BHS Tiger News
March 16, 2025
Belleville High School
Good afternoon, Belleville Families, and Happy First Week of Spring! This is Week #7 of Semester 2, and learning continues to progress both in and outside our classrooms. While some students are anticipating Spring Break next week (there will not be a newsletter next Sunday), we are also preparing for:
- Spring Standardized Testing in April (Grades 9, 10, 11)
- Closing out Quarter 3 and beginning Quarter 4 (the final one of the school year),
- π The beginning of Senior Class activities and celebrations!
We've come a long way, with many great things yet to be accomplished!
Have a great week - this week and next - In Purpose, Excellence, and ACHIEVEMENT - GO TIGERS!!
Important Dates and Upcoming Events:
March 17: BHS Band Concert - 7:00pm - Hill Auditorium at UofM
March 19: FUTURE TIGER NIGHT!! 6:30pm, BHS Main Auditorium
March 21: Movin' On Up for Incoming Freshmen (during the school day)
March 24-28: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
April 8-15: State Testing
April 11: End of Marking Period 3
π₯¦ Click the Link Below for the Lunch Menu π:
Belleville Community Career Day
We are looking for people who will come and speak with our students about their professions on April 23rd at BHS for the third annual Career Day. From doctors to lawyers, barbers to estheticians, mechanics to pilots, social workers to real estate agents, we would love for you to get our students excited about your field of work! If interested, please use this link or scan the QR code attached on the flyer to sign up.
PSAT (9th & 10th), SAT (11th), M-STEP (11th), & ACT WorkKeys (11th)
Please see the testing letters depending on the grade level of your student(s):
- PSAT Information for Parents of 9th & 10th Grade Students
- M-STEP, SAT, & ACT WorkKeys Information for Parents of 11th Grade Students
- William D. Ford (WDF), Belleville Online School (BOS), Belleville Early College (BEC), Early College Alliance (ECA), & Graduation Alliance Parent Letter
- Big Future Information for Parents of 10th & 11th Grade Students
Hey, BHS! For all Athletics Information, including upcoming practices and game schedules, click the LINK below. GO TIGERS!
BHS Athletics Homepage | Belleville High School (vanburenschools.net)
ALERT! Ticket Purchasingβ
Schools in the KLAA will be offering options this year for purchasing tickets for athletic events. See the attached documents showing options at each KLAA School. Belleville High School will be using GoFan - gofan.co - exclusively (No Cash at the gate). Card Readers will be available. Students under High School age MUST be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all athletic events. Thank you and Go Tigers!
Public Service Announcement
From Your STUDENT COUNCIL - Your Guide to Student Activities!
BHS Student/Parent/Guardian Updates:
Upcoming Dates and Important Links for Seniors:
EXTENDED through March 17, 2025 - ONLY 150 Seniors HAVE RESPONDED to the Senior Superlative voting and Spring Senior shirt selection!! CHECK YOUR School EMAIL and/or your English 12 or Tiger 10 google classroom for the google form link.
April 3, 2025 - Senior VS Staff Basketball Game - 6:30 pm
April 6, 2025 - Last day to purchase Senior Prom tickets and Spring Senior shirts (all graduating seniors names are listed on the back of this shirt)
General Scholarship Resources
College, Career and Workforce Resources
Thank you for your time and attention to this week's Tiger News. Have a wonderful week everyone, and GO TIGERS!
~ Principal Crockett, AP Mrs. Green, AP Mr. Roberson, AP Mrs. Slingerland, BNT Director Mr. Strzalkowski, and AD Mr. Brodie
Belleville High School
π° Old News - Recycled
"Get Involved!"
- We need 3 more parents/family members to help with morning traffic from 6:40am until 7:10am. If you would be available 1-2 days per week, please email Mrs. Slingerland at pslingerland@vanburenschools.net.
- We need 4 parents/family member to assist in either the lunchroom or in adjacent hallways from 10:15am until 12:15pm. If you would be available 1-2 days per week, or every other week, please email Mr. Roberson at broberson@vanburenschools.net.
- If you would be wiling to take 2 hours (any day) to review and help students with Scholarship Essays, please email our College Advisor, Ms. Fuller, at collegeadviser@vanburenschools.net.
Thank you in advance - GO TIGERS!!
Infractions - Detentions - Suspensions
COMMON MINOR INFRACTIONS , including pajamas, cropped tops, and wearing a hood in the building can be seen/found here. These are the infractions (besides classroom tardies) that frequently cause students to be assigned detentions. Failure to serve a detention - which are regularly scheduled on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays - results in being scheduled a Saturday detention. Failure to serve a Saturday detention results in In-School Suspension (ISS), and possibly Out of School Suspension (OSS).
β Follow the rules - STAY IN SCHOOL!!
BHS Student Media Sites
For this school year, student leadership in one of our main focus areas. With that, we present to you the 2024-2025 Student Media Team!! Please FOLLOW THEM on the various Social Media options below, as they build their communications and marketing skills! We're looking forward to all the great ways they'll share our great news!
Student Drop Off in the Morning:
Parents and Guardians, if you have been dropping your student(s) off at the East parking lot (staff and student parking lot entrance), beginning tomorrow, you will not be permitted to leave the lot until 7:14 AM unless you have a permit. The exit leaving the staff lot will be barricaded π« until that time for the safety of staff and students. To avoid this, please use the student drop-off entrance on the West side entrance near the VBPS Central Office and follow the guided route to SAFELY drop off your student(s). Do NOT drop your student off anywhere except in front of the athletic wing doors where we have security guards guiding you and preventing any unnecessary accidents. If EVERYONE follows these instructions, drop off will move smoothly and timely.
Additionally, when exiting student drop off, you may only turn βπ left until all West side traffic is clear. This is to keep traffic flowing for buses, staff, and students who need to enter on the East entrance. Once you turn left, you can make a quick right on High Street to go East. Please be patient π and use compassion when dropping students off. Our traffic guards are doing their best to keep traffic flowing and to keep everyone safe!
Beware of the Tow Truck
If you are a student driver, you must have a parking sticker on the top left of your windshield. Parking permits for the school year are $50.00. The application is in the main office. If you need to drive a different car, you will need to get a temporary parking pass. If you will be driving multiple cars, you may purchase another parking sticker for 5.00 for the second car.
If you only drive once in a while, you can purchase a one-day parking pass for 1.00 per day in the office. You can purchase this in advance. If you have any questions, go to the Main Office or email Paula Slingerland.