Halloween Celebrations 🎃
Lost and Found
THERE ARE SEVERAL COATS IN THE LOST AND FOUND AND IT IS ONLY OCTOBER! Your child can look for their lost item at lunch time in the lunch room. You can also check our lost and found online. A link is available on our website or by clicking here: Beacon Lost & Found.
It is very helpful to clearly label personal belongings with your child's name so that lost items may be returned promptly.
November Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences will take place November 5, 6, 7, and 8. There will be early release on these days to allow for conference appointments. These meetings will be an opportunity to discuss your child's progress with his/her teacher. More information will be emailed to families soon.
Dismissal Plan Changes
If there is a change to your child's standing dismissal plan, please call the Beacon office at 360-249-4528 BEFORE 12:00 p.m. on the day of the change. To ensure your child's safety, the custodial parent must speak directly to office staff regarding plan changes. Changes cannot be relayed by the student or teacher.
Absence Reporting
If your child is absent, please excuse the absence in one of the following ways:
- Report the absence online via Skyward Family Access;
- Email the school office;
- Call the school office at 360-249-4528.
Dates to Remember
- October 11 - No School, Teacher Training Day
- October 14-25 - Great Pumpkin Reading Challenge
- November 1 - Early Release (12:00 p.m.)
- November 5-8 - Early Release (12:00 p.m.), Conferences
- November 7 - First Grade Veterans Day Performance
- November 11 - No School, Veterans Day
- November 12 - Picture Retake Day
- November 27 - Early Release (12:00 p.m.)
- November 28-29 - No School, Thanksgiving Break
Beacon Elementary School
Location: 1717 Beacon Avenue, Montesano, WA, USA
Phone: 360-249-4528
Twitter: @Monteschools