Lower Moreland Middle School Newsletter 11-19-24
Need or want Pep Rally swag? Stop in to the school store in the lobby on your way to lunch Wednesday and Thursday this week!
New Sign at LMMS
We are enjoying our new sign that has arrived and been installed. If you haven't visted recently, be sure to check it out the next time you are in the neighborhood!
Please read this important information about upcoming Fall Parent Teacher Conferences.
American Education Week Celebration
We will also be celebrating American Education Week during the week of November 18 through 22, 2024. This year we are inviting parents/guardians to join us to participate in a game show called, “The Fast and Victorious." Students will play against their teachers and parents/guardians in a variety of games. This will take place on Wednesday, November 20, 2024:
Grade 7 students will play during period 6, which runs from 12:39 to 1:24 pm.
Grade 8 students will play during period 7, which runs from 1:27 to 2:12 pm.
Here is a flyer about the event and a description of the games that will be featured.
If you are interested in participating, please submit this form to RSVP by November 15th: American Ed Week RSVP. When you arrive at school, you will need identification to sign in at the greeter’s desk. Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time of the period in which you are playing so that the sign-in process can be completed.
From the LMMS Art Room
Click HERE to watch a short video about how a family in Lower Moreland celebrates Diwali.
LMMS PTA News & Events
Pretzel Sales
LMMS PTA is excited to bring back pretzel sales! Individually bagged soft pretzels will be sold at snack stand at dismissal weekly. $1 per pretzel, no coins, please. Due to timing, we will not be able to make change, so please bring the exact amount.
Thanksgiving Pies
Thank you to those who ordered items for their own tables as well as those who bought a pie to donate to a family in need. Pick up for those who purchased baked goods from our recent Oteri's fundraiser will be on Tuesday, November 28th from 12-2pm at Murray Avenue School.
Volleyball Event
A volleyball competition for 7th and 8th grade students will be held on Friday, December 6th from 6-8:30pm in the LMMS gymnasium. Please register at this site https://my.cheddarup.com/c/lmmsvolleyballcomp2025 by Wednesday, November 27th. Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase at the event. If you pre-register the cost is $10.00. Tickets at the door will $15.00.
Cookie Trays
PTA will be organizing sweets and treats for the LMMS staff on Thursday, December 12th. Interested in contributing? Please use the Sign Up Genius to let us know what you will be bringing. Don't feel like baking? You can Venmo @LowerMoreland-PTA (LMMS Cookie Trays in the comments), your donations will help us purchase drinks and other items. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4CABA923AAFA7-52581454-cookie#/
Website: www.lmtsd.org
Location: 555 Red Lion Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Phone: 215-938-7944