Celebrating Gifted
August 2024
Greetings to our GT Families!
We are excited to usher in a brand new school year! Whether you are returning or joining us for the first time, we are thrilled to have you as part of our community. This year promises to be filled with exciting opportunities for learning, growth, and achievement. Please take a look at this back-to-school edition of Celebrating Gifted to learn how you can get involved in our parent advisory committee and how you can stay informed about all things GT across Fort Bend ISD.
FBISD GT Department.
Grade Band Icons 📘📙📗
We are identifying each item of the newsletter with the grade band icon that it references:
📘 Elementary 📙 Middle School 📗 High School
You will also see these icons in the Table of Contents at the top left of the page (Table of Contents not visible on mobile devices). We hope you like this feature for quick reference!
Bookmark Your Campus GT Web Page! 📘📙📗
Campus GT web pages include campus-specific information and documents related to GT programming taking place at that campus. The page also includes the contact names and e-mail addresses of the campus GT Administrator, Campus GT Counselor, Campus COGS (Champion of Gifted Services), and GT Parent Advisory Committee representatives.
To find your campus GT webpage from the Fort Bend ISD website, select "Our Schools" at the top, and select your child's campus. From there, click on "Students and Parents," then "Gifted and Talented."
GT Parent Advisory Committee (GTPAC) Open Meeting 📘📙📗
You are invited to the first GT PAC meeting of the school year! It is an open meeting and all FBISD parents of gifted students are invited!
When: Wednesday, August 28th, 6:30 PM
Where: This is a virtual event.
Additional Information:
The GTPAC is hosting a virtual PAC Open Meeting on Wednesday, August 28th at 6:30 PM. During this meeting, returning members and interested parents of gifted students will receive an overview of the GT Parent Advisory Committee goals and vision for the 2024-25 school year. You can access this meeting using the link below:
Meeting Link:
The Gifted and Talented team is now recruiting parents to serve on the GT Parent Advisory Committee (GTPAC) for the 2024-2025 school year. The Gifted and Talented Parent Advisory Committee (GTPAC) is comprised of parents of gifted students in Fort Bend ISD who support the GT program offered by Fort Bend ISD. The GTPAC allows parents the opportunity to collaborate with the Fort Bend ISD Gifted and Talented Department and provide feedback related to Gifted and Talented programming. We will be conducting our GTPAC Membership Drive in 2024-2025 beginning on August 1st and ending on August 30th. If you are interested, please take a moment to complete the GTPAC Interest Form by Friday, August 30, 2024. For additional information, please contact Aisha Coleman-Holmes (Aisha.ColemanHolmes@fortbendisd.com).
For more detailed information please visit the GT PAC Web Page.
GT Learning Plans 📘📙📗
Beginning a new academic year is a terrific time to take stock of the previous school year and begin thinking about potential academic and affective (social/emotional) goals for your child's GT Learning Plan. In order to pinpoint areas for improvement and track their progress, GT students will set at least one academic and one affective (social/emotional) goal. This fall, the GT Learning Plan will be offered to 11th grade students. Students in grades 1–10 will continue to participate in the GT Learning Plan gifted service.