Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 17th January 2025
Mr Ashford Francis
Our thanks to Mr Francis's partner Pamela for this wonderful photograph taken at his 70th birthday celebrations a couple of years ago, and for her permission to share with you all today the very sad news of his recent death after a period of illness. We are aware that the children may have passed on this news, but we felt it right to wait to announce it to the wider community after hearing from Pamela.
Mr Francis was known and loved by many of the children for his kind devotion to the school. He first volunteered to listen to children reading about six years ago. He was very disappointed to be unable to visit during Covid restrictions and was our first volunteer to return when they were lifted. He faithfully came to school four afternoons every week, which was a wonderful commitment. It was clear that the time he spent with each child was valued not only for the individual reading time but also the chance for them to share their news with him.
Mr Francis will be much missed by staff and children alike and we are sure you will wish us to pass on the school's condolences to his family and loved ones.
Stars of the Week
Congratulations to this week's stars:
Nursery - Ojas for super team work and problem solving.
Reception - Lacey for always working hard to challenge herself in provision and completing the independent tasks. She is also a fabulous role model for her peers, always showing she is ready to learn.
Year 1 - Violet for using a variety of interesting adjectives to describe contrasting settings.
Year 2 - Advin for his effort and determination! Advin has been working his socks off this week, particularly in maths. He's been so eager to share his ideas. He's been doing super partner work and been asking for more and more challenges!
Year 3 - Emily for super listening in class this week. We have been so impressed with her attitude to learning.
Year 4 - Skylar for writing a fabulous persuasive letter whilst working to include all of our success criteria.
Year 5 - Blake for his excellent free verse poetry - 'Little Brother for Sale'. It used great humour!
Year 6 - Iris for excellent effort in English. She has written a fantastic introduction to her non-chronological report and has listened to all feedback.
We are delighted to announce that Mrs Babington is expecting a baby later this year, and she has shared the happy news with the Year 5 class today. Later this term, we will be recruiting for a teacher to cover Mrs Babington’s maternity leave and will be in touch with Year 5 parents once this process has been completed to share further details. We are sure you would like to join us in congratulating Mrs Babington and her family.
Invitation to Christingle Service
Reception to Year 6
We are delighted to be able to visit the Cathedral for a Christingle Service on Monday 3rd February at 5pm. Staff will look after the children (Reception - Year 6) after school before we walk up to the Cathedral in time for the 5pm service in the nave. Please note that there will be no Oscar’s after school care on this date. If you have already booked Oscar's after school on Monday 3rd February, we will be arranging a credit note.
Due to unavoidable staff absence, the school kitchen will be unable to serve a full meal for the children after school (school lunch will be as usual). However, we will provide all the children with a snack and drink (e.g. a piece of fruit and a cupcake or biscuit bar). If you would like your child to bring a sandwich or something similar to eat after school in addition, please feel free to arrange this.
We are assuming that all children will be staying on at school and will attend service unless you notify us otherwise. If this is the case, we ask that you email school rbingham@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk to tell us that your child/children will not be in attendance and will be collected at the usual time (3.15pm) on Monday 3rd February 2025. Children will arrive at the Cathedral at just before 5pm for the service. We ask that parents and carers sit on the left side of the nave (as you walk in from the main entrance). Children will be seated on the right.
Children must be collected from the Cathedral at 5.30pm. At the end of the service we will move the children so that they are together as a class and ready for collection. Please make sure that you see your child's class teacher before taking your child. We are expecting the service to end by 5.30pm.
At the end of the service there will be a collection for the Children's Society. Please do help support this worthy cause.
Nursery Children
All Nursery children are welcome to attend the service with their parents. However, please note that they must be collected at the usual time of 3.15pm on Monday 3rd February if they attend Nursery on Monday afternoons.
We will not be running Oscar’s after school on Monday 3rd February as most children will be looked after in class and the Oscar’s staff will be busy helping. If you have already booked Oscar’s for that date, we will issue a credit note. If you usually use Oscar’s and are unable to collect at 3.15pm, please let Mrs Rich know so that we can explain our alternative childcare arrangements.
Young Voices
There is just over a week to go until the Young Voices club will be travelling to Sheffield Arena to take part in the concert on Tuesday 28th January. The group had a taste of performance last week when they sang to the rest of the school in Celebration Worship. The children sang enthusiastically and made a fantastic sound! If your child is in the group, you should have received a letter outlining the timings for the day and the items pupils need to wear and bring with them. Mrs Walsh encourages all the children to keep practising the songs and dance moves in preparation!
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 22nd January - 9am Year 4 Class Worship
Tuesday 28th January - Young Voices Concert at Sheffield Arena
Wednesday 29th January - KS2 Sporting Influence Dance Festival
Monday 3rd February - 5pm Christingle service at the Cathedral
Wednesday 5th February - 9am Year 3 Class Worship
Thursday 6th February - Year 4 trip to Jorvik and DIG
Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day and Year 5 Class Worship at 9am
Friday 14th February - School closes for half term
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool