Summer Newsletter 2024
LIS Families and Students,
We hope you are all having a great summer. We have been busy this summer preparing LIS for the upcoming school year. Our custodians have been working hard giving the building a deep clean and getting all classrooms and hallways ready for students and staff to return. Our office staff has been busy adding new registrations into the system, printing placement letters, and organizing supplies for our teachers. Our building has been getting updates with fresh paint, landscaping, and signage with our new logo - it has been a busy summer!
With the start of August, we know that many families start thinking about the details of the upcoming school year. This newsletter contains information to help you plan and prepare for a successful start in September!
Some things to keep in mind for this month:
Jumpstart the week of August 12th where. We look forward to welcoming over 120 of our 4th graders to LIS for a fun week. Families will be emailed more information.
Class placement letters will be mailed home on August 22nd, 6th grade students will also receive their schedule in the mailing. Genesis will also be open that day for families to view their child's class placement. You can read more details below
Family tours for students who are new to the district will be held on August 28th, we will reach out to you directly to sign--up
Be sure to log onto the parent portal on Genesis at parents.ltps.org to sign off on any district forms prior to the start of the school year.
Reach out if you have any questions, and we will send out more information about the start of the school year in late August.
Principal: Dr. Alyson Fischer afischer@ltps.org
Assistant Principals:
Sharin Rello srello@ltps.org
Gregg Zenerovitz gzenerovitz@ltps.org
LIS Main Office: (609) 671-5531
LIS Principal's Secretary: Jen Logue jlogue@ltps.org
Main office secretary: Dilnaz Shroff dshroff@ltps.org
Guidance secretary: Rebecca Neiswender rneiswender@ltps.org
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Check out our new LIS Shield!
Information for the Upcoming School Year
Important Dates for Fall 2024
- Wednesday, September 4th at 2:30 - 4th Grade Classroom meet & greet
- Thursday, September 5th - First Day of School for Students (Full Day of School)
- Wednesday, September 18th - Back to School Night at LIS (times TBD)
- September 24 and 25 - LIS Picture Days
LIS Arrival and Dismissal Times for 2024 - 2025
- Doors open at 8:30 am. NO student can be dropped off or arrive at LIS before 8:15.
- Dismissal starts at 3:20. All students must be picked up by 3:40.
- If your child is eligible for bussing, you will receive information directly from the transportation department at the end of August. LIS does not handle bus routes or times.
If you need before or after care based on the LIS school hours, the YMCA program offers it right at LIS, see the flyer for more information.
YMCA Before and After School Programs held at LIS
Interested? Sign up by clicking the flyer below.
Class Placements for 2024 - 2025
Our class placement letters will be mailed home August 22nd, along with the supply lists (our teachers asked for a few supplies, but if your family can't afford them, we can provide them for you, just reach out to the grade level guidance counselor). The homerooms and 6th-grade schedules will open on the same day (parents.ltps.org).
Our school counselors are grade-specific and will follow their students for their three years at LIS. Below are the counselors and their grade-level assignments. Please note that our LIS counselors do not work over the summer but will return all emails and calls during the first week back to school in September.
4th-Grade School Counselor: Jen Holmes jholmes@ltps.org
5th-Grade School Counselor: Danielle Bollaci dbollaci@ltps.org
6th-Grade School Counselor: Brittany Myers bmyers@ltps.org
Social Media, Cell Phones and Technology Resources
Cell Phone Policy at LIS
This year, we will be doing an information series about cell phones, social media, and the importance of limiting online presence of our LIS age-students throughout the school year.
Want to learn more? Here are just some resources that we will continue to share throughout the school year:
Curriculum and Grade-Level Information
LTPS Summer Learning Portal
ELA Curriculum Information
Math Curriculum Information
Information for Rising 4th-grade students and families
- Each day will start with Morning Meeting.
- Students will have a block of ELA before lunch & recess, and will have Math directly after lunch & recess.
- Students will have a block of Science or Social Studies every day in the afternoon.
- Throughout the year, students will have lessons on Executive Functioning, reviewing important topics such as goal setting, metacognition, organization, and time management, etc.
- Owl Time, an academic enrichment and intervention block, as well as social-emotional learning lessons, is also held every day. Choir and instrumental lessons will often be scheduled during this time as well.
- Students will also have a special every day, which includes Art, Music, Enrichment & Tech, Health and PE. They will have an additional PE block once a weekly rotation as well.
If you missed our Open House presentation with more information about life as a 4th grader, you can view it here:
SAVE THE DATE: On Wednesday, September 4th at 2:30 our 4th-graders and a parent/guardian will get to visit their classroom, briefly meet their teacher and classmates, and get to go to our playground for some popsicles and fun! More to come, but save the date!
**Are you still interested in attending LIS Jumpstart August 12 - 15th? We have space available, reach out to Gregg Zenerovitz at gzenerovitz@ltps.org.
Information for Rising 5th Grade families and students
5th-grade is an exciting time for our LIS students, they now know the school and are leaders to our incoming 4th-grade students. The schedule and structure of the school day are very similar to the structure of 4th-grade. The content starts getting more challenging, there are a lot of hands-on experiences in their classes, and we continue to work on students building leadership skills and character.
Our 5th-grade classes will be departmentalized for STEM and Humanities, meaning they will have two teachers throughout the day instead of just the one like 4th grade. Your child will have their homeroom teacher for Morning Meeting and Owl Time each day, and will have that teacher for Humanities (ELA and Social Studies) or STEM (Math and Science) each day, and then their homeroom class will travel to another 5th-grade teacher for the other STEM or Humanities subjects. This will better prepare our students for 6th grade, which is fully departmentalized.
Information for Rising 6th graders and their familes
Academic information for 6th graders is below, as you will notice, some things are different at LIS for students when they go to 6th grade as they are now following more of a traditional middle school schedule:
- 6th-graders will have a different teacher for Science, Social Studies, Math, and English Language-Arts, they rotate to these 4 classes every day. Students do not stay with their homeroom class for those academic classes, they are mixed with other students on their team. They will remain with their homeroom class for Owl Time, Special, and recess/lunch.
- Academic classes are grouped by team, and there are 3 teams in 6th grade (A, B, and C). Students on one team will travel between the same 4 academic teachers. 6th-graders will still also be assigned a “house,” and this dictates what special, lunch and recess they attend. There are 2 houses in each grade (Responsibility and Citizenship).
- Students will be assessed using numeric and letter grades, and grades will be available in Genesis on a rolling basis throughout the year. If you have not done so, please be sure you have access to your parent genesis account before 6th-grade begins, because that is how you can monitor your child’s grades: Parents.ltps.org
- There are two Math courses available to 6th-grade students as well, Math 6 and Math 6 Accelerated. Letters were sent home to students that were recommended for Math 6 Acclerated the first week of July.
- 6th graders will get new Chromebooks and cases on the first day of school (as long as the forms are filled out prior by families on Genesis) and students are required to bring them back and forth each day - they will be distributed the first day of school. This is part of our one-to-one Chromebook program in grades 6 - 12.
Community Events and LIS Information
LIS Main Office Summer Hours
We will be in and out of the office as we each take some time to rest and relax, but please feel free to email us or call over the summer.
LIS Summer Office Hours
7:30am to 3:00pm
Our offices are closed on Fridays
LTPS 2024 - 2025 School Calendar
Our LIS Health Office Website
The phone number for the LIS Nurse's Office is (609) 671-5533.
Visit their website for great information about immunizations, mental health, and Covid-19 information. Website Link: https://sites.google.com/ltps.info/lishealthoffice/home#h.7amzgxrqktir
Lawrence Intermediate School
Website: ltps.org/lis
Location: 66 Eggert Crossing Road, Lawrenceville, NJ, USA
Phone: 609-671-5530
X: @lisshines