Bees Alive Club
June 2024
Getting BAC to the Basics of Beekeeping...
Sharing Experiences, Examples, & Knowledge...Education for ALL ages!
BAC Meeting Info
Join us on Thursday, June 6th for our upcoming BAC meeting!
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Meeting Location:
Nixa Senior Center
404 S. Main
Nixa, MO 65714
Click HERE for a map to our meeting location.
June Agenda:
Join us for... Bee Yard Happenin! This will be a special storytime for some of our club members to share their testimonials about their bee yards! If you have a story you would like to share...we would love for you to join in!
2024 BAC June Field Day Info
WHO: This month's Field Day Host is Dave Loftin!
WHAT: Dave will be doing hands-on inspections with the possibility of harvesting comb honey!
WHEN: Saturday June 29, 2024 at 9:00 AM
WHERE: 1516 S. Gregg Rd. Nixa, MO 65714
Click HERE for a map.
Be sure to bring a water bottle to stay hydrated and all your protective beekeeping ware (veil, gloves, & jacket) and BEE sure to spray for ticks and chiggers!
Note: Our club is looking for volunteers to host field days this year! Field days are held one Saturday per month, April through September. We will have a sign up sheet at the welcome table at our upcoming meeting if you are interested in hosting. :)
Our 2024 BAC Membership is open!
Did you know you can join our club as a new member or simply renew your Bees Alive Club membership for 2024?
Simply log into beesaliveclub.org to find the membership area under the shop section. You can securely pay your $25.00 dues from the comfort of your own home!
You can also join or renew your B.A.C.membership for 2024 at our upcoming meeting! Cash or check is preferred.
Some perks to being a BAC member include...
- being put on a swarm list
- ability to have a mentor
- checking out books from the BAC library
- access to our club's honey extractor
- access to our Oxalic Acid Vaporizer
- participate in the monthly raffle
- having the opportunity to be on the BAC Sub-Committees
- the ability to vote
- getting an official BAC Member sticker
2024 membership = $25.00 Individual (1 vote, 1 person) or Family (1 vote, 2+ people)
2024 BAC T-Shirt Info Update
Note: We are no longer placing BAC t-shirt orders. If you are interested in purchasing one, please see Kathy for current inventory options!
2024 BAC Calendar
May Flashback
Thanks to everyone who donated to our BAC auction & participated in the fundraiser last month! The funds raised will go toward bringing in great speakers as well as providing snacks at each meeting! Check out the photos!
Did you know....?
June is National Pollinator Month! It's time to celebrate pollinators all month long. Now is a great time to create a pollinator-friendly yard or garden by planting with purpose. Raise awareness about the vital role that pollinators play in our ecosystems, economies, and agriculture!
Mark your Calendars!
June 22, 2024
Registration for the Missouri State Beekeepers Conference is now OPEN and classes are filling up fast! It will be held at the Johnson County Fairgrounds in Warrensburg, MO. There will be classes for all levels... from beginner to advanced! This is an awesome chance to learn about all different subjects including some hands-on classes. Click here for more info: https://mostatebeekeepers.org
The Missouri State Beekeepers Association is offering one scholarship to our club. We will be having a drawing at our June meeting! You must be prepaid to qualify, bring proof of your payment and you will get entered into the drawing!
July 11, 2024
Our Annual Bees Alive Ice Cream Social will be held at our July meeting! It will begin at 7:00 P.M. Start thinking about your very BEST homemade ice cream recipes because we will be holding a competition for the best ice cream! :) There will be games, fellowship and lots of fun!
November 7, 2024
Nominations for the 2025-2026 Bees Alive Board will be coming up at our November meeting
with the election being held in December. If you are interested in holding a position on our planning
team, reach out to any of the current board members for more information!
Don't Worry...BEE Happy!!
Bee Buddy Program
Bees Alive Club has a Bee Buddy Program and it's easy to enroll! At our next meeting when you sign in, you simply mark if you want to be a Bee Buddy or want to have a Bee Buddy! There will also be a place to mark if you want to become part of a swarm list! If you have any questions, contact Clayton Caperton at (303) 210-3048.
Bees Alive Club Board
Contact us with any questions or concerns.
We'd love to 'BEE' of service!
President: Hanna Price (417) 559-9044
Vice President: Clayton Caperton (303) 210-3048
Secretary: Jennifer Walles (417) 693-3147
Treasurer: Al Kenngott (417) 830-1773
Education Director: Dave Loftin (417) 827-9391
Hospitality Chair: Cathy Huber (417) 263-2090
Welcome Desk: Carolyn Janus (417) 413-6678
Newsletter: Karie Janus
Bees Alive Club Newsletter Contact Information
Is there something you'd like to have posted in an upcoming BAC newsletter? We'd love to share your photographs & stories!
Email Karie Janus at: beesaliveclub2023@gmail.com