Brayton Business Halloween Issue
How We're Celebrating! 🎃
Brayton Halloween Information
Please scroll down for all the information you need to know about Brayton's Halloween celebration.
Thank you for your cooperation! We are looking forward to a safe and fun day at school!
- Ms. Zeigler 👻
Friendly Halloween Reminders
1. Summit Public School District has a Zero Tolerance Policy. All weapons are banned from the school. This includes fake guns, rubber knives, arrows or anything else that can be perceived as a weapon.
2. Costumes should not obstruct a child's hearing, speaking or vision.
3. Costumes should be comfortable and easy to move around in
4.Costumes should be appropriate for an elementary school environment
5. Puppies in Halloween bowties make people smile. 🐶
Meet Our Halloween Parade Leader
Nora Choi from 4W is this year's Halloween Parade Leader. We can't wait to have you lead the parade, Nora!
Halloween Day Information
The Brayton School Halloween Parade will be held this year on Thursday, October 31st, at approximately 1:40 p.m. If weather permits, the students will exit the school at the Tulip Street entrance in the Link and parade down Tulip Street, across the Junior playground, through the Senior Playground, up to Myrtle Avenue, down Tulip Street and re-enter the school at the Main Entrance.
Children may either bring their costumes, or go home for lunch and return in costume. If your child remains for lunch, they will dress after eating. Lunch on Thursday will be served from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. for all students staying at school.
In order to ensure our students' safety, all children going home for lunch IN ALL GRADES must be signed out by a parent, guardian or designated adult. The form that went home with your child should be completed and returned to your child's teacher NO LATER than Friday, October 25th.
Your child will meet you at the designated dismissal doors listed below:
1st grade: Link Wing -- nearest gym wing, Senior Playground side
2nd grade: Gym Wing -- rear hall by library entrance, Senior Playground side
3rd grade: Gym Wing – nearest art room, Senior Playground side
4th grade and Mrs. M’s class: Jr. Playground entrance
5th grade: Link Wing - nearest old building, Senior Playground side
There will be cones labeled with the name of your child’s class (eg. 1L, 3M, etc.). Please line up at the cones for your class. Children will be dismissed by class. A parent volunteer will see you and check off your child's name BEFORE your child is released to you.
Upon their return to school at 1:30 p.m., your child should report to their regular assigned entrance doors where they will be met by their classroom teachers. Teachers will take a careful count of all students to assure that all have returned.
While we understand the importance of pictures and the memories that they hold, please do not take pictures of other people’s children and post them on any Social Media. The parade is always a great treat. We ask your help in assuring that the parade route is clear for students to pass. Please stand behind the caution tape. Following the parade, students and teachers will return to their classroom for their Halloween parties. Only parents/guardians who have arranged to help the teachers and are on the approved list should be entering the building at that time. There is a maximum of 2 parents per class, this includes spouses.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Thursday, October 31st, at 1:40 pm.