
Arrival & Dismissal Information
To help you prepare, we've included a few situation-specific notes below.
Arrival: Drop-Off: If you are dropping your child off prior to school beginning (8:15am), please do so by pulling/stopping alongside our curb/sidewalk on east side of our school, along Rainier Ave. This can be safely done by proceeding south, down Rainier, so that your child can exit to the immediate right and access the sidewalk in front of our school without having to cross the street. A member of our North team will be available to assist at this drop-off location each morning.
Arrival: Bus Transportation: Students arriving to school on a bus will continue to utilize the west parking lot and bus lane. Buses will pull into our North campus and students will be able to conveniently exit onto the sidewalks immediately adjacent to our west entrances. 6th graders will utilize the west entrance near the front office to access the central quad. 7th and 8th graders will enter school via the west gate, accessing the covered play area and the west entrance to the Commons. Several members of our North team are stationed at these entrances to greet our students each morning.
Dismissal: Pick-Up: If you are planning to pick-up your child at the end of the school day, please know that dismissal/pick-up occurs along Rainier Ave, similar to drop-off in the morning. At our end bell, students who are walking home or being pick-up are asked to exit our east doors. Vehicles waiting to pick-up students stage down Rainier Ave, facing south. To avoid students crossing into the street, we ask that pick-up only occur at the sidewalk/curb, facing south. Unless you are planning to visit our office, we ask that pick-up not occur in our west parking lot as that is reserved for our buses.
Dismissal: Bus Transportation: Students riding buses home exit our west doors and proceed directly to their bus. Often times, our buses are already on site and waiting. If a bus has not arrived, we hold those students in our central courtyard until arrival. Several members of our North team are stationed at these exits and in the bus lot at dismissal to assist with any related dismissal/transportation needs. Buses typically exit our lot within 5 to 7 minutes. Families can register for the MyStop app to monitor the location of their child's bus each morning and afternoon.
Signing your child out during the school day? If you need to pick-up your child during the school day, please park in our west lot (enter from 26th Street). Several short-term parking spots remain available during the day. Please proceed to our front office and sign your child out. Please remember that photo identification is required as part of this process. Your child will be called and will meet you in our office.