Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 11th November 2022
A visit to a Mandir
Year 3 Visit A hindu Mandir and Bombay Stores
On Thursday, Year 3 visited the Lakshmi Narayan Hindu Temple in Bradford. The children were warmly welcomed into the temple and they particularly enjoyed looking at the murtis (statues) of some of the gods and goddesses from the Hindu religion on the beautifully decorated shrine. Another highlight was to dress in traditional Hindu outfits and to explore how Hindus worship at home and at a Mandir (Temple).
We did some activities in the Temple, we learned about what a Hindu marriage is like, we dressed up in saris and looked at the gods and goddesses . We saw how Hindus worship using their five senses.
We learned about the different qualities of the gods and why Hindus pray to them. I was interested in learning about Shiva, who is an important god in the Hindu religion.
In the Temple there was a shrine with lots of Murtis of gods and goddesses, they were colourful and beautiful.
I liked it when we went in the Temple, it smelled lovely, they were burning incense.
Service and Remembrance
Why do people wear poppies?
Year 5 and 6 Visits Spa Gardens to remember
Year 4 Poppy Art
Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day By Henry Year 5
End of Day Pick Ups Year 1-6
Children in Need 2022 Friday 18th November
We are sure it will be a fun day and will raise lots of money for a very worthy charity.
Ella and Jack (School Ambassadors)
Isla earns her green blue Peter badge
On your marks, get set, race
Stars of the Week
Jubilee for fabulous baking.
Edwin for enthusiastically challenging himself in all areas of the classroom, particularly his reading and writing.
Year 1
Sophia for trying her best with her writing. You are a superstar Sophia!
Year 2
William for his fantastic and enthusiastic attitude towards learning, his polite manner and for thriving in our current maths topic on subtraction.
Year 3
Ivy for her enthusiasm in music lessons, she shows confidence and encourages other by sharing work she has done at home.
Year 4
Elsie for outstanding effort in all lessons this week and for trying extremely hard to improve her handwriting.
Year 5
Imogen for impeccable behaviour; mature attitude to learning and kindness. A true star of the week!
Year 6
Lucas for working hard to write an emotive poem and performing it during our class worship.
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 16th November at 9am - Year 1 Class Worship (Y1 parents welcome to attend)
Friday 18th November - Non-uniform day for Children in Need
Monday 21st November - Nasal flu immunisations
Thursday 24th November - Year 6 visit to Crucial Crew
Friday 25th November - Non-uniform day - bring items for the Friends of the School Christmas raffle hampers
Monday 28th November - Riding Lights Theatre Visit for Reception/Y1/Y2/Y3
Wednesday 30th November at 9am - Year 5 Class Worship (Y5 parents welcome to attend)
Friday 2nd December - Money Day
Friday 16th December at 10.00am - Key Stage 1 Nativity
Friday 16th December at 3.15pm - School closes for Christmas Break
Wednesday 4th January - School reopens for Spring Term
Healthy Child Information
Please see on the posters below information about health sleep advice.
Community Events
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
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Twitter: @riponcathschool