Bay News You Can Use
May 26, 2023
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Estimadas familias de Bay,
Nuestro boletín ahora tiene la capacidad de traducirlo al idioma que desee. usando Google translate. Para usarlo, primero abra el boletín haciendo clic en el enlace. Luego, mire la parte superior derecha del boletín en la barra de accesibilidad y haga clic en la opción "Translate Newsletter". Como siempre, no dude en contactarnos si tiene alguna pregunta.
Bethannee Witczak
Bay School Principal
亲爱的Bay 小学的家长们,
我们的时事通讯,现在可以翻译成您所需的语言。该功能由谷歌翻译Google translate软件提供支持。若需要该服务,请单击链接打开时事通讯。然后,在时事通讯右上角的“辅助功能栏”,点击“翻译时事通讯”选项。与往常一样,如果您有任何问题,请随时与我们联系。
贝瑟尼·薇姿扎克(Bethannee Witczak)
Message from Mrs. W.
Bronco families,
Happy three day weekend! Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes on Thursday. It's hard to believe how old I am and how big my children have gotten. It really does go by so fast. I am spending the weekend in Disneyland with my family for my birthday. I'm looking forward to a special weekend doing the things I love the most. We are eating at my favorite Disney restaurants, riding my favorite Disney rides and the children have been told that their birthday gift to me is to not complain! We will see how that goes. :)
Shout out to the PTA who organized the Family Masquerade Ball. I had a great time touching base with families, dancing with kids and even leading a congo line or two. It was a lovely event.
Thank you to Mrs. Barrett and the Bay School choir. Their tribute made me ugly cry at the concert. Thank you to all the families who attended and for all the love. As the song goes...
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend
I truly am grateful for all the love and support these last four years. Because I knew you...I have been changed for good.
I will see you all on Tuesday and remember, today and every day, it's great to be a Bronco!
Mrs. W.
Bay School Principal
Congratulations to two incredible Broncos!
Jace Rodriguez, Boys and Girls Club Youth of Year and Sierra Fontana, African American Student Achievement Award
Bay News You Need
LOOP BEHAVIOR: I know that many families drop off children in the loop before school. Please remember that there is no supervision in the loop before 8:30 a.m. Also, please be patient and kind with other families. In the loop, we all have the same goal: to get our children to school. Wait your turn and drive carefully!
- There is no supervision in the loop before 8:30 a.m.
- Students who are not in their line when the 8:40 a.m. bell sounds are considered tardy. Please keep this in mind in the morning. When the bell rings, we will be shutting all gates and students will need to go through the office.
- I know there is a A LOT of traffic, so leave early and give yourself extra time.
Breakfast: Reminder that students can get free breakfast before school! Glass doors open at 8:25 a.m. for breakfast and for students who come later, breakfast is open at recess. Reach out with any questions!
Lost and Found: We have some jackets, sweatshirts and water bottles in our Bay School Lost and Found. If you would like to look for lost items, come to the glass double doors and we will let you in to find what your child has lost. :)
Boys and Girls Club:
- Fill out the form at if you would like to be added to the waiting list for the 2023-24 school year.
May 29-June 7
May Family Calendar below! May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage and Jewish American Heritage Month.
June is Pride Month! Download June Family Calendar below!
Schedule for the week: It's a complicated week!
- TK-K 8:40 a.m.-1:45 p.m.
- 1st-5th 8:40- a.m.-3:20 p.m.
Wednesday: TK-5th 8:40-1:30 p.m.
- TK-K 8:40 a.m.-1:45 p.m.
- 1st-5th 8:40- a.m.-3:20 p.m.
Friday: TK-5th 8:40-1:30 p.m.
This week:
Monday, May 29: No School Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 31:
- PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m. on Zoom
- Zoom: 772 547 5146
- Password: PTA2022!
Thursday, June 1: Promatoras Celebration 4-6 p.m.
Friday, June 2: TK-5th 8:40 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Week after:
Monday, June 5: TK-5th 8:40 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, June 6:
- TK-5th 8:40 a.m. -1:30 p.m.
- 5th Grade Celebrations!
Wednesday, June 7: Last Day of School! TK-5th 8:40 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
Future Dates:
- August 16, 2023 is the first day of school for the 2023-24 school year.
SLZUSD Safety Protocols
Masking Face masks are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED but not mandated for indoor K-12 learning environments.
Daily Home Health Checks We ask all students, staff and community members to monitor themselves for symptoms daily prior to coming to our campuses. Anyone displaying any of the following symptoms that are new or different from what they usually have should stay home and test.
Loss of taste or smell
Difficulty breathing
Fever (100 Degrees or Higher)
Severe Headache
Sore Throat
Runny Nose
Individuals with Symptoms Individuals with symptoms are advised to test. Individuals with symptoms are allowed to return to campus once they have been fever free for at least 24 hours without medication, and symptoms are subsiding.
COVID 19 Testing Rapid Antigen Testing We encourage all students to test prior to returning to campus from breaks.
Positive Cases Students and Staff members who test positive still need to stay home and isolate. Positive students and staff should retest for COVID-19 using an antigen test on Day 5. If the result is negative, they can return to campus on Day 6 and must wear a mask through Day 10. If the result is still positive, they must remain in isolation until Day 11 unless they test negative between Day 6 and Day 10 which would allow them to return to school.
Notification of Positive Cases Principals will send schoolwide notifications to families and staff about positive cases Students and staff should monitor themselves for any newly developed symptoms Rapid Antigen tests will be available in school offices
Vaccinations SLZUSD continues to encourage families, students, and staff to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and to get boosters if they are eligible. SLZUSD plans to continue to provide vaccination opportunities this coming year. Families and District staff should turn in copies of student and staff vaccination records as they are updated.
Precautions Please remember to continue to take precautions by observing and practicing all health protocols (wearing a mask, washing hands, avoiding crowded public spaces) to help each one of us protect ourselves and others.
Bay Elementary School
Location: 2001 Bockman Road, San Lorenzo, CA, USA
Phone: 510-317-4300