Maple Grove Grizzly Gazette
September 16, 2024
Happy Monday!
Construction Update:
I heard from the City of Cedar Rapids that construction will be lasting longer than they anticipated. We do not plan on the intersection of 38th Street and Crestwood Drive to be open until the end of September. They have extended the "No Street Parking", so we will continue to be flexible with arrival and dismissal. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate this disruption together.
Dismissal News:
Great news! Even with construction, we have managed to get our dismissal time down from just over 25 minutes to about 15 minutes! This means that all car riders are called out front by 4:00, so no need to wait until 4:10 to come get your children. Please plan to be at Maple Grove no later than 4:00 for pick up. As mentioned before, we begin dismissing car riders at 3:45 and we are eager to keep this quicker dismissal going with your help. Thank you in advance for being on time to pick up your child!
No School on Friday (September 20):
Just a friendly reminder that Friday, September 20th is a no school day for children.
As always, please reach out with any questions. It's a great day to be a Grizzly!
Jeni Goebel, Principal
Maple Grove Elementary
Hold-Secure-Lockdown Updated Language
Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the updated language around safety measures we are taking as a district. The new language is to help categorize the types of emergencies that may be happening inside, outside, or around the building. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- Monday 9/16: Walk-A-Thon Kick Off (school wide assembly)
- Friday 9/20: No School, Teacher Work Day
- Friday 9/27, 2:00 pm: Walk-A-Thon Celebration & Assembly
- Monday 9/30: No School, Staff Learning Day
PE is the Place to Be!
PE is one of the specials children get to experience every 4 days, and boy is it FUN! Check out some of our learners enjoying gym class this past week.
AK-12 Grade Calendar
PK Calendar
Maple Grove Pick Up Procedures During Construction!
Maple Grove Contact Info
Principal: Jeni Goebel
Email: jgoebel@crschools.us
Website: https://maplegrove.crschools.us/
Location: 1300 38th Street NW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405
Phone: (319) 558-2471
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MapleGroveCRCSD