VME Messenger
October 6, 2024
Good Afternoon VME Patriot Families,
Students should all be wearing appropriate shoes for daily recess and PE (which occurs twice a week). The most appropriate shower is sneakers/tennis shoes. Closed-toes shoes are required or your child will be asked to sit out of recess and/or PE for his/her safety.
Please continue to help us keep everyone safe by not using your cell phone while in car line or in the VME parking lot!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Vieira & Mrs. Roberts
To view Previously sent VME Messengers click here.
9th - PTO meeting 8:30 AM - VME Cafe Stage
11th - Spirit Day - VME Spirit Wear or school colors
15th - Fall Fest 5:00-8:00 PM -Details Below
16th Fall Picture Retakes
18th - No school for students - Teacher Planning Day
25th - Spirit Day - VME Spirit Wear or school colors
28th - Q1 Report Cards Published
29th - SAC Meeting 5:30-6:30 PM in the VME Media Center
31st - this is a typical school day - Costumes are not to be worn to school, this is against CCPS Dress Code
1st - Spirit Day - Popping with Positivity attire
6th - PTO meeting 8:30 AM - VME Cafe Stage
8th - Spirit Day - VME Spirit Wear or school colors
*15th - VME Turkey Trot Walk-A-Thon -Details to Come
19th - SAC Meeting 5:30-6:30 PM in the VME Media Center
21st - Interim 2 Published
22nd - Spirit Day - VME Spirit Wear or school colors
25th-26th Hurricane Makeup Days
27th-29th - No school/Thanksgiving Break
6th - Spirit Day - Popping with Positivity attire
13th - Spirit Day - VME Spirit Wear or school colors
23rd-31st - No School/Winter Break
CCPS 2024-2025 School Calendar - https://www.collierschools.com/Page/18491
Mark your calendars...
2024-2025 Yearbook Sales Have Begun
Order your 2024-2025 VME Yearbook & Yearbook Ads now!
School ID: 722640
Yearbook Ad due Date - Friday, February 14, 2025
Counselor's Corner
We have worked to align our the 7Habits and Patriot Pride Positive Behavior Skills! We will focus on Teacher, practice, and reteaching these expectations for the first 7 weeks of school. You can help by discussing these at home each week!
Leader in Me 7Habits information can be located https://www.collierschools.com/Page/12790
Patriot Pride Skill information can be located - https://www.collierschools.com/Page/19896
We encourage students to be leaders on and off campus! Please speak with your child about how students are responsible for their words and actions!
PTO Meetings & Contact Information
Meetings are held at VME beginning at 8:45 AM. Please check in with a photo ID at the front office.
Annual Meeting Dates
- September 4th
- October 9th
- November 6th
- December - No Meeting
- January 8th
- February 5th
- March 5th
- April 2nd
- May 14th - Board Elections
Email VMEPTO@gmail.com
Facebook "Veterans Memorial Elementary PTO"
VME PTO News & Information
PTO Annual Fundraiser - Charleston Wrap
VME Fall Fest 2024
Tuesday, October 15th
Food Trucks are available for Purchasing Meals
Pumpkin & Mums are available for Presale
All other events are FREE
Pumpkin & Mum's will be available for PRESALE ONLY between now and October 11th for only $10 each. Purchase now: vme.squarespace.com/pumpkin
We need your help!
Parents, older siblings looking for volunteer hours, grandparents, neighbors - we can only make this happen with your help! No volunteer status is needed for after hours events.
Sign-up for Fall Fest Volunteers: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0E4BAEAC2BA2FD0-51919527-vmefall#/
Some Activities We are Planning...
Science -Mr Glenn Super Science Exploding Pumpkins, Floating Ghosts and Plasma Ball Dome, Giant Bubbles, Dry Ice Boo Bubbles, Ghost Poppers
Technology - Battle Bots Challenges with Full Steam Ahead
Reading - Fall themed Bookmark Craft
Engineering - Pneumatic Rocket Launcher with Full Steam Ahead
Art - Mini Pumpkin Paint Decorating, Multiple Fall Craft Projects, Classroom Scarecrows on Display for Voting
Math - Spider Catapults, Guesstimation Stations
Rock Wall (guardian must sign a waiver on site)
4 Inflatables (Bungee Run, Super Slide, Basketball Toss & Soccer Dart)
North Naples Little League is Running a Baseball Game
Yard Games (Giant Connect 4, Bags, Limbo)
Chili Cook Off Competition - Top 3 overall favorites will be the big winners!
Sign up to compete or judge:
Grade Level "Pie" Eating Contest in the Cafeteria (winner goes up against Ms. Vieira & Mrs. Roberts in a final round)
Sign up between 5-7pm in the courtyard - names selected at 7:30p on the cafe' stage
Food Trucks Options
- The Dawg Pound ($$$) with hot dogs (plain and crazy), burgers (original and unique), fries (loaded, okay!)
- Farmer's Corn Food Truck ($$$) with Cuban, Pulled Chicken or BBQ Pork Arepa or Hoagie Sandwich, BBQ Pork Loaded Fries, Roasted Corn in Cups (Street Corn, Cheetos and Plain with Butter), and Chicken Tenders with Fries
- Loud Italian Pizza Food Truck ($$$) with Margherita, Bella Hawiian, Meatlovers, Veggie, Loud Italian, Rita & Roy, Cowboy, Pepperoni and Cheese Pizza options. Gluten Free Crust Option.
- Royal Scoop Ice Cream Truck ($$$) with waffle cones or cups and assorted flavors (chocolate, pumpkin, cotton candy, superman, cookie monster, blue raspberry ice gf dairy free sorbet).
- Naples Best Popcorn ($$$) is popping on site including her special Patriot Blend!
Free Snacks & Water - Assorted Individual Snacks and Water
Thank you for volunteering your time, without your help we cannot make this event possible.
The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a school-based group intended to represent the school, the community and the students. The group shares responsibility for guiding the school toward continuous improvement. The School Advisory Council is responsible for final decision making at the school relating to the implementation of the provisions of the annual School Improvement Plan (SIP).
School Advisory Council (SAC) meetings are held in the VME Media Center from 5:30-6:30 PM.
Tentative Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 SY (Tuesday evenings):
- August – No Meeting
- September 10th
- October 29th
- November 19th
- December – No Meeting
- January 21st
- February 25th
- March 18th
- April 22nd
- May 13th
Parent Portal
The centralized CCPS Portal is your first step in creating a CCPS profile and/or log into accessing your information.
- Log into the CCPS Portal to access the following:
- Student Grades
- School Resources
- District Resources
- and more!
For assistance, contact grades@collierschools.com or call 239-377-0001.
Accessing Report Cards on the FOCUS Portal - Directions PDF File
Important Information!
Please ensure that you email(s) are correct in Focus, this is how 24-25 teacher class placement will be communicated to families. Your child(ren)"s teacher(s) will communicate with families via email, the week of August 6th.
Helpful Family Resources
- Volunteers, Lunch with Your Child, and Check -in Procedures
- VME Wellness & Shared Snacks at School
CCPS VOLUNTEER APPLICATION PROCESS - All volunteer applications expired June 30th. If you wish to volunteer during this school year, please submit a new volunteer application by clicking the link "Apply to Volunteer" and follow the steps outlined on the District site. CCPS Volunteer Program
- Link to student laptop expectation video
- CCPS Student Code of Conduct
- CCPS Student Discipline
- CCPS District Policy for CCPS Issued Laptops
- Social Media Guide and Contract Resource
- CCPS Portal: Click here to visit the CCPS Portal
- Nutrition Services - School Lunch Menu & School Bucks (online pay) https://www.collierschools.com/nutrition
- Fortify Florida - https://getfortifyfl.com/